Beethoven Unleashed: The 1808 Concert

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  • Eine Alpensinfonie
    • Nov 2010
    • 20590

    Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
    ... I don't think our teamsaint has done anything to deserve such harsh words!
    You had me going for a moment there.


    • Quarky
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 2684

      Probably I know about 1% of what many others on this board know about Beethoven. However it was a good concert (deliberately avoided TS) and at the end of it I felt I knew a little more about what Beethoven was all about - raising my knowledge level to 1.5%. I can see more clearly why many of his contemporaries found him "difficult" - probably I would have had the same reaction if I had attended the 1808 concert!

      P.S. It goes to show to really appreciate Beethoven, it's not necessary to listen to the absolute perfect recordings....
      Last edited by Quarky; 21-01-20, 21:20.


      • Bryn
        • Mar 2007
        • 24688

        Resurrecting this thread to draw attention to the "Boxed Set" of Beethoven Unleashed, as podcasts or in 320kbps 'HD Sound' via, um, Sounds.


        • AuntDaisy
          • Jun 2018
          • 1916

          Thanks Bryn.
          Did they ever upload "Theme 13 – Highlights (available from 18 December)"?


          • Bryn
            • Mar 2007
            • 24688

            Originally posted by AuntDaisy View Post
            Thanks Bryn.
            Did they ever upload "Theme 13 – Highlights (available from 18 December)"?
            It does not say which 18 December.


            • Cockney Sparrow
              Full Member
              • Jan 2014
              • 2304

              Originally posted by AuntDaisy View Post
              Thanks Bryn.
              Did they ever upload "Theme 13 – Highlights (available from 18 December)"?
              I'm wondering how long that "boxed set" page has been there? (Thanks Bryn for pointing it out - I missed chunks of it, and wished I'd been more organised to listen at the time.
              If its a recent arrival (it does say "Now you can listen to all of the podcast versions of the programmes, collected here.....") then maybe its 18 Dec 2021 in question?

              There is a contact on the CoW page link to ask the question:

              Although in principle I tend to prefer* a complaint that has to be logged and responded to substantively**:

              These pages have information about how to complain to the BBC, with links to the BBC’s Complaints Framework, the BBC’s regulator Ofcom and regular reports about complaints. If you would like to understand how we collect and use personal data, please refer to our privacy notice. Watch our short film to learn more about how the BBC responds to your feedback.

              *Maybe in this case, see if there is a reply - perhaps Donald picks up the emails?
              (** "...responded to substantively...." - well as substantively as the BBC concedes to any complaint..... one day I may (need to....) look up how to pursue matters further after the usual fob-off).


              • Bryn
                • Mar 2007
                • 24688

                Originally posted by Cockney Sparrow View Post
                I'm wondering how long that "boxed set" page has been there? (Thanks Bryn for pointing it out - I missed chunks of it, and wished I'd been more organised to listen at the time.
                If its a recent arrival (it does say "Now you can listen to all of the podcast versions of the programmes, collected here.....") . . .
                Same here. That's why I was overjoyed to see the link. However, I think the 18 December referred to was the Friday of last year when that series of highlight programmes finished.


                • AuntDaisy
                  • Jun 2018
                  • 1916

                  The earliest Wayback Machine snapshot of that podcast page is from 16th December 2020 (Although I'm not sure how much of the displayed version is using parts from the live BBC site).

                  Not sure when the 320kbps 'HD Sound' copies appeared, but lower res. "podcast" versions were around 2/1/2021.

                  Sadly, the Podcasts only have short musical clips that fade out (e.g. furry fleas was originally ~3:20 but is ~40s in the podcast.) Still, beggars can't be choosers and it's good of Auntie to share these.

                  I think the unlisted "Theme 13 – Highlights (available from 18 December)" must be a condensation of the final, 25th week starting with ep 1 of "Beethoven Unleashed: In Perspective".
                  Probably this podcast

                  P.S. The PIDs of the Podcast URLs sort nicely in to this interlacing sequence:
                  p080n4h5 Theme 1 Why Beethoven? With Simon Schama and Marin Alsop
                  p081xknj Biography 1 Beethoven's childhood - clues that point to the great man he would become
                  p083brxx Theme 2 With guests Raphael Wallfisch and Sara Bitlloch
                  p084zv6s Biography 2 Following Beethoven as he sets himself up in his new home of Vienna.
                  p0866gh2 Theme 3 At the Beethoven-Haus in Bonn with Dr Erica Buurman
                  p087w9w1 Biography 3 Beethoven seeks out wealthy Viennese patrons for his music.
                  p0892zck Theme 4 Keyboard, with Jonathan Biss
                  p08b2dgk Biography 4 As he reaches his 30th birthday, we see Beethoven finally emerging as a mature composer.
                  p08bzvrv Theme 5 Beethoven and the voice, with Simone Young and Iain Burnside
                  p08dtl3q Biography 5 Beethoven's story through the momentous years of 1802 and 1803.
                  p08g570d Theme 6 The late quartets, with Ed Dusinberre and Laura Tunbridge
                  p08hb87x Biography 6 The triumphs, friends and foes of Beethoven's "heroic" phase.
                  p08jrvp1 Theme 7 Private Papers with biographer Jan Swafford and Erica Buurman
                  p08kyhl7 Biography 7 Beethoven's life through the traumatic years 1807 to 1809.
                  p08mcps4 Theme 8 In His Own Words, with actor Adrian Lester as the voice of Beethoven
                  p08ph65n Biography 8 Financial worries and the emotional crisis of "Immortal Beloved".
                  p08psrmk Theme 9 How to Play Beethoven, with musicians Chi-Chi Nwanoku, Ronald Brautigam, Rachel Nicholls, Adrian Bending, and Sarah Willis
                  p08r28by Biography 9 Napoleon is overthrown. Beethoven's music at last begins to receive public recognition.
                  p08sdkb1 Theme 10 Spirit of the Age with Professor Nicholas Matthews, Ruth Padel, Julian Allwood, Professor Herwig Czech, Dr Aakanksha Virkar Yates
                  p08tqxlz Biography 10 Distracting court battles over custody of Beethoven's nephew Karl.
                  p08w1tt4 Theme 11 Angela Hewitt on the late sonatas
                  p08xhjck Biography 11 1822 to 1824 - the period of Beethoven's greatest late masterpieces.
                  p08yzhqg Theme 12 Sir John Eliot Gardiner on the symphonies
                  p090drnp Biography 12 Failing health, a traumatic family crisis and a series of extraordinary late string quartets.
                  p091jm6m Beethoven Unleashed: In Perspective / Theme 13 Highlights (available from 18 December)
                  Last edited by AuntDaisy; 04-09-21, 17:05. Reason: Added link to final week, Wayback caveat & podcast table


                  • AuntDaisy
                    • Jun 2018
                    • 1916

                    Originally posted by Cockney Sparrow View Post
                    *Maybe in this case, see if there is a reply - perhaps Donald picks up the emails?
                    Or, Donald Macleod is active on Twitter and responds to COTW comments.

