Leeds Piano Competition 26 August - 13 September 2015

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  • kernelbogey
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 5881

    Leeds Piano Competition 26 August - 13 September 2015

    Noticing that this triennial competition falls next year, and having the leisure to do so, I'm considering going to Leeds for some of it. The final weekend is 12 - 13 September.

    However, since I have no television (I know, I know) I am not familiar with exactly how it works, although the system is fairly obvious.

    So I would appreciate learning from anyone who has attended their experiences, to help me judge how much it is reasonable to think of attending, given that I'm an interested concert-goer wishing to learn more about piano performance by seeing and hearing how competitors are judged.

    For example, as an audience member for the early heats, does one hear from the judges or is that private to the performers?

    Any and all thoughts are welcomed! (if the above doesn't sound clear, it's because I'm not....)
  • gradus
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 5667

    Sorry I can't help with attendance info at Leeds but Fanny Waterman's blast about the decline in piano learning in the UK has attracted media interest :http://www.theguardian.com/music/201...-music-teacher

    I hope you have a wonderful time at Leeds albeit with very few UK players competing.


    • kernelbogey
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 5881

      I'm bumping my thread up as I would love to hear views of the competition from anyone who has attended (or indeed watched a great deal of it on television) - especially any pianists among boarders.

      Seasonal greetings to all, and best wishes for 2015.



      • Eine Alpensinfonie
        • Nov 2010
        • 20590

        I suppose the great thing about the Leeds Piano Competition is that the prize leads directly to some prestigious performing opportunities, rather than just the honour (and enhanced reputation) from having won.

        I've been banging on for years about the decline in the number of people who can play the piano (which isn't quite what Dame Fanny was highlighting, but is closely connected). Sometimes children have said to me:
        "I'd like to learn to play the piano."
        "Oh, good. Do you have a piano at home so you can practise?"
        "No…, but I've got a keyboard."

        Forgivable for a child to make this assumption, but when schools have got rid of their piano and replaced it with an electronic toy, then it's a different matter.When I taught the dreaded Wider Opportunities, I liked to use a piano to accompany to groups.

        "Will a keyboard be alright?"
        "Not really."
        "We use a backing track."


        • Eine Alpensinfonie
          • Nov 2010
          • 20590

          Returning to topic, I'm considering going to hear the 2015 competition.


          • kernelbogey
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 5881

            Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
            Returning to topic, I'm considering going to hear the 2015 competition.
            Thanks, Alps. Reverting to my original question, what does that mean? Might you go every day 26/8 - 13/9 - sounds a lot of piano! - and if so how many of the first round performers can you manage to hear? Never having even seen much of this on the telly in previous years (a bit in 2009 and 2012 I think, but probably only the last round), and being to boot a shy Southerner , I'm wondering how much time to plan to be in Leeds.

            It seems worthwhile becoming a Friend of the festival, as that provides priority booking for the finals weekend. I also don't know if you would have to pay each day of the early stages....

            Thoughts, experiences welcome!

