... i have found these works of transcendental balm since my first purchase of Glen Gould, his double lp of all six partitas

Tureck, Hewitt have come and gone; Gould might be pause for critical thought but what the heck he is what he is and remains indispensable
Weissenberg is dramatic mesmerising and too too fast on occasion
Argerich maybe and Perahia always
currently fascinated by Marcelle Meyer's playing [in one of those delightful mp3 bargains from Amazon]

do others enjoy these pieces as deeply? who plays them to your taste?

Tureck, Hewitt have come and gone; Gould might be pause for critical thought but what the heck he is what he is and remains indispensable
Weissenberg is dramatic mesmerising and too too fast on occasion
Argerich maybe and Perahia always
currently fascinated by Marcelle Meyer's playing [in one of those delightful mp3 bargains from Amazon]

do others enjoy these pieces as deeply? who plays them to your taste?