Originally posted by Richard Barrett
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Music that doesn't move you
Originally posted by ahinton View PostInteresting! I'm reminded of Benjamin Britten in a conversation with me....
My blind spots are Delius, Liszt, opera in general apart from Wagner, lieder, chamber music in general and RVW Sea Symphony. I expect the chamber music one to change as I get older and possibly lieder as well. Can't believe some of the more startling admissions in this thread."The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink
Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View PostWot? Like "opera [and] chamber Music in general"?!
So, not really as startling an admission as a wholesale dismissal of composers as some on here."The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink
Originally posted by Petrushka View PostSo, not really as startling an admission as a wholesale dismissal of composers as some on here.you do realize, I hope, that I was just having a teasing little "dig" - it is as startling an admission, to someone (like myself) for whom Chamber Music is the "real" stuff, as it is to read "I don't like insert name of favourite composer[s], s/he's so boring".
But I think that you've put your finger on why Threads like this one always sort-of fizzle out whenever they appear: people say the same things about the same pieces/composers/performances as they did all the times before, and offer the same "explanations" for their choices - explanations as wet as the semi-tautological "I don't like it because it's boring". Considering the quality of discussions that appear on the Forum, comments on Threads like these rarely rise above the "Mrs Trellis" stories R3 listeners tweet in to Essential Classics "explaining" why they like a piece of Music.[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Originally posted by Petrushka View PostMy blind spots are ... opera in general apart from Wagner, lieder, chamber music in general ... I expect the chamber music one to change as I get older and possibly lieder as well. Can't believe some of the more startling admissions in this thread.
Originally posted by David-G View PostI know that people are all different, but I find this very hard to understand, having been a devotee of opera since my schooldays, and of chamber music since university. I can understand that Lieder is harder for some people; but I can assure you that the intensity of a good chamber music or song recital can be hard to beat. I do feel that all these forms are best experienced live."The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink
Originally posted by Petrushka View PostNot a great fan of Britten, especially the operas whose subject matter I find questionable at best, but where is that envy emoticon when you really need it?