Originally posted by Lat-Literal
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But the main point I would say I need to stress is that it isn't the number of Haydn/Mozart/Beethoven/Bach/Bruckner/Brahms/et al symphony broadcasts that should be reduced to make room for unfamiliar works - get rid of all the chatter, the tweets from Mrs Trellis from North Wales, the trailers for other programmes, the repetitions of the same "light" pieces, and every week you have time for an unfamiliar Symphony (or two) in addition (rather than "instead of") the big names.
I took Walpurgis. Honestly it was the first and the only one I chose. Then I Googled. Pardon my ignorance here but who is Walpurgis or is this some sort of reference to Goethe via Mendelssohn or something similar?
* - I missed out "Seventh", but I hadn't RCed - she was Eighth Century (and South-Western):