Originally posted by ahinton
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Wagner's chromatic harmony - brought to such influential perfection in his post-1860 works - is the result of decades of development towards such a language by many diverse composers. I don't know if RW ever heard Schubert's Dass Sie Hier Gewesen (written in 1823), but so much of it sounds like something from those Wesendonck "sketches for Tristan" - dissonance "resolving" onto another dissonance. The seeds (and more) of Wagner's achievement were in the air around him, for all his self-deceptive attempts to re-write history:
... hell! There's even a distant air from the Hanging Gardens there!
RW's real "achievement" was to create a coherent "language" in which these "delayed resolutions"/"deferred tonalities" could work powerfully over huge spans of time and Musical space. (And that was some achievement!)