Schubert on 3

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  • Nick Armstrong
    • Nov 2010
    • 26628

    For me one of the inestimable benefits of the Schubert week is that there is no danger of coming across anything by Liszt or Tchaikovsky*

    I've just noticed the first non-Schubert listing for R3 for Saturday night:

    Through the Night
    With John Shea. With 2011 Tchaikovsky Competition Winner Daniil Trifonov in Tchaikovsky.

    I'm missing the Schubertathon already.....

    Last edited by Nick Armstrong; 26-03-12, 18:27.
    "...the isle is full of noises,
    Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
    Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
    Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


    • subcontrabass
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 2780

      Originally posted by Caliban View Post

      But... the music. There is surely enough of interest to repay some listening, cherry picking as ever among the dross...

      Cherry picking is difficult when the absence of detailed playlists (with timings) for so many programmes are missing. Picking cherries requires that you can actually see the cherries.


      • Il Grande Inquisitor
        Full Member
        • Mar 2007
        • 961

        Originally posted by Caliban View Post
        I'm surprised that some fellow boarders seem to want to boycott the whole week of programmes. Isn't it rather throwing out the baby with the bath-water?
        I agree, Caliban. I must admit, the thought of eight continuous days of Schubert didn't quite strike the same horror in me as for some 'boarders, but that could be because I head off to Rome tomorrow and shall miss most of it! However, on the evidence of what I've heard so far - last night's live concert, Breakfast and a superb BaL from Harriet Smith - there will be some selective 'listening again' to do on my return.

        I do find it odd that the area of Schubert's output probably least familiar to these ears - his operas - are so often tucked away in TTN. Less of a problem when going via iPlayer, of course.
        Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency....


        • Nick Armstrong
          • Nov 2010
          • 26628

          Originally posted by subcontrabass View Post
          Cherry picking is difficult when the absence of detailed playlists (with timings) for so many programmes are missing. Picking cherries requires that you can actually see the cherries.
          I was really thinking of picking individual programmes (CD Review, COTW) with some sense of reliability as to presentation and general content, rather than individual pieces. I don't mind the serendipity of unexpected pleasures, as long as they are not delivered as if I were a primary school child
          "...the isle is full of noises,
          Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
          Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
          Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


          • Bryn
            • Mar 2007
            • 24688

            Originally posted by Caliban View Post
            For me one of the inestimable benefits of the Schubert week is that there is no danger of coming across anything by Liszt or ...
            But surely there will be an airing for some of the very fine Liszt arrangements of Schubert songs, etc. ?


            • aeolium
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 3992

              I won't be changing that much in avoiding all the daytime magazine programmes, and will probably stick to the Lunchtime concerts, some of the evening concerts (especially the Paul Lewis and Elisabeth Leonskaja recitals) and one or two programmes where I am interested in hearing unfinished works e.g. the Ao3 symphonies 7 (in E) & 10. I very much like the slow introduction to the unfinished E major symphony D729 and would like to hear a performing version. I don't really agree with the use of the term 'Live in Concert' for those evening concerts that are neither live nor concerts, but rather either a selection of parts of recorded concerts or recordings.


              • Nick Armstrong
                • Nov 2010
                • 26628

                Originally posted by Bryn View Post
                But surely there will be an airing for some of the very fine Liszt arrangements of Schubert songs, etc. ?


                "...the isle is full of noises,
                Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                • kernelbogey
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 5882

                  Wonderfully energetic performance of the Death and the Maiden Quartet by the Signum Quartet just now.

                  (Even the immediately following trail with the theme from the Unfinished symphony couldn't quite dampen its effect.)

                  But I sympathise with those who dislike the whole idea of the Schubertfest: I've now turned the radio off after about 5 hours of continuous Franz.

                  (And those dreadful, repetitive oh-so-warm-voiced ads....)


