Radio 3 sheds fuddy-duddy image

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  • Ein Heldenleben
    Full Member
    • Apr 2014
    • 7278

    If performances of the quality of last night’s Prom were guaranteed I would be very happy with the odd all Brahms concert....
    Jayne is right : there is a disconnect between the general ‘R3 is getting it wrong’ tone of some of the threads and the absolutely wonderful music-making we have had in this first Proms week . For those working at home the afternoon repeats have been doubly welcome. Not to mention some excellent interval discussions.....


    • LMcD
      Full Member
      • Sep 2017
      • 8922

      Originally posted by Richard Tarleton View Post
      It was about Gardner - but was in fact a self-serving interview with KD, who else particular it was about Gardner's suggestion that orchestras avoid what he terms "missionary position" programming, by which apparently he means safe programming of the all-Brahms variety.

      NH-T is indeed excellent, one of the best of the bunch, R3 as it used to be...we don't hear nearly enough of her. She's mainly Wales-based, obviously, I remember her presenting a broadcast-live lunchtime concert from St David's Hall that I was at.

      Jayne that's two threads you've dragged current politics into kicking and screaming - however lamentable, they just don't belong in a thread about R3's audience research, or lack of it
      I agree. May I also put a word in for John Toal, sometimes heard introducing concerts and recitals from Northern Ireland?


      • cloughie
        Full Member
        • Dec 2011
        • 22273

        Originally posted by Richard Tarleton View Post
        It was about

        NH-T is indeed excellent, one of the best of the bunch, R3 as it used to be...we don't hear nearly enough of her. She's mainly Wales-based, obviously, I remember her presenting a broadcast-live lunchtime concert from St David's Hall that I was at.

        ...and what a lovely voice to listen to whatever she said.


        • oddoneout
          Full Member
          • Nov 2015
          • 9531

          Originally posted by Heldenleben View Post
          If performances of the quality of last night’s Prom were guaranteed I would be very happy with the odd all Brahms concert....
          Jayne is right : there is a disconnect between the general ‘R3 is getting it wrong’ tone of some of the threads and the absolutely wonderful music-making we have had in this first Proms week . For those working at home the afternoon repeats have been doubly welcome. Not to mention some excellent interval discussions.....
          The Proms are part of a day's output for part of the year. There are of course many excellent concerts broadcast during the rest of the year, afternoon as well as evening. However that often highlights the poor quality of, for instance the morning schedule, and the lack of quality non-concert music related material of the kind that many of us remember from years past. I don't think there is a disconnect involved.Even if I don't listen to that many of the Proms I appreciate the fact that they are broadcast and available to all and the achievement that represents; doesn't stop me remarking on other areas of the output which I feel are not up to scratch, or directions of travel I feel are ill-advised/counter-productive.


          • Bella Kemp
            Full Member
            • Aug 2014
            • 497

            Could anything be worse than the mess of tonight's (Friday - 1969, the sound of a summer) concert? It is desperately unpleasant. Surely the point of Radio 6 is to broadcast music like this. And, frankly, there are a huge number of other radio stations that give us this sort of stuff. Yes, there was some good poetry in the interval and odd fragments of the music that Radio 3 is given funding to provide, but overall the evening was horrible. Perhaps there's a metaphor for BREXIT - we had something that was good and yet perversely decided to chuck it all away.


            • edashtav
              Full Member
              • Jul 2012
              • 3680

              Originally posted by Bella Kemp View Post
              Could anything be worse than the mess of tonight's (Friday - 1969, the sound of a summer) concert? It is desperately unpleasant. Surely the point of Radio 6 is to broadcast music like this. And, frankly, there are a huge number of other radio stations that give us this sort of stuff. Yes, there was some good poetry in the interval and odd fragments of the music that Radio 3 is given funding to provide, but overall the evening was horrible. Perhaps there's a metaphor for BREXIT - we had something that was good and yet perversely decided to chuck it all away.
              H.M.P. : Historically misinformed performances. Execrable.


              • jayne lee wilson
                • Jul 2011
                • 10711

                To Bella Kemp and oddoneout - look at the sequence of Proms from say, 13-22.... a vary varied & rich cross-section of orchestral and choral music across three centuries...with interval features to match....can you really find nothing of interest in there? if you can't, then is Radio 3 the station you really want? I'm genuinely puzzled.... or is it just about the morning programs?

