Simon Rattle and the new London concert hall...

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  • Nick Armstrong
    • Nov 2010
    • 26628

    Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
    Todays instalment

    (some rather hilarious nonsense in the comments )

    Dave Carter spartacus41
    You've already got the Sage in Gateshead

    Pop Pickers Heavendotcom
    Which nee locals asked for like, it's a shite building!

    "...the isle is full of noises,
    Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
    Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
    Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


    • David-G
      Full Member
      • Mar 2012
      • 1216

      Originally posted by aeolium View Post
      There is nothing wrong with London's existing concert halls.
      Apart from the acoustics.


      • aeolium
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 3992

        Originally posted by David-G View Post
        Apart from the acoustics.
        Even in this area the shortcomings are not that serious, apart from at the RAH which has other qualities in its favour. Few would suggest, for instance, relocating the Proms to a more acoustically satisfying hall that would accommodate a far smaller audience. Here's a comment by an expert on acoustics:

        An acoustic analysis of London’s main concert venues. Is Simon Rattle right that they are at best ‘serviceable’?

        Prof Cox comments that the acoustics at the Berlin Philharmonie where Rattle currently conducts are not ideal because a third of the audience are behind the orchestra. He also describes the shortcomings at the various London halls, but even Rattle admits that the Barbican acoustic is "serviceable", and Prof Cox says that the RFH is fine for music other than the largest symphonic works. He also says it could be improved with an electronic enhancement system at a fraction of the cost of a new hall.


        • gurnemanz
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 7472

          Originally posted by aeolium View Post
          Even in this area the shortcomings are not that serious, apart from at the RAH which has other qualities in its favour. Few would suggest, for instance, relocating the Proms to a more acoustically satisfying hall that would accommodate a far smaller audience. Here's a comment by an expert on acoustics:

          An acoustic analysis of London’s main concert venues. Is Simon Rattle right that they are at best ‘serviceable’?

          Prof Cox comments that the acoustics at the Berlin Philharmonie where Rattle currently conducts are not ideal because a third of the audience are behind the orchestra. He also describes the shortcomings at the various London halls, but even Rattle admits that the Barbican acoustic is "serviceable", and Prof Cox says that the RFH is fine for music other than the largest symphonic works. He also says it could be improved with an electronic enhancement system at a fraction of the cost of a new hall.
          Thanks for linking to that article. The long-awaited (understatement!) Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg has audience seats all around the platform. Acoustic specialist Yasuhisa Toyota is in charge so I assume they know what they're doing. Costs have spiralled tenfold.


          • MrGongGong
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 18357

            Todays news via social media and from a well known improvising musician

            Just heard today that the government is to drop the proposed £1million funding of a feasibility study to build a new national concert hall for Sir Simon Rattle when his contract with the Berlin Philharmonic comes to an end in 2018. Instead they intend to use the money to fund freely improvised music in recognition of the special role musicians from the UK have played in its development on the world stage. There is talk of a small (300 - 500 seater) venue in London with a smaller studio space and also the establishment of some kind of national touring scheme, as well as funding for an annual international festival. Obviously this is a bit more than the £1 million earmarked but apparently it is hoped the rest of the funding will come from places that have been known to help the music in the past. Presumably other sections of the music industry and numerous arts charities like the National Lottery.


            • ferneyhoughgeliebte
              Gone fishin'
              • Sep 2011
              • 30163

              Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
              Todays news via social media and from a well known improvising musician
              An excellent suggestion - but I think that that is a "Folly"
              [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


              • Bryn
                • Mar 2007
                • 24688

                Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                Todays news via social media and from a well known improvising musician

                Just heard today that the government is to drop the proposed £1million funding of a feasibility study to build a new national concert hall for Sir Simon Rattle when his contract with the Berlin Philharmonic comes to an end in 2018. Instead they intend to use the money to fund freely improvised music in recognition of the special role musicians from the UK have played in its development on the world stage. There is talk of a small (300 - 500 seater) venue in London with a smaller studio space and also the establishment of some kind of national touring scheme, as well as funding for an annual international festival. Obviously this is a bit more than the £1 million earmarked but apparently it is hoped the rest of the funding will come from places that have been known to help the music in the past. Presumably other sections of the music industry and numerous arts charities like the National Lottery.
                If only ...


                • Beef Oven!
                  • Sep 2013
                  • 18147

                  Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                  Todays news via social media and from a well known improvising musician
                  Meanwhile, back on Earth.


                  • Flosshilde
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 7988

                    Originally posted by gurnemanz View Post
                    Thanks for linking to that article. The long-awaited (understatement!) Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg has audience seats all around the platform. Acoustic specialist Yasuhisa Toyota is in charge so I assume they know what they're doing. Costs have spiralled tenfold.
                    Some members of the audience look rather ghostly - is this an attempt at papering the performance?


                    • Nick Armstrong
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 26628

                      It would seem that you are not alone....

                      Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
                      seems to me that the plans for a new hall are to music what HS2 is to rail travel.

                      Or the olympic stadium was to sport.

                      Mostly irrelevant, and expensive.
                      "...the isle is full of noises,
                      Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                      Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                      Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                      • Barbirollians
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 11988

                        Being reported that Theresa May - who if you heard her choices on Desert Island Discs has tin ears has scrapped it .

                        The quotes in the standard are instructive anyone who thinks the RAh,RFH or Barbican are world class is clearly a fool .


                        • teamsaint
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 25302

                          Originally posted by Barbirollians View Post
                          Being reported that Theresa May - who if you heard her choices on Desert Island Discs has tin ears has scrapped it .

                          The quotes in the standard are instructive anyone who thinks the RAh,RFH or Barbican are world class is clearly a fool .
                          The description " World Class" just means what you want it to mean really.
                          Perhaps they should have said " more than adequate for purpose, given the total consumer market",
                          which would have been pretty close to the real situation, IMO.

                          there looks to be some interesting material in here, but I've only skimmed it.

                          One interesting aspect is that venue doesn't seem to be of all that much interest to either the research questions, or those responding to the surveys quoted.
                          Last edited by teamsaint; 05-11-16, 10:56.
                          I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                          I am not a number, I am a free man.


                          • Lento
                            Full Member
                            • Jan 2014
                            • 646

                            Yes, the Times today reports that the government has decided not to fund the hall, as it did not offer value for money. Reports apparently suggest that £1.25 million of the gvt funding had already been spent; the remainder of the £5.5 million will return to the exchequer. Sadiq Khan says the decision was a "vote of no confidence" in the capital from the gvt. Julian Lloyd Webber was against the project, saying that the money should be spent on ensuring that children from state schools had access to classical music: one can see his point, in a way.


                            • duncan
                              Full Member
                              • Apr 2012
                              • 249

                              Julian would have a point if there was the slightest chance the money was to spent on schools music instead. Given Cello lessons and new concert halls are both perceived as the preserve of "the liberal elite who sneer at ordinary Britons” (I may have missed a "metropolitan" and a "hardworking") the likelihood of this happening is approximately zero.


                              • MrGongGong
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 18357

                                Good to see this vanity project hitting the buffers
                                NOW for all those who went on about how "important" it was to spend the money they were prepared to "invest" in this on music projects with young people....

                                Come on, don't all rush at once

