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RVW didn't have a great year symphony wise, in fact his representation fell more heavily on shorter works than in previous years. It is the absence of Robett Simpson that really annoys me 7 pieces/chunks in 8 years and none since 2014! The Weinberg symphony was No 5 ER, and there were no complete performances of any Myaskovsky symphonies either.
Kalliwoda was also exceptionally disappointing, for composers such as this significant anniversaries are an opportunity to at least showcase a few of his works. His symphonies are amongst the best composed between 1830 & 1860, and personally I believe numbers 3 & 4 far superior to many better known symphonies of the period.
LatLiteral, I'll come back with figures you requested tomorrow evening when I get home from work.
This is, of course, a New Year tradition on the Forum, and it's great fun (without disparaging the phenomenal work that Suffy does in so describing it - it gives very real insight and "ammunition") spotting the omissions. It's always the very old and the very new that suffers - Hildegard is there, but she had a "survey"-type BaL, so a selection of her works was broadcast the next day - but Machaut isn't (his Messe de Notre DameBaL resulted in only one broadcast in similar circumstances). Dunstaple? The greatest of composers produced from these islands - so few works, of course; but more, I suspect, than the number of works by Rimsky-Korsakoff that were broadcast. And I think I can count the number of broadcasts of Ferneyhough on the fingers of one foot (although Nic Hodges' "traversal" of his Piano works was very well discussed on Record Review by SM-P and DON) - no complete work broadcast, though.
There is, of course, a finite amount of time in a year - not everything can be broadcast and the big Boys in the Band are all well-represented. And, I think that quite a few of us have posted over the past twelve months about how glad we've been to see (and hear) repertoire completely ignored in recent years featuring more prominently. Not merely a "step in the right direction" but two-or-three significant strides, I think - and I am very grateful for them, and hopeful that this will continue over the next year, too.
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
List 3: Black and South and Central American composers - Brouwer, Carillo, Castro, Chavez, Coleridge-Taylor, Dawson, Dett, Ellington, Garcia, Gardel, Garrido Lecca, Golijov, Gomes, Guarnieri, Guirra-Peixe, Hailstork, Johnson, H, Joplin, Lamothe, Lauro, Moncayo, Nazareth, Nepomuceno, Oswald, Ponce, Price, Racine, Ramirez, Revueltas, Still, Thompson, S and White C - plus a mixture, the main reasons for which are explained below: Andriessen, Cooke, Dyson, Kalinnikov, Leifs, Mompou, Rautavaara and Rubbra.
The Dutch Andriessen is cited by many current/modern American composers as highly influential, Leifs and Rautavaara are fairly obvious choices for an imaginative widening of Scandinavian etc output, someone on the forum noted that Kalinnikov was an obvious choice for those seeking radio friendly breadth - I agree, Mompou is surely on the up given the involvement of Hough etc and increasing numbers of comparisons/contrasts with Satie etc, and the three British composers are often mentioned on this forum - espec Rubbra.
That is my last list - as promised.
(Sorry I keep adding to it but that's done now)
Here we go then:
Brouwer 6 (that's his best showing since I started!), Carillo 0, both Castros 0, Chavez 3, Coleriidge-Taylor 35, W L Dawson 0, Dett 0, N Garcia 3, Gardel 5, Garrido Lecca 0, Golijov 7, A C Gomes 5, Guarnieri 4, Guirra-Pexie 0, Hailstork 2, Johnson H 0, Lamothe 0, Lauro 3, Moncayo 3 (all the Huapango), Nazareth 0, Nepomuceno, the only Oswald that featured was James Oswald with 8, M Ponce 32, Florence Price 16, Racine 0, A Ramirez 0, Reveultas, W G Still 7, S Thompson 2, C C White 1.