                I was actually grateful to have two "nights off" - Proms 11 & 12, programs which didn't interest me much, as there is only so much music a person can take in (not to mention try to write about..) and one likes doing other things e.g. Any Questions, or an evening walk, precious now the days are shortening. Not to mention encoring the New Music, the Proms Premieres...(or even playing a CD...)...

                But the only problem next week is fitting all those concerts in! I don't usually hear the interval talks live, I need fresh air, coffee, time to feed cats etc., so I seek them out later..... and so on. You plan your listening off Sounds etc.

                I just feel it'll always be a problem if you complain about the things you dislike, whilst admitting that you don't listen to many of the concerts anyway (Proms or through the year). What is a radio station to do about that? If you homed in on the essence of Radio 3 it would surely be: live or recorded concerts. That's the USP over stations which broadcast mainly from commercial recordings - much of that is still intact on Radio 3. It has certainly not "all been chucked away", but it is under pressure from various streaming services around the world, from various orchestras, opera houses etc (so much choice...)....and it is publicly-funded, an ever bigger challenge to survive. Yet it still offers the highest sound quality webcasts anywhere in Europe (AAC 320 kbps).

                As I said before, you need to offer some idea of what you want, not just home in on those things you hate... but if you don't even listen to the concerts much anyway... why should Radio 3 listen to you?
                I'm not trying to be unpleasant, but you see the problem, surely...
                Last edited by jayne lee wilson; 27-07-19, 01:53.


                • antongould
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 8873

                  Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
                  To Bella Kemp and oddoneout - look at the sequence of Proms from say, 13-22.... a vary varied & rich cross-section of orchestral and choral music across three centuries...with interval features to match....can you really find nothing of interest in there? if you can't, then is Radio 3 the station you really want? I'm genuinely puzzled.... or is it just about the morning programs?

                  I was actually grateful to have two "nights off" - Proms 11 & 12, programs which didn't interest me much, as there is only so much music a person can take in (not to mention try to write about..) and one likes doing other things e.g. Any Questions, or an evening walk, precious now the days are shortening. Not to mention encoring the New Music, the Proms Premieres...(or even playing a CD...)...

                  But the only problem next week is fitting all those concerts in! I don't usually hear the interval talks live, I need fresh air, coffee, time to feed cats etc., so I seek them out later..... and so on. You plan your listening off Sounds etc.

                  I just feel it'll always be a problem if you complain about the things you dislike, whilst admitting that you don't listen to many of the concerts anyway (Proms or through the year). What is a radio station to do about that? If you homed in on the essence of Radio 3 it would surely be: live or recorded concerts. That's the USP over stations which broadcast mainly from commercial recordings - much of that is still intact on Radio 3. It has certainly not "all been chucked away", but it is under pressure from various streaming services around the world, from various orchestras, opera houses etc (so much choice...)....and it is publicly-funded, an ever bigger challenge to survive. Yet it still offers the highest sound quality webcasts anywhere in Europe (AAC 320 kbps).

                  As I said before, you need to offer some idea of what you want, not just home in on those things you hate... but if you don't even listen to the concerts much anyway... why should Radio 3 listen to you?
                  I'm not trying to be unpleasant, but you see the problem, surely...
                  Well said Jayne IMVVHO ......


                  • LMcD
                    Full Member
                    • Sep 2017
                    • 8922

                    Originally posted by Bella Kemp View Post
                    Could anything be worse than the mess of tonight's (Friday - 1969, the sound of a summer) concert? It is desperately unpleasant. Surely the point of Radio 6 is to broadcast music like this. And, frankly, there are a huge number of other radio stations that give us this sort of stuff. Yes, there was some good poetry in the interval and odd fragments of the music that Radio 3 is given funding to provide, but overall the evening was horrible. Perhaps there's a metaphor for BREXIT - we had something that was good and yet perversely decided to chuck it all away.
                    Forumistas posting on the associated 'Proms' thread seem to be of a single mind ….


                    • oddoneout
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2015
                      • 9531

                      Jayne, I agree with what you say but it isn't actually a true reflection of my situation with respect to R3. I didn't say anything about lack of interest in the Proms concerts, simply that I don't listen to that many; I wasn't being negative about the Proms. I do listen to a lot of the daytime scheduling throughout the year(including the odd Proms repeat!) and also I hope that overall any comments I post on the forum about the R3 output have a reasonable balance of positive to negative overall - especially since many of the negative comments relate to one or two perennial problem areas, for which I have also often suggested what I think R3 could do to improve those areas. Something which I am trying to do more often is contacting R3 directly about its output - I don't do social media and have not always found it straightforward to direct feedback in the past.


