I just don't like the noise it makes.... (those 'blind spot' pieces)

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  • kea
    Full Member
    • Dec 2013
    • 749

    I like the Tchaikovsky violin concerto

    Although I don't like the slow movement very much...

    Actually something that some might consider a 'blind spot'—I've never really liked the first movement of the Brahms violin concerto. Find it long and bland and sort of shapeless. But I like the other two movements quite a bit, so I came up with the perfect Romantic violin concerto: graft the first movement of the Tchaikovsky concerto on instead. They're even in the same key, it works perfectly. I can't understand why all these violinists I've approached on the subject are so dead set against it really.

    (Then you could just throw in the last movement of the Dvořák to replace the finale of the Brahms, as it's much more exciting. Would have to be moved up a fourth of course, but that's not hard to do.)


    • Nick Armstrong
      • Nov 2010
      • 26617

      Originally posted by Barbirollians View Post
      Splutter - the Unfinished Symphony . One of my favourite works of all time especially in the hands of COE/Abbado .
      Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
      I love the Schubert Unfinished, Cali, played it a couple of years ago at the school where I work
      That's interesting, Bbm.... I saw/heard Barbs's splutter earlier and was thinking about it, and wondering whether it's because the 'Unfinished' is the first symphony I ever played in - I was wondering if that was what put me off, like Suffy with the Chopin PC#2. The trombone part is a bit dull, and also having all the nuts and bolts of the piece exposed in rehearsals etc might have robbed it of its magic.

      Then again, rehearsing and perfoming in Mahler's 5th and Rachmininov's 2nd symphonies only redoubled the power and magic of those pieces, enabling me to hear and be aware of marvels I'd never heard before.

      "...the isle is full of noises,
      Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
      Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
      Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


      • teamsaint
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 25288

        Originally posted by Caliban View Post
        That's interesting, Bbm.... I saw/heard Barbs's splutter earlier and was thinking about it, and wondering whether it's because the 'Unfinished' is the first symphony I ever played in - I was wondering if that was what put me off, like Suffy with the Chopin PC#2. The trombone part is a bit dull, and also having all the nuts and bolts of the piece exposed in rehearsals etc might have robbed it of its magic.

        Then again, rehearsing and perfoming in Mahler's 5th and Rachmininov's 2nd symphonies only redoubled the power and magic of those pieces, enabling me to hear and be aware of marvels I'd never heard before.

        its "O " level syndrome.

        The Mendelssohn Italian has never really recovered for me from .......er......whatever it is that happens when you do "O" levels.

        I've got to the point where I can just about enjoy it now......but It'll never be a favourite.
        I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

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        • Barbirollians
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 11973

          Originally posted by Roehre View Post
          Well, that latter [Tchaikovsky] concerto stinks, doesn't it
          So Herr Hanslick said .

          I think it is a wonderful piece .


          • Nick Armstrong
            • Nov 2010
            • 26617

            Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
            its "O " level syndrome.

            The Mendelssohn Italian has never really recovered for me from .......er......whatever it is that happens when you do "O" levels.

            I've got to the point where I can just about enjoy it now......but It'll never be a favourite.
            I did the "Italian" for music "O" level too - didn't wreck it for me...

            Just remembered another Schubert 'blind spot' (listening to the start of yesterday's CD Review): the "Wanderer" Fantasy. Annoying bloody piece
            "...the isle is full of noises,
            Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
            Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
            Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


            • teamsaint
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 25288

              Originally posted by Caliban View Post
              I did the "Italian" for music "O" level too - didn't wreck it for me...

              Just remembered another Schubert 'blind spot' (listening to the start of yesterday's CD Review): the "Wanderer" Fantasy. Annoying bloody piece
              well Go you !!

              I wonder if we were on the same syllabus. I was doing O and C (natch) 1977.

              The other set works were some lieder, Schubert IIRC, but as you can tell, they didn't really resonate with that particular 15 YO.........
              Last edited by teamsaint; 06-04-14, 09:46.
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              I am not a number, I am a free man.


              • HighlandDougie
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 3151

                Originally posted by Caliban View Post
                the "Wanderer" Fantasy. Annoying bloody piece
                I would have wholeheartedly agreed with Cali on what I thought was my least favourite piece of Schubert piano music until last Sunday when I went to hear Llyr Williams give a recital in the Perth Concert Hall in which it featured. It was a performance which quite changed my views. LW found a lyricism in the piece which I'd never really heard before. Great recital in general, btw.


                • EdgeleyRob
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 12180

                  Mahler 8.
                  A lot of Nielsen.
                  Most of Verdi.
                  All of Faure.