                  • Nick Armstrong
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 26628

                    In the programme tomorrow (Sunday) evening at 19:30, I notice these are listed:

                    Schubert: Ellens Gesange I-III, D.837-839; Der Wanderer an den Mond D.870;
                    An den Mond in einer Herbstnacht D.614; Der Wanderer D.649

                    Christine Schafer (soprano)
                    Eric Schneider (piano).

                    I believe these performances (from a festival I think) have been aired before - if I'm right, they are mesmerising and stopped me in my tracks.

                    Definitely one to catch (with Gerald Finlay et al too).
                    "...the isle is full of noises,
                    Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                    Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                    Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                    • Roehre

                      On today's early hours of TtN a performance of Des Teufels Lustschloss D.84.
                      Not available in any type of format: listen to it on iPlayer, as it is really a treat - Full Schubertian sound, melodies and harmonies with digested pieces of Fidelio, and looking to the future of Weber's Freischütz.
                      D**n good piece for a 15/16 yr old .


                      • Frances_iom
                        Full Member
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 2434

                        Originally posted by kernelbogey View Post

                        (And those dreadful, repetitive oh-so-warm-voiced ads....)
                        exactly - every possible opportunity and often as you stated so close to a great performance - total disregard of the music + merely product placement a la junk food the boss used to push - no doubt expect more of the same in the future.


                        • Vile Consort
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 696

                          Tried to escape the Schubertfest by going to NDR Kultur, only to find Schubert 8 just getting under way. Arghh!

                          So I went to WDR 3 where I heard Beethoven piano concert no. 3 with cadenza by Alkan.


                          • Don Petter

                            Originally posted by Frances_iom View Post
                            presentationally total cr*p so far - even CD review interupted every 15mins or so by annoying adverts - R3 seems to have descended to a pox-ridden wh*re who will do anything for a tweet.
                            Just what audience is this dog's breakfast supposed to attract
                            CDR also included the first of the 'Schubert labs', which lasted about three minutes before being switched off. What a load of old cods! It was as if a bit of Blue Peter had been spliced in - I expected the over-hearty presenter to ask what Spot the dog thought at any moment.

                            However I enjoyed Iain Burnside's earlier selection of Schubert songs. I didn't really expect to, as when he presented a programme of his own he swallowed the end of nearly every sentence, leaving one missing much vital information. But in conversation today he was fine, indeed, almost puckish, with an uncanny resemblance to Graham Norton.
                            Last edited by Guest; 24-03-12, 17:57. Reason: Typo


                            • Nick Armstrong
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 26628

                              Originally posted by Don Petter View Post
                              CDR also included the first of the 'Schubert labs', which lasted about three minutes before being switched off. What a load of old cods! It was as if a bit of Blue Peter had been spliced in - I expected the over-hearty presenter to ask what Spot the dog thought at any moment.

                              However I enjoyed Ian Burnside's earlier selection of Schubert songs. I didn't really expect to, as when he presented a programme of his own he swallowed the end of nearly every sentence, leaving one missing much vital information. But in conversation today he was fine, indeed, almost puckish, with an uncanny resemblance to Graham Norton.
                              Saving the song spot for a lie-in tomorrow.

                              The 'lab' thing is a pathetic misjudgement and an insult and someone should lose their job. The trails are dull but as long as it's not Trelawney whose voice really annoys me, I can tune them out. But what are these people on, to think it appropriate or even useful?

                              I remain happy to have access to some of the music and performances scheduled.
                              "...the isle is full of noises,
                              Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                              Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                              Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                              • antongould
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 8873

                                Originally posted by Don Petter View Post

                                However I enjoyed Ian Burnside's earlier selection of Schubert songs. I didn't really expect to, as when he presented a programme of his own he swallowed the end of nearly every sentence, leaving one missing much vital information. But in conversation today he was fine, indeed, almost puckish, with an uncanny resemblance to Graham Norton.
                                Yes I enjoyed the Burnside although I missed the Graham Nortoness - I shall have to listen again! But it is going to have to be week of of dipping in here and there.........

