Originally posted by NatBalance
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Pieces Not Fit for Purpose
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostWell no, I don't think those last three factors are worth bearing in mind during the creative process since they'll tend to lead to compromise and safe solutions. Also I don't feel that creating music should involve "avoiding" anything. I was talking about being completely open and curious at the same time as being completely focused and disciplined. And being involved with the kinds of commissioners who are "kept happy" by this approach.
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostIf you don't need any criteria for deciding that, then how do you know?
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostAmazing that people find so much to say about it then, no?
Sorry to be comparing music to food but I think it is a good way to look at the subject because they both excite the senses. My main judge whether I like a certain food or a certain piece of music is whether my senses like them. Do I like the taste of the food, do I like the sound of the music? The other concern with food is whether it is healthy. How the analogy of that transfers to music I am not so sure. Perhaps it is whether it fits the purpose or meaning the composer set out for it? In other words, if the composer's aim with the piece was to make you feel sad, or contemplative, does it do that? Perhaps unhealthy music could be DEATH METAL? Grrrrrrrr!
Sorry, don't know what came over me there. I'm alright now .... normal and decent again. Now what was I saying? The point about the latter concerns, healthy food, 'healthy' music, is that they do not matter if the first and main concern is not satisfied. If you can't stand the taste of the food, for instance I can't stand tomatoes (unless cooked), so it does not matter how healthy they are for me, I do not like them, full stop. The same with music, it does not matter how complex a piece of music is, how theoretically accurate it is, if you do not like the sound of it …. well …. what's the point?
Originally posted by ahinton View PostHow can you say? What determines whether or not it's "good"? My reference to comlexity was in any case only in response to Richard's question on it.
RICHARD! Come here! :)
Originally posted by NatBalance View PostRICHARD! Come here! :)Anyway. Whether something "sounds good" will obviously vary according to the individual, his/her social origin and cultural background, experiences and education, as well as through the difference between individuals as such, and within the same individual at different times, stages of life, moods and so on. So it's not really a very useful criterion for talking about music except at the most superficial level; and talking about music at less superficial levels will have to allow that the relationship between music and listeners is a highly complex one (much more complex than that between food and consumers I would say) whether or not "the music itself" (whatever that is) is complex in some way or other. It's a mistake to think in terms of "the composer's aim" being "to make you feel sad, or contemplative". Composers' aims don't work like that. As has been discussed here at length, music which one recognises for example as "sad" can be and often is uplifting and mood-enhancing, and "happy" music can have a contemplative or even depressing effect, without in any way "failing in its stated purpose", at least for me and I think for the vast majority of listeners. And the kind of simple stimulus-response relationship implied by your metaphor of food and recipes doesn't begin to encompass the many other ways in which music can affect its listening participants, not just emotionally.
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostThere's always someone that can be relied on to jump in and answer questions addressed to someone else, especially the rhetorical ones.
Anyway, I had thought that questions posed here rather than in PMs might be open to any other member to answer, should he/she so choose...
I just can't help myself Richard, as soon as I see even the slightest hint that complexity and simplicity are being used as a means of judging music's quality I'm in there like a rat up a drain pipe :)
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostWhether something "sounds good" will obviously vary according to the individual, his/her social origin and cultural background, experiences and education, as well as through the difference between individuals as such, and within the same individual at different times, stages of life, moods and so on. So it's not really a very useful criterion for talking about music except at the most superficial level; ….
It seems to me that the sound is always forgotten about when people describe why they like certain music. Someone is asked on Essential Classics or Desert Island Discs why they have chosen a certain piece and they will mention that it reminds them of a certain period or incident in their life, it was used in a film, it was a parent's favourite, whatever, which is all fair enough, but they very rarely mention what grabs them about the actual piece itself, its sound, which is after all what music is.
I agree with the rest of what you say except, although I do agree the relationship we have between music is far more complex than our relationship with food, I still think the analogy is a usefull one, especially when someone says about a piece "I don't know what to think, I didn't understand it".
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostI know you did, that was my point. I was puzzled by your mention of "without the canon." The canon is there in "your" version. What did you mean?
Perhaps the banalising of the ostinato there made me think what I heard was simpler than it actually was...or perhaps what I was thinking of is so banal no-one even bothered to put it on YouTube.
Originally posted by NatBalance View PostWell, how do you know if you like a piece of candy? Get your microscope out and study how complex it is?
Seriously, though; the complexity is there (or not) whether it's music or candy, and it is possible to appreciate it whether you've undertaken the analysis explicitly or allowed it to work on you unanalysed.
Originally posted by jean View PostSeriously, though; the complexity is there (or not) whether it's music or candy, and it is possible to appreciate it whether you've undertaken the analysis explicitly or allowed it to work on you unanalysed.
That's interesting about chocolate. Perhaps analogizing food with music is not so far removed after all. I use dark chocolate as a means of cutting down on my chocolate intake. I could get through a whole bar of Green & Black milk chocolate in one evening, no chance of that with dark chocolate :)
Originally posted by NatBalance View PostI just can't help myself Richard, as soon as I see even the slightest hint that complexity and simplicity are being used as a means of judging music's quality I'm in there like a rat up a drain pipe (...) It seems to me that the sound is always forgotten about when people describe why they like certain music.
Originally posted by NatBalance View Post... but they very rarely mention what grabs them about the actual piece itself, its sound, which is after all what music is.
... when someone says about a piece "I don't know what to think, I didn't understand it".
The skin comes out in goosebumps and tingles run up the spine. But how particular pieces of music can induce such rapturous effects in people has stumped researchers for centuries.
With the passing of time comes new technology though, and suitably equipped with modern brain scanning equipment, scientists may now have made some headway.
How certain pieces of music send tingles up the spine has stumped researchers for centuries, but a recent brain scan study may have provided some clues
The second point: maybe it’s another way of saying ‘it's dead boring’?
That article struck me in the same way as almost everything I've read (which is quite a lot, for my sins) on the subject of music psychology: an article, or a research paper, or a book, promises to unravel some of the mysteries of music-perception and/or -cognition, I read it and think either that this was a massively elaborate way of establishing something that most people who think about such things would already have intuited, or that the complexity of the relationship between music and listeners which I've alluded to before has been reduced so far in the interests of having a tidily quantifiable outcome that the results are basically useless. Or both.
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostThe sound of music is in a literal sense indescribable. That doesn't mean it's forgotten about.
I know some pieces have features that lend themselves to a certain amount of description and some do not. Music theory is an atttempt to understand patterns that attract us to the sounds we call music, and the theory works very well in general, but it is not an exact science because breaking the rules can also sometimes work.
Even though I have attempted to describe why I like a piece because of its sound there is still the question why? That question is always there no matter how much we try to describe why a piece of music is of good or bad quality and that I think is because the real answer lies in our individual biology. It looks like Doversoul has linked something that attempts to answer that question and I look forward to looking at that later.
Originally posted by NatBalance View PostIt looks like Doversoul has linked something that attempts to answer that question and I look forward to looking at that later.
Originally posted by NatBalance View Postthe real answer lies in our individual biology.