A compelling recital last night from the Belcea Quartet, concluding with DSCH's
String Quartet 15, Op 144. A telling occasion which also brought to mind a complete quartets cycle with platform talks by the Fitzwilliam String Qt in the late 70s. In particular, my scribbled programme notes, re St Qt 15 - ' sorrow drained to the bitterest dregs' reminded me how this went to the heart of the matter. Shrewdly, the Belcea's sent us on our way with a suitable antidote encore, Beethoven's Cavatina, Str Qt Op130!
also recorded.
String Quartet 15, Op 144. A telling occasion which also brought to mind a complete quartets cycle with platform talks by the Fitzwilliam String Qt in the late 70s. In particular, my scribbled programme notes, re St Qt 15 - ' sorrow drained to the bitterest dregs' reminded me how this went to the heart of the matter. Shrewdly, the Belcea's sent us on our way with a suitable antidote encore, Beethoven's Cavatina, Str Qt Op130!