                      • cloughie
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2011
                        • 22273

                        Originally posted by LMcD View Post
                        Forumistas posting on the associated 'Proms' thread seem to be of a single mind ….
                        Wasn't 1969 the year that pop music died?


                        • doversoul1
                          Ex Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 7132

                          Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
                          To Bella Kemp and oddoneout - look at the sequence of Proms from say, 13-22.... a vary varied & rich cross-section of orchestral and choral music across three centuries...with interval features to match....can you really find nothing of interest in there? if you can't, then is Radio 3 the station you really want? I'm genuinely puzzled.... or is it just about the morning programs?

                          I was actually grateful to have two "nights off" - Proms 11 & 12, programs which didn't interest me much, as there is only so much music a person can take in (not to mention try to write about..) and one likes doing other things e.g. Any Questions, or an evening walk, precious now the days are shortening. Not to mention encoring the New Music, the Proms Premieres...(or even playing a CD...)...

                          But the only problem next week is fitting all those concerts in! I don't usually hear the interval talks live, I need fresh air, coffee, time to feed cats etc., so I seek them out later..... and so on. You plan your listening off Sounds etc.

                          I just feel it'll always be a problem if you complain about the things you dislike, whilst admitting that you don't listen to many of the concerts anyway (Proms or through the year). What is a radio station to do about that? If you homed in on the essence of Radio 3 it would surely be: live or recorded concerts. That's the USP over stations which broadcast mainly from commercial recordings - much of that is still intact on Radio 3. It has certainly not "all been chucked away", but it is under pressure from various streaming services around the world, from various orchestras, opera houses etc (so much choice...)....and it is publicly-funded, an ever bigger challenge to survive. Yet it still offers the highest sound quality webcasts anywhere in Europe (AAC 320 kbps).

                          As I said before, you need to offer some idea of what you want, not just home in on those things you hate... but if you don't even listen to the concerts much anyway... why should Radio 3 listen to you?
                          I'm not trying to be unpleasant, but you see the problem, surely...
                          The proms are just an annual summer nights fever. In the rest of 40 odd weeks, how often do you listen to Radio 3 in Concert, Lunchtime Concert or any other R3 programmes*? I have an impression that most of your posts, apart from those about the proms, are about commercial recordings on which you clearly devote considerable amount of time listening ‘critically’ and checking the reference. The Proms may be good but they can’t prop up Radio 3 as a radio station which is what this thread is about.
                          *Don’t bother to list the programmes you do or have listened. That isn’t the point.

                          the essence of Radio 3 it would surely be: live or recorded concerts. That's the USP over stations which broadcast mainly from commercial recordings
                          What differentiates Radio 3 from other music services like streaming etc. is that the music is presented. It is the quality of how the music is presented on Radio 3 (not just the presenters but the programming too) is what many of us here are questioning.

                          you need to offer some idea of what you want,
                          Do you mean you have not seen them (the ideas) on the forum?

                          By the way, would anyone care to try curating the Proms for culturally engaged” 35 to 54-year-olds who are creative, extrovert with passionate minds?
                          Last edited by doversoul1; 27-07-19, 10:16. Reason: typo


                          • Ein Heldenleben
                            Full Member
                            • Apr 2014
                            • 7278

                            I largely work from home and listen to R3 on and off all day from 08.45 to 22.00. I don’t like the bleeding chunks element of Essential Classics or the tooth-grinding inducing political correctness of the Time Traveller slot . Nor do I see the point of the classical pairing at 09.30 and 10.30 . However the lunchtime and afternoon concerts ( and the afternoon fare generally) are usually excellent. I guess you just have to take the rough with the smooth (classics?)


                            • cloughie
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2011
                              • 22273

                              Originally posted by doversoul1 View Post

                              By the way, would anyone care to try curating the Proms for culturally engaged” 35 to 54-year-olds who are creative, extrovert with passionate minds?

                              Many of the BBC's problems are that they are designed, produced and presented by 35 - 54 year olds for 35 -54 year olds!


                              • teamsaint
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 25302

                                Originally posted by cloughie View Post
                                Many of the BBC's problems are that they are designed, produced and presented by 35 - 54 year olds for 35 -54 year olds!
                                That’s in part because many of the BBC 60 somethings retired on fat pensions a long time ago, leaving a workforce of the age range you say.

                                Have a walk round the city of London sometime to see the same dynamic applying.
                                I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                                I am not a number, I am a free man.

