I came across this on YouTube and thought others might enjoy the sight and sound of this extraordinary instrument: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPb2hMJ9Ojk
The Alexander Piano
Originally posted by gradus View PostI came across this on YouTube and thought others might enjoy the sight and sound of this extraordinary instrument: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPb2hMJ9OjkIs it straight or cross-strung?
Going off slightly at a tangent, has anyone seen a Janko piano. with its 6 keyboards arranged terracewise?
This little demonstration took place in Stuttgart (Germany). The pianist plays without having such an instrument at home. He just thought a lot about the jan...
Or the more practical Moor piano with two keyboards?
Originally posted by gradus View PostI came across this on YouTube and thought others might enjoy the sight and sound of this extraordinary instrument: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPb2hMJ9Ojk