                  Sibeius I've mentioned many times,but with him I know I'm missing something and I'm sure it's going to click one day.


                  • Sir Velo
                    Full Member
                    • Oct 2012
                    • 3304

                    Originally posted by Suffolkcoastal View Post
                    With the Berlioz Requiem, as I think I've mentioned before I was expecting to be overwhelmed by a great masterpiece when I first heard it, instead I found it thoroughly disappointing and often rather dull, there was nothing in it that really took hold of me and everytime I've listened to it since I have the same impression I'm afraid.
                    Personally, I find the Requiem a work of colossal imagination. Ok, it makes certain demands on a 21st century listener which would have been less of a difficulty for 19th century parisians immersed in catholic doctrine. One has to enter the mindset of a good catholic believing wholeheartedly in the day of judgement, realising that the whole fate of one's soul rests on the outcome of the dies irae. Who can fail to be overwhelmed by the great flood of sound as the great day of wrath, summoned by the four brass ensembles as if from the four corners of the world, submerges all the writhing, damned and saved humanity? If ever a work could convert me, this is it. Every time I hear it I have to scrape myself, shattered, off the floor.


                    • Sir Velo
                      Full Member
                      • Oct 2012
                      • 3304

                      Originally posted by Caliban View Post

                      Just remembered another Schubert 'blind spot' (listening to the start of yesterday's CD Review): the "Wanderer" Fantasy. Annoying bloody piece
                      Fabulous piece. Liszt's favourite Schubert.


                      • Ariosto

                        Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                        Spot on matey

                        To quote Benjamin Shorofsky

                        "That's not music ! That's masturbation"
                        I take it that you must be blind by now?


                        • teamsaint
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 25288

                          Originally posted by Sir Velo View Post
                          Personally, I find the Requiem a work of colossal imagination. Ok, it makes certain demands on a 21st century listener which would have been less of a difficulty for 19th century parisians immersed in catholic doctrine. One has to enter the mindset of a good catholic believing wholeheartedly in the day of judgement, realising that the whole fate of one's soul rests on the outcome of the dies irae. Who can fail to be overwhelmed by the great flood of sound as the great day of wrath, summoned by the four brass ensembles as if from the four corners of the world, submerges all the writhing, damned and saved humanity? If ever a work could convert me, this is it. Every time I hear it I have to scrape myself, shattered, off the floor.
                          Great post.

                          Would you care to recommend a one or two versions for a newcomer to the work, SV?

                          (if you are shattered, would you not have to sweep yourself up, rather than scrape? anyway.............)
                          I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                          I am not a number, I am a free man.


                          • Roehre

                            Originally posted by Barbirollians View Post
                            So Herr Hanslick said .

                            I think it is a wonderful piece .
                            For the record: I concur fully


                            • Ariosto

                              The problem as I see it with many of you is that you are far too SERIOUS! With all due respect, could any one of you produce a work of musical proportions that comes even within 25% of some of these works? I don't want to be a spoilsport, but honestly, from someone (me) that has nofink to do with muzak (I'm tone deaf remember) - I have more respect for the genius that even the less gold standard of these pieces displays.

                              Schuberts "Unfinished" and many of the other works discussed are on a level that few if any composers ever aspire to. (Shit grammar I'm sure). Come up with a new violin concerto that compares to the Tchaik.

                              ALSO, IF any of you could write a 3 minute song (as old Schubert did, as well as many others) that contributes, any serious respect, then step forward!

                              If not, belt up!


                              • MrGongGong
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 18357

                                Originally posted by Ariosto View Post
                                The problem as I see it with many of you is that you are far too SERIOUS! With all due respect, could any one of you produce a work of musical proportions that comes even within 25% of some of these works? I don't want to be a spoilsport, but honestly, from someone (me) that has nofink to do with muzak (I'm tone deaf remember) - I have more respect for the genius that even the less gold standard of these pieces displays.

                                Schuberts "Unfinished" and many of the other works discussed are on a level that few if any composers ever aspire to. (Shit grammar I'm sure). Come up with a new violin concerto that compares to the Tchaik.

                                ALSO, IF any of you could write a 3 minute song (as old Schubert did, as well as many others) that contributes, any serious respect, then step forward!

                                If not, belt up!
                                Better not say anything at all apart from "ooooooooo, how lovely"
                                "aaaaaaaah what a wonderful piece"

                                Are you auditioning for "Radio Mogadon" ? (you know, CFM "Relaxing Classics" ..................mmmmmmmmmmmmm niiiiiice)

