250 piano pieces
In celebration of Ludwig van Beethovens 250th birthday in the year 2020, german pianist Susanne Kessel invites composers from all over the world to write a piano piece for Ludwig van Beethoven.
All pieces will be played by Susanne Kessel within public concerts in Bonn until the year 2020.
All pieces will be published as sheet-music edition at EDITIONS MUSICA FERRUM and will be available within 10 books of 25 pieces each. The first book will be published in summer 2015.
A selection of pieces will be recorded for WDR radio.
Permanent partner of the project will be the cultural society BÜRGER FÜR BEETHOVEN in Bonn.
SPEICHER AM KAUFHAUSKANAL, Hamburg, is permanent concert partner of the project. Susanne Kessel is going to present a selection of pieces in Hamburg regularly.