Originally posted by vinteuil
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p080n4h5 | Theme 1 Why Beethoven? With Simon Schama and Marin Alsop |
p081xknj | Biography 1 Beethoven's childhood - clues that point to the great man he would become |
p083brxx | Theme 2 With guests Raphael Wallfisch and Sara Bitlloch |
p084zv6s | Biography 2 Following Beethoven as he sets himself up in his new home of Vienna. |
p0866gh2 | Theme 3 At the Beethoven-Haus in Bonn with Dr Erica Buurman |
p087w9w1 | Biography 3 Beethoven seeks out wealthy Viennese patrons for his music. |
p0892zck | Theme 4 Keyboard, with Jonathan Biss |
p08b2dgk | Biography 4 As he reaches his 30th birthday, we see Beethoven finally emerging as a mature composer. |
p08bzvrv | Theme 5 Beethoven and the voice, with Simone Young and Iain Burnside |
p08dtl3q | Biography 5 Beethoven's story through the momentous years of 1802 and 1803. |
p08g570d | Theme 6 The late quartets, with Ed Dusinberre and Laura Tunbridge |
p08hb87x | Biography 6 The triumphs, friends and foes of Beethoven's "heroic" phase. |
p08jrvp1 | Theme 7 Private Papers with biographer Jan Swafford and Erica Buurman |
p08kyhl7 | Biography 7 Beethoven's life through the traumatic years 1807 to 1809. |
p08mcps4 | Theme 8 In His Own Words, with actor Adrian Lester as the voice of Beethoven |
p08ph65n | Biography 8 Financial worries and the emotional crisis of "Immortal Beloved". |
p08psrmk | Theme 9 How to Play Beethoven, with musicians Chi-Chi Nwanoku, Ronald Brautigam, Rachel Nicholls, Adrian Bending, and Sarah Willis |
p08r28by | Biography 9 Napoleon is overthrown. Beethoven's music at last begins to receive public recognition. |
p08sdkb1 | Theme 10 Spirit of the Age with Professor Nicholas Matthews, Ruth Padel, Julian Allwood, Professor Herwig Czech, Dr Aakanksha Virkar Yates |
p08tqxlz | Biography 10 Distracting court battles over custody of Beethoven's nephew Karl. |
p08w1tt4 | Theme 11 Angela Hewitt on the late sonatas |
p08xhjck | Biography 11 1822 to 1824 - the period of Beethoven's greatest late masterpieces. |
p08yzhqg | Theme 12 Sir John Eliot Gardiner on the symphonies |
p090drnp | Biography 12 Failing health, a traumatic family crisis and a series of extraordinary late string quartets. |
p091jm6m | Beethoven Unleashed: In Perspective / Theme 13 Highlights (available from 18 December) |