2011 Survey of classical music broadcast on Radio 3 - The Results

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  • Suffolkcoastal
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 3299

    Doing this survey for 3 years running has certainly highlighted the areas of classical music that are not in favour with the 'Dear Leader' and his Politburo. Hindemith less than 75 works in 3 years, Honegger just under 50 in 3 years with this year down to a dozen. The sudden drop in the amount of Martinu after 2009, and even in that anniversary year he was woefully underepresented, this year he dropped below 50. Maliperio, K A Hartmann and Atterburg had one piece each this year, the first since I began my survey. The more demanding works of Copland and Stravinsky have all but vanished and even an important living composer such as Henze has barely had 20 works/extracts broadcast in 3 years.

    But even slightly lesser known romantic & classical composers are kept to a bare minimum if they are played at all. Also only around 200 out of 2180 composers had 20 or more works/extracts broadcast in the year. With so much music now available in so many different formats you would think R3 would be actively trying to promote and encourage its listeners to listen as widely as possible. Instead it is for many parts of day now turning its back on this type of listener in a desperate attempt to woo listeners from CFM & Radio 2.


    • aeolium
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 3992

      Those are grim statistics, sc. Isn't it part of the 'essential' imperative within R3, whereby the focus is only on the most well-known ('essential') composers, and only the most well-known ('essential') works of those less well-known composers? So the paradox is that as there is a wider range of recorded repertoire probably than there ever has been, the broadcasting of that repertoire has narrowed progressively in recent years.


      • Suffolkcoastal
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 3299

        What is just as concerning aeolium is that without TTN the figures would show an even greater narrowing of the repertoire and composers. Mercifully COTW had some very interesting and varied programmes last year and the Early Music show allows for at least a considerably variety of pre-classical composers to be aired. With 'live' concerts we are at the mercy of R3's choice of concert and the often predictable and uninspiring concert programmers. Though every now and again when get a really interesting one, Knussen's forthcoming concert looks really good.


        • BBMmk2
          Late Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 20908

          I always wonder, really iof an independant classical music station would be able to survive by playing these composers, woth ofcourse, the usual bums on seats music as well?
          Don’t cry for me
          I go where music was born

          J S Bach 1685-1750

