Originally posted by RichardB
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I'm similar - my blind spots used to be music from the latter half of the 18th century, and I took to modern music right away - three of the first classical disks I remember ordering online were Messiaen's Quartet for the End of Time, Turangalila Symphony and the Xenakis one with Metastasis, Pithoprakta and Eonta. I also took to (most) 19th century music right away. I guess it's all well and good if you take to something straight away - but since you mention liking something then something else, I guess it's the process of this 'then' that you could perhaps share with us to illuminate one's blind-spots; as for me, I came gradually to appreciate the kind of clarity and formal abstraction one finds in Haydn, the melody and judicious textures of Mozart and the playfulness and unexpectedness of both these composers (also hearing the music in HIPP helped).
I think this would be best suited to a new thread, so here it is. Richard's post is from the What Are You Listening To Now thread.