The National Anthem

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  • LMcD
    Full Member
    • Sep 2017
    • 8922

    Originally posted by LHC View Post

    The tune of GSTK is also used for the national anthem of Liechtenstein, and the royal anthem of Norway. It was also the national anthem of the Kingdom of Prussia from 1795 until 1918.

    I can just imagine the apoplexy that would result if England used the Flanders and Swann song for their anthem.
    Anybody who wished to leave could calm down on the Slow Train.


    • Serial_Apologist
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 38197

      A lad at my school - who obviously had a lasting influence on me - asked rhetorically why on earth anyone should request the Almighty to send plums to the Queen, pointing out that she should surely have more than enough of them already!


      • Retune
        Full Member
        • Feb 2022
        • 340

        Originally posted by LMcD View Post
        I can never understand how the French rugby (or soccer) team can possibly lose after singing the Marseillaise. Perhaps we might win a few more sporting competitions if we replaced our current national anthem with 'Jerusalem' at Twickenham and Wembley. The Scots might also do better if they replaced 'Flower of Scotland' with 'Scotland The Brave'. When it comes to national anthems, the Irish have the right idea, and just happen to be one of the best rugby teams in the world.
        Good advice for England, and more appropriate to have a specifically English song. If the rugby world cup were decided on current anthems, France would face stiff competition from Wales and South Africa, Italy would be in with a chance, but I'm afraid England would be out before the semifinals. Flower of Scotland should definitely be dropped in favour of Scotland the Brave - why use a dirge when you've got a great tune like that? And as many pipers as possible!


        • CallMePaul
          Full Member
          • Jan 2014
          • 816

          Originally posted by gurnemanz View Post
          The tune is a good one, but as an anthem it is nowhere near as inspiring or invigorating as the Marseillaise. As an expression of the desire that a supernatural deity should intervene benignly in the life of our monarch, it is for those citizens who do not acknowledge the existence of such a deity a futile plea.

          I did find it useful when teaching English as a foreign language in that it contains two examples of the subjunctive form of the verb, which is nearly extinct in modern English.
          There are also three subjunctives in the traditional version of the Lord's Prayer, and conditional clauses of the form "if I were you..." also have subjunctive versb, along with the well-known quote"Be he alive or bw he dead, I'll break his bones to make my bread!"


          • LMcD
            Full Member
            • Sep 2017
            • 8922

            Originally posted by Retune View Post
            Good advice for England, and more appropriate to have a specifically English song. If the rugby world cup were decided on current anthems, France would face stiff competition from Wales and South Africa, Italy would be in with a chance, but I'm afraid England would be out before the semifinals. Flower of Scotland should definitely be dropped in favour of Scotland the Brave - why use a dirge when you've got a great tune like that? And as many pipers as possible!
            Half-time entertainment could include 'Wi' a hundred pipers' - the Kenneth McKellar recording, of course.


            • MickyD
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              • Nov 2010
              • 4944

              Originally posted by AuntDaisy View Post
              I was listening to "The Essential Hyperion 2" sampler a few weeks ago, and it ends with a resounding version of Arne's original "Rule Britannia" from Alfred - wth Catherine Bott, Joseph Cornwell & The Parley of Instruments / Peter Holman. Also available on their "Fairest Isle".
              Hours of fun.

              'de rois conjurés'? Shurely shome mishtake.
              'Rule Britannia' is also given a good rendering in Nicholas McGegan's recording of the complete work.


              • Maclintick
                Full Member
                • Jan 2012
                • 1109

                I remember when I began regular concert-going in the early 70s, Boult would precede the opening items in his RFH concerts with the National Anthem, and not only when there were royalty present. If such is the case, of course, certain protocols have to be observed, and there's invariably a hiatus while the regal personages navigate their way to their allotted stations in the royal box. Nowadays, of course, prefacing concerts with the NA has fallen into desuetude, and I can't say I care either way, except I suppose playing it does give the band the advantage of a mini-warmup onstage before they launch into the main event.


                • smittims
                  Full Member
                  • Aug 2022
                  • 4758

                  Until Barbirolli's death the Halle played the National Anthem before every concert. I well remember Daniel Barenboim doing it when the side drum was not required for any other item on the programme . In the Loughran era it was played only at the first concert of the series.


                  • Maclintick
                    Full Member
                    • Jan 2012
                    • 1109

                    Originally posted by smittims View Post
                    Until Barbirolli's death the Halle played the National Anthem before every concert. I well remember Daniel Barenboim doing it when the side drum was not required for any other item on the programme . In the Loughran era it was played only at the first concert of the series.
                    Did Stan The Man continue that tradition, I wonder ?


                    • smittims
                      Full Member
                      • Aug 2022
                      • 4758

                      I didn't attend any of Stan's concerts, I'm afraid. I think the last time I saw the Halle live was at the Festival Hall c.1980 when they did a magnificent Bruckner 9 under Loughran.

