Something for a Friday: All of Bach

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  • hmvman
    Full Member
    • Mar 2007
    • 1177

    Originally posted by Hitch View Post
    Bach: First Movement from Cantata BWV 191

    "The music of the Christmas cantata Gloria in excelsis Deo originates from the Kyrie and Gloria in B minor, BWV 232a, which Bach was later to expand to a complete Mass in B minor. So is this opening chorus, recorded here for All of Bach with conductor Jos van Veldhoven. Words and music fit like a glove: the dancing angels’ singing is heavenly, and we come peacefully down to earth in the ‘Et in terra pax’."

    Netherlands Bach Society
    Jos van Veldhoven, conductor
    Maria Keohane, soprano I
    Michaela Riener, soprano II
    Alex Potter, alto
    Charles Daniels, tenor
    Matthias Winckhler, bass

    The complete performance of Gloria in excelsis Deo BWV 191.

    More information on BWV 191.
    That's a lovely performance, I've played it a couple of times over Christmas!


    • Hitch
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 407

      Yes, it's invigorating. A good cap to the year.


      • hmvman
        Full Member
        • Mar 2007
        • 1177

        Originally posted by Hitch View Post
        Yes, it's invigorating. A good cap to the year.
        Indeed, and the third part of the Christmas Oratorio is pretty special too. Oddoneout has linked to it in post 1240.


        • Hitch
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 407

          "Special notes: This work is probably not by Johann Sebastian Bach."

          Bach(?): Orchestral Suite in G minor BWV 1070

          From the YouTube description:

          "The Orchestral Suite in G minor, BWV 1070 – recorded here for All of Bach with Bojan Čičić – wasn’t written by Bach. Yet the suite got a BWV number by the makers of the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis, a complete overview of Bach’s works, numbered and ordered. Who did compose this piece is unknown, but the style of the piece fits very well with the young Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, Bach’s son. Like father, like son?

          Article from the All of Bach website:

          "Like father? Like son?

          Who wrote this suite? And why do we want to know?

          Not by Bach, and yet a BWV number anyway? That happens more often than you might think. And let’s be honest, it’s only a number. The makers of the Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis from 1950 knew only too well there would be gaps in their catalogue of all the works by Johann Sebastian Bach that were known at the time. They also expected to include more than a couple of dubious cases, one of which turned out to be this suite (or overture) in G minor, BWV 1070: ‘Echtheit nicht sicher verbürgt’ [‘Authenticity not guaranteed’].

          Earlier generations of musicians, however, had no doubts. They counted this work as Bach’s fifth Orchestral Suite, on the basis of a single source with two words written on it: a set of parts from 1753, stating ‘Sige. Bach’. This manuscript was a copy made by Christian Friedrich Penzel, a pupil at the Thomasschule, in Leipzig, where Bach taught. Shortly after Bach’s death, Penzel became one of Bach’s greatest upholders and collectors. His collection ended up in the hands of Franz Hauser, who besides compiling a major Bach catalogue had various pieces from his collection of Bachiana published at the end of the nineteenth century. Could the suite possibly have been written by Bach’s son Wilhelm Friedemann, whose archive formed the basis for the Penzel-Hauser collection? This thought did not even occur to many people, including the copyist Penzel. After all, why should he not name the most famous of all the Bachs as the author?

          Since the first BWV, we have been given some answers to that question, carefully formulated by musicologists and people from the professional field. They concern mainly the style, which is not easily reconciled with that of father Bach. Hartmut Haenchen, for example, sees parallels between the fugal yet rather more galante Capriccio and a symphony by Friedemann Bach, while Peter Wollny places the Torneo – possibly from a horse ballet! – in Southern Germany or Austria. And with purpose and flair, the Menuet and its Trio avoid all regularity, which David Schulenberg thinks fits very well with the young Wilhelm Friedemann, who was known for his inventiveness. So a Bach after all – but then a son? Whatever the case, the number holds firm!"


          • Hitch
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 407

            Bach - Cantata Ach! ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe BWV 162

            Johanna Soller, organ and direction
            Kristen Witmer, soprano
            Alex Potter, alto
            Guy Cutting, tenor
            Matthias Winckhler, bass

            Netherlands Bach Society
            Recorded for the project All of Bach on June 28th 2024 at Oude Kerk Charlois, Rotterdam.

