In 1907, after 50+ years of teaching female singers, Mathilde Marchesi wrote:
‘The continual vibrato (chevrotement) is the worst defect in singing, and is a certain sign that a voice has been forced and spoiled. It is the result of the relaxation of the exterior muscles of the larynx, which can no longer remain motionless in the same position during the emission of each sound. This disastrous permanent vibrato proceeds from the ignorance or neglect of the registers’ limits.’
She knew what was happening!
‘The continual vibrato (chevrotement) is the worst defect in singing, and is a certain sign that a voice has been forced and spoiled. It is the result of the relaxation of the exterior muscles of the larynx, which can no longer remain motionless in the same position during the emission of each sound. This disastrous permanent vibrato proceeds from the ignorance or neglect of the registers’ limits.’
She knew what was happening!