The Rite of Spring - definitive recording
Originally posted by Lordgeous View PostThankyou for the Dorati 'thumbs up'. Bought it (yes 1p!) and greatly enjoyed it (though I have many other versions). Not the most bombastic but great sound and lots of interesting detail I havent heard in other versions - or live performances.
Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View Post
... but many recent recordings treat the work as a sort-of Pictures at an Exhibition/Scheherezade - type orchestral showpiece: it's like King Kong in chains - it's just waiting to get free and take its revenge!
Originally posted by johnb View PostJust ordered the Markevitch (on Testament) from the Testament website.
Amazon £16.24
Amazon Marketplace £11.76 (inc p&p)
Testament £10.99 (p&p free)
But what exactly is the difference between Amazon and Amazon Marketplace? Is it merely the latter is one of the many sellers, and not actually Amazon itself?
The term "Amazon Marketplace" covers the independent seller offerings on the Amazon platform.
Even odder is that the Testament disc is marked as "Import" on the Amazon website.
(The mp3 download is only £2.99. Sometimes, Amazon's pricing is very strange - probably due to the algorithm they use.)Last edited by johnb; 06-06-14, 17:13.
Thanks, johnb. That's what I'd thought was the case.
It is strange how Amazon sometimes describes and prices its CDs. I also find that there is sometimes a huge disparity between the UK Amazon prices, and France Amazon. It's always worth doing a double-check!
An example is that I found the RVW symphony set (Previn) was - for me, at least - prohibitively expensive, but found a new one (and only one!) lurking on France Amazon for only 4,99€. The rest is history, but I was happy!
Qobuz are offering a 96/24 transfer for €5.99. No idea how good or bad the transfer is. I have the 2 CD EMI France set (bought for a song in an HMV sale a few years ago):
[Anyone wondering how all the works listed on the artwork could be fitted on just 2 CDs should note that Petrouchka is represented by just the Danse russe, Chez Petrouchka and La fête populaire, and Pulcinella is the suite, not the ballet with song. The Prokofiev works are also represented by suites.]Last edited by Bryn; 06-06-14, 18:08.