Yes co-founder and hugely influential bass player Chris Squre dies at just 67...

Along with Genesis & ELP - Yes effectively defined Prog Rock in its golden era. Yes "torchbearer" Squire was famously the only member to appear on every Yes album.
He trained as a chorister, arranged a lot of Yes's complex vocal harmonies ... and his last album had the unlikely and tongue-twisting title of Chris Squire's Swiss Choir

Thanks and R.I.P. Mr. Squire.

Along with Genesis & ELP - Yes effectively defined Prog Rock in its golden era. Yes "torchbearer" Squire was famously the only member to appear on every Yes album.
He trained as a chorister, arranged a lot of Yes's complex vocal harmonies ... and his last album had the unlikely and tongue-twisting title of Chris Squire's Swiss Choir

Thanks and R.I.P. Mr. Squire.