Originally posted by Alison
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slava in 1978 as they were having some Concerts celebrating Isreal's 30th Anniversary since the 1948 Mandate. Rostro exited the plane right before me but was besieged by autograph seekers. Mehta, Barenboim, Zuckerman and a few other notables came up to greet him right as Slava was giving me a big bear hug (which he would do to absolutely everybody who greeted him in those days). I remember being released from the crushing hug (I now weigh 80 pounds more than in those days and M.R. literally lifted me off the ground) and looking directly into their faces. They had puzzled looks like , Who the heck is this guy with Slava, and then Zubin gave me a big friendly smile as he simultaneously drove me away with one arm while grabbing Rostro with the other and guiding him away from the adoring crowd.
off topic, but a big moment in my life and I can't seperate any mention of Mehta without thinking of it