Mrs A has a close friend with whom she does a weekly walk...using exploring wildlife (birds and flowers) about which both are passionate. However, the friend simply does not 'get' classical music (using the word 'classical' in its widest sense). Neither does Mrs A 'get' pop. Neither can comprehend the other's tastes, and in particular neither Mrs A nor I can understand how even the most 'soothing and relaxing' Classic FM type of stuff can pass the friend by, completely unmoved.
This causes no friction whatsoever in the friendship, simply incomprehension. My question is, does anyone need to be immersed in the Western Classical Tradition from childhood to have any appreciation of our sort of music? Or do many begin to appreciate at least some of it later in life?
Partly answering my own question, we both knew a very highly skilled retired pattern-maker for Rolls Royce who was not brought up with classical music but who developed a great love...a passion even....for Grand Opera. Puccini was his favourite. He pronounced him as Pew Sinny, and Madam Butterfly was always flying from his usually open windows.....not to mention Lar Bow Heem.
Any suggestions, anyone?
This causes no friction whatsoever in the friendship, simply incomprehension. My question is, does anyone need to be immersed in the Western Classical Tradition from childhood to have any appreciation of our sort of music? Or do many begin to appreciate at least some of it later in life?
Partly answering my own question, we both knew a very highly skilled retired pattern-maker for Rolls Royce who was not brought up with classical music but who developed a great love...a passion even....for Grand Opera. Puccini was his favourite. He pronounced him as Pew Sinny, and Madam Butterfly was always flying from his usually open windows.....not to mention Lar Bow Heem.
Any suggestions, anyone?