            From the YouTube description:

            Cantata Ach! ich sehe, itzt, da ich zur Hochzeit gehe – recorded here for All of Bach with conductor and harpsichordist Johanna Soller – focuses on a biblical parable from the Gospel of Matthew about a princely wedding. The message: only those who dress smartly – i.e. lead a virtuous, god-fearing life – can count on a place in heaven. Poet Salomo Franck sketches what is at stake: see the ‘soul's poison and the bread of life’ in the opening aria, which Bach set to music in serpentine twists.

            Article from the All of Bach website:

            "Dress code: Heavenly

            A biblical parable offers comfort.

            ‘Many are called, but few are chosen’, you used to hear now and then. But where does the saying actually originate? In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus describes a princely wedding. Numerous invitations were sent out, but each of the guests had their own excuse: too busy, too tired or just not interested. Outraged at so much disdain for his son, the king gathered together a motley crew for his wedding feast, including good and bad people. But one of them had the nerve to turn up in his ordinary clothes, which was scandalous enough for the king to throw him out of the window. One less chosen one!

            The poet Salomo Franck projects this rather cryptic parable onto issues of the day: only those who dress smartly – i.e. lead a virtuous, god-fearing life – can count on a place in heaven. The characters are God as the king, Jesus as the bridegroom and the human soul as his shy bride. In sharply contrasting colours, Franck sketches what is at stake: see the ‘soul's poison and the bread of life’ or the ‘the radiance of heaven and the flames of hell’ in the opening aria, which Bach set to music in serpentine twists. Incidentally, when Bach performed the cantata again, he gave the aria a part for corno da tirarsi; an instrument that may have been specially developed for his regular trumpeter Gottfried Reiche.

            After the tenor has set out God’s plan once again, the soprano begs that Jesus might bestow forgiveness and ‘bread of life’ on us, despite our sins and weaknesses. Originally, she received support from a solo instrument, possibly a flute, violin or oboe, but that part has not survived - in this performance, the solo part is played by the right hand of the organ. The story ends with a duet for alto and tenor, once again with frugal continuo accompaniment, in which they thankfully rejoice at how God in his mercy provides suitable clothing for true Christians. A couplet from the chorale ‘Alle Menschen müssen sterben’ forms a fitting ending."


            • Hitch
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 407

              Bach - Brunnquell aller Güter BWV 445

              Daniel Johannsen, tenor
              Leo van Doeselaar, organ
              Instrument: Henrick Bader, 1639/1643

              Recorded for the project All of Bach on May 28th 2024 at Walburgiskerk, Zutphen.

              From the YouTube description:

              "The Brunnquell aller Güter in the title is the Holy Spirit himself, whom the Bible is attributing the provision of several essential ‘charismata‘ (talents). The Pentecostal song – recorded here for All of Bach with tenor Daniel Johannsen and organist Leo van Doeselaar - depicts and worships all of the benefits, merits and talents literally ‘inspired‘ by God. The text gradually becomes an ardent plea for steadiness in faith, for composure in turmoil.​"

              Article from the All of Bach website:

              Praising the Fountain of all Good

              A Pentecostal poem that worships all charismata of the Holy Spirit.

              The 'Brunnquell aller Güter' in the title is the Holy Spirit himself, whom the Bible is attributing the provision of several essential ‘charismata‘ (talents). Johann Franck, one of the most important Lutheran poets wrote this Pentecostal poem in mid-17th century. The melody (as used by Bach in Schemelli’s hymnal) was first published in 1653 in the epochal compendium ‘Praxis Pietatis Melica‘ (‘Exercises in soundful piety‘) and could have been written by the editor of this collection, the great Johann Crüger.

              The originally eight verses (in this recording the tenor sings four verses) are depicting and worshipping all of the benefits, merits and talents literally ‘inspired‘ by God. But the text gradually becomes an ardent plea for steadiness in faith, for composure in turmoil. The last stanza is a prayer for overcoming satan’s attempts and for the granting of a place in the heavenly chorus.

              The catchy tune, always changing minor and major, is both earnest and playful. It could easily be the theme for a set of variations: the different length of the lines (six shorter followed by two longer ones) keeps the poem fluent and interesting. Observing the tradition of 17th century music, a little interlude, a ritornello, is inserted between the four selected verses. It is one of these tunes that stay in your ear for a long time ― which might be exactly the aim of its devout author...

