Two things.
While the ability to name classical composers says nothing about broad knowledge - consequently it means nothing substantial other than in wider society; I am not too worried about that point - I have regularly (several times a week) in the past two years tried to name in my kitchen as many composers as my mind could find. The number has been increasing. It's largely alphabetical but mostly.....mostly....the one's I name mean at least a little something to me musically like they wouldn't have done beforehand. I feel some achievement here.
The objective of this exercise has changed during this period. Initially it was to learn more and especially to help me with classical music orientation. Over time, one can see clearly how patterns emerge - some link name-wise, some link geographically, some link re period or race or gender or because I have just tried to up the ante - I scribble new discoveries so as to recall them in this way and the additional ones are then recalled. Mostly now, I'm recognizing it as a very good game to play ahead of any Alzheimers or similar which well, none of it is proven - but it can't hurt in any longer term. I've gone from about 75 composers to 450+ in that time. It does frustrate me that I am not yet at 500 but you've all been centrally involved far longer. So I'd like to have an exceptional yardstick which wouldn't diminish me but spur me on. What could all you brilliant people who, yes, I admire "do" in this situation?
I'll be aiming for it. Is it several thousand? Hey, give me an outrageous aim in line with you. There is, I absolutely promise, no irony here. Though what in this month is so clear. My father will be able to play tunes on the electronic keyboard long after he has the ability to speak which I think generally is wonderful in its way. It shows the point in the brain that precedes language is music. Other than erection in man's sleep - what a bloody weird and somewhat anodyne phenomenon I find that is at 54 let alone older - it is probably his last call.
While the ability to name classical composers says nothing about broad knowledge - consequently it means nothing substantial other than in wider society; I am not too worried about that point - I have regularly (several times a week) in the past two years tried to name in my kitchen as many composers as my mind could find. The number has been increasing. It's largely alphabetical but mostly.....mostly....the one's I name mean at least a little something to me musically like they wouldn't have done beforehand. I feel some achievement here.
The objective of this exercise has changed during this period. Initially it was to learn more and especially to help me with classical music orientation. Over time, one can see clearly how patterns emerge - some link name-wise, some link geographically, some link re period or race or gender or because I have just tried to up the ante - I scribble new discoveries so as to recall them in this way and the additional ones are then recalled. Mostly now, I'm recognizing it as a very good game to play ahead of any Alzheimers or similar which well, none of it is proven - but it can't hurt in any longer term. I've gone from about 75 composers to 450+ in that time. It does frustrate me that I am not yet at 500 but you've all been centrally involved far longer. So I'd like to have an exceptional yardstick which wouldn't diminish me but spur me on. What could all you brilliant people who, yes, I admire "do" in this situation?
I'll be aiming for it. Is it several thousand? Hey, give me an outrageous aim in line with you. There is, I absolutely promise, no irony here. Though what in this month is so clear. My father will be able to play tunes on the electronic keyboard long after he has the ability to speak which I think generally is wonderful in its way. It shows the point in the brain that precedes language is music. Other than erection in man's sleep - what a bloody weird and somewhat anodyne phenomenon I find that is at 54 let alone older - it is probably his last call.
