Originally posted by ardcarp
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“ Grade 8 As in preceding grades . The harmonic vocabulary will include all standard diatonic and
chromatic chords. “
There’s completion of a trio sonata with helpfully a figured bass. Completion of a keyboard piece , and completion of a melody. Also commenting on extracts . I wouldn’t be surprised if this includes an atonal piece though.
I always used to like doing the atonal or quasi atonal pieces that cropped up usually from piano grade 5 onward . The easier Schoenberg for example . This was partly because the pieces tended to be shorter . They didn’t have the repeats that you’d get in a Hummel first movement or Bach partita which meant you weren’t playing the same notes endlessly- in the case of Hummel perhaps beyond the musical worth of the piece. They were also free of endless scale and arpeggio passages which after a while just gets boring. And that’s their technical challenge : there’s no muscle memory to draw on . Every thing was fresh . My teacher thought it was harder to get a distinction with these pieces as there were so many nuances but easier to get a pass as you might get brownie points for tackling them. Very few people did and perhaps the examiners were grateful for not having to sit through another Mozart Sonata in F first movement….