I happened upon this web page today.
It looks a pretty eclectic and interesting mix . A lot of records on there that I don’t know, a good number that I have never heard of , and probably about a quarter that I know or have heard.
I thought it would be a good project to listen to them all, but knowing myself, I suspect I might hit a dull patch and drift off elsewhere , without some external discipline.
So I wondered if anybody would also be interested in following this up and comparing brief comments. 2 albums a week through 2021 might work, for example.
It looks a pretty eclectic and interesting mix . A lot of records on there that I don’t know, a good number that I have never heard of , and probably about a quarter that I know or have heard.
I thought it would be a good project to listen to them all, but knowing myself, I suspect I might hit a dull patch and drift off elsewhere , without some external discipline.
So I wondered if anybody would also be interested in following this up and comparing brief comments. 2 albums a week through 2021 might work, for example.