H Andriessen 5, J Andriessen 2, L Andriesson 17, A Cooke 1, Dyson 7, Kallinikov 2 (it was his 150th birth anniversary in 2016!), Leifs 5, Mompou 13, Rautavaara 22, Rubbra 28 (most by courtesy of COTW).
Compared with the IMO the excessive fuss made by R3 when Tavener died, Rautavaara like Henze recently, had a very muted obituary tribute to say the least from R3.
Regarding Ferney's point, part of the reason I've switched to overall averages from previous years in comparison is to show (hopefully), the trends initiated by the new Controller over the next few years.
Regarding Ferney's point, part of the reason I've switched to overall averages from previous years in comparison is to show (hopefully), the trends initiated by the new Controller over the next few years.
- excellent idea, Suffy; and, once again, many, many thanks.
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Here we go then:
Brouwer 6 (that's his best showing since I started!), Carillo 0, both Castros 0, Chavez 3, Coleriidge-Taylor 35, W L Dawson 0, Dett 0, N Garcia 3, Gardel 5, Garrido Lecca 0, Golijov 7, A C Gomes 5, Guarnieri 4, Guirra-Pexie 0, Hailstork 2, Johnson H 0, Lamothe 0, Lauro 3, Moncayo 3 (all the Huapango), Nazareth 0, Nepomuceno, the only Oswald that featured was James Oswald with 8, M Ponce 32, Florence Price 16, Racine 0, A Ramirez 0, Reveultas, W G Still 7, S Thompson 2, C C White 1.
H Andriessen 5, J Andriessen 2, L Andriesson 17, A Cooke 1, Dyson 7, Kallinikov 2 (it was his 150th birth anniversary in 2016!), Leifs 5, Mompou 13, Rautavaara 22, Rubbra 28 (most by courtesy of COTW).
Compared with the IMO the excessive fuss made by R3 when Tavener died, Rautavaara like Henze recently, had a very muted obituary tribute to say the least from R3.
Regarding Ferney's point, part of the reason I've switched to overall averages from previous years in comparison is to show (hopefully), the trends initiated by the new Controller over the next few years.
Thanks again sc.
I assume the Coleridge-Taylor 35 was as a result of COTW too
Here we go then:
Brouwer 6 (that's his best showing since I started!), Carillo 0, both Castros 0, Chavez 3, Coleriidge-Taylor 35, W L Dawson 0, Dett 0, N Garcia 3, Gardel 5, Garrido Lecca 0, Golijov 7, A C Gomes 5, Guarnieri 4, Guirra-Pexie 0, Hailstork 2, Johnson H 0, Lamothe 0, Lauro 3, Moncayo 3 (all the Huapango), Nazareth 0, Nepomuceno, the only Oswald that featured was James Oswald with 8, M Ponce 32, Florence Price 16, Racine 0, A Ramirez 0, Reveultas, W G Still 7, S Thompson 2, C C White 1.
H Andriessen 5, J Andriessen 2, L Andriesson 17, A Cooke 1, Dyson 7, Kallinikov 2 (it was his 150th birth anniversary in 2016!), Leifs 5, Mompou 13, Rautavaara 22, Rubbra 28 (most by courtesy of COTW).
Compared with the IMO the excessive fuss made by R3 when Tavener died, Rautavaara like Henze recently, had a very muted obituary tribute to say the least from R3.
Regarding Ferney's point, part of the reason I've switched to overall averages from previous years in comparison is to show (hopefully), the trends initiated by the new Controller over the next few years.
Yes - thank you very much indeed and from memory most of Ponce's 32 was also COTW. Re Brouwer, I suppose R3 find it relatively easy to slot in short guitar pieces. See also perhaps Gardel. The Price figure is surprisingly high compared with many others. Golijov's 7 is because he is trendy. The Guarnieri is pretty low. I had in mind Henrique Oswald. Clearly that's a 0. I assume the Nepomuceno is also 0 but would have expected more than 0 for Revueltas. I think I recall Revueltas being played. That nothing by Ramirez was broadcast is very disappointing. I was thinking of L Andriessen and was right to do so in view of his higher figure of 17. I agree with your comments re Rautavaara and Kalinnikov.
