Originally posted by LMcD
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I didn't expect orchestral arrangements of any of the Frösöblomster pieces - but here are some - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAgSXL5-q3c I recommend hearing the piano versions - or perhaps I just didn't like the first of the orchestral pieces in the arrangement in the link. The other two are OK.
I recommend Noriko Ogawa - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Peterson-Be...SIN=B002X146CM rather than Stig Ribbing - example - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fr%C3%B6s%C...=dmusic&sr=1-3 and I don't know if Stig's CD is still available. The recording is less good, though it was my first exposure to these pieces.
Even allowing for many composers who have written symphonies, the "hit rate" by the BBC does seem rather low, over an extended period. Of course, where there are "hits", these are often in the middle of the night.