Apologies about the Revueltas it should say 5. The Nepomuceno is 0, though one piece featured in 2015. Ariel Ramirez has had 17 pieces/chunks broadcast in total since 2009, 8 of which were in 2011, but none since 2014.
Apologies about the Revueltas it should say 5. The Nepomuceno is 0, though one piece featured in 2015. Ariel Ramirez has had 17 pieces/chunks broadcast in total since 2009, 8 of which were in 2011, but none since 2014.
Thank you.
To produce all that you have done for nine years on the trot is one heck of an achievement.
You should feel immensely proud of yourself.
How do you do it?
Do you write down everything in the listings on a weekly basis?
To produce all that you have done for nine years on the trot is one heck of an achievement.
You should feel immensely proud of yourself.
How do you do it?
Do you write down everything in the listings on a weekly basis?
That would take you ages!
Or is there some sort of algorithm etc?
Only now starting my 9th year. There's no special algorithms involved, just a straightforward but large Excel spreadsheet, and spending about 30-40 minutes each day looking at the playlists and Andrew's listings, and having to sometimes use the iplayer to run through a programme where playlists are missing or appear incomplete. Its knowing the approximate timings of some pieces I suppose as well to help where I think something has been missed. Often interval or post-concert works are missing from the schedules for example so I have to check via the iplayer. I also have a rather good long-term memory for some reason!
I'm really encouraged that my work is appreciated by fellow Boarders and hope that some notice is given to the figures by R3.
Only now starting my 9th year. There's no special algorithms involved, just a straightforward but large Excel spreadsheet, and spending about 30-40 minutes each day looking at the playlists and Andrew's listings, and having to sometimes use the iplayer to run through a programme where playlists are missing or appear incomplete. Its knowing the approximate timings of some pieces I suppose as well to help where I think something has been missed. Often interval or post-concert works are missing from the schedules for example so I have to check via the iplayer. I also have a rather good long-term memory for some reason!
I'm really encouraged that my work is appreciated by fellow Boarders and hope that some notice is given to the figures by R3.
Only now starting my 9th year. There's no special algorithms involved, just a straightforward but large Excel spreadsheet, and spending about 30-40 minutes each day looking at the playlists and Andrew's listings, and having to sometimes use the iplayer to run through a programme where playlists are missing or appear incomplete. Its knowing the approximate timings of some pieces I suppose as well to help where I think something has been missed. Often interval or post-concert works are missing from the schedules for example so I have to check via the iplayer. I also have a rather good long-term memory for some reason!
I'm really encouraged that my work is appreciated by fellow Boarders and hope that some notice is given to the figures by R3.
To repeat very much appreciated suffy by this and I'm sure many other former residents of Stockton ......
It's always the very old and the very new that suffers - Hildegard is there, but she had a "survey"-type BaL, so a selection of her works was broadcast the next day
Indeed - some composers are sold by numbers, others by weight (I've just got back from doing the shopping, bear with me) - it's amusing to see Dowland and Bruckner next to eachother at nos 53 and 54 - one seldom over 3 minutes, the other seldom under one hour.
Weinberg's time must surely come,too good a composer for it not to IMO.
That his time is already coming (albeit long after it should have been) is evident from the sheer number of recordings, so all the more reason for surprise at his being overlooked.
No Sorabji either, despite at least 40 recordings of or including his work, most of which remain available even though the release of the earliest extant ones dates back almost 30 years; ample material for a CotW, then, were it not for the fact that, as none of the orchestral or chamber works have yet been commercially recorded, any such series of programmes would have to rely on songs for soprano and piano, an extract from one of his three organ symphonies and sheaves of piano music (but then he's not the only composer with so many of his compositional eggs in a single basket)...