              Musicalisches Gesang-Buch G.C. Schemelli

              In the eighteenth century, sacred songbooks for private use were an important aid in simple, domestic devotion. For example, no fewer than 17 editions of Johann Freylinghausen’s Geistreiches Gesangbuch were published between 1704 and 1734. Two years later, pietist Georg Christian Schemmel, alias Schemelli, launched his own songbook, containing no fewer than 954 songs, 69 of which included melody, text incipit and figured bass. In order to outdo the competition, he involved probably the most famous music consultant of all time, who happened to be his son’s music teacher: Bach. Following intensive research, only three of the 21 original melodies in the collection (BWV 439-509) can be attributed with certainty to the cantor at the Thomasschule: BWV 452, 478 and 505. The others are accompaniments, revisions and improvements. Bach’s precise role in Schemelli’s Gesangbuch will probably always remain a mystery.


              • Hitch
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 407

                Bach - Chorale Von Gott will ich nicht lassen BWV 418

                Recorded for the project All of Bach on May 6th 2024 at Sint-Gertrudiskerk, Bergen op Zoom.​​

                Amelia Berridge, soprano
                Tim Braithwaite, alto
                Adriaan de Koster, tenor
                Donald Bentvelsen, bass
                David Mackor, theorbo

                From the YouTube description:

                The chorale Von Gott will ich nicht lassen – recorded here for All of Bach with singers of the Netherlands Bach Society – is like a little gem with many facets. It shows how you can harmonise chorale melodies with endless creativity, or add four-part accompaniment to them.

                Article from the All of Bach website:

                A gem

                Like a musical diamond cutter, Bach combines text and harmony.

                After Bach’s death, his son Carl Philipp Emanuel took the initiative of compiling and publishing hundreds of four-part chorale harmonisations by his father. The compilation is like a jewellery box full of little gems. It shows how you can harmonise chorale melodies with endless creativity, or add four-part accompaniment to them.

                If you sing just one strophe, a chorale lasts no more than around one and a half minutes. But that ‘singing’ is already an interpretation choice from the start, as the chorales appeared in the aforementioned compilation of chorale harmonisations only by title, and without any text. The edition was intended primarily for ‘enthusiasts of the organ and the clavier’, as suggested by Carl Philipp in the preface.

                The edition, according to Carl Philipp, is a collection of inventive, yet natural sounding harmonisations. In this chorale, published under the title of Von Gott will ich nicht lassen, the melody of the first line is repeated straight away (as in many chorales). Often, Bach then repeats the harmonisation as well, but in this case the harmony is different for the repeat. On closer listening, Bach even goes one step further, as despite the different harmony, below the second half of that first line you nevertheless hear a chromatically rising line in the bass twice… but then at two different pitches. Maybe this chromaticism and the rambling character of the harmonies are inspired in this instance by the first strophe of the chorale text, which refers to ‘traversing all the paths’ where you would lose your way without God.

                Like a musical diamond cutter, Bach combines extreme precision in expressing the text with harmonic inventiveness, to produce a gem with many facets. It is not necessary ‘that I come up with anything to praise the harmony of these songs’, wrote Carl Philipp. Father Bach ‘does not need my recommendation’. Maybe not a recommendation, but possibly a magnifying glass now and then.


                • Padraig
                  Full Member
                  • Feb 2013
                  • 4272

                  Originally posted by Hitch View Post
                  Bach - Chorale Von Gott will ich nicht lassen BWV 418
                  Catching up, Hitch, after Christmas. Please don't ask.


                  • Hitch
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 407

                    Bach: Cantata Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen BWV12

                    Netherlands Bach Society
                    René Jacobs, conductor
                    Isabel Schicketanz, soprano
                    Alexander Chance, alto
                    Thomas Hobbs, tenor
                    Edward Grint, bass

                    Recorded for the project All of Bach on November 5th 2023 at Grote Kerk Naarden.

                    From the YouTube description:

                    This cantata – recorded for All of Bach with conductor René Jacobs – is one of the most popular works today by Bach. The cantata was written for the 3rd Sunday after Easter, Sunday Jubilate, and glorifies the pain of earthly life. Tears, worries, suffering and fear are an inevitable part of life for all those baptised in Christ’s name. After all, Jesus paid for eternal life for his followers with his death. So redemption awaits those who are patient.

                    From the All of Bach website:

                    Beacon in the labyrinth

                    A hymn to Jesus’ suffering hovers between fear and hope

                    ‘You feel sorrowful now, but I will see you again’, Jesus comforts his twelve apostles. ‘And your hearts will rejoice.’ The readings for the 3rd Sunday after Easter discuss, and sometimes glorify the pain of earthly life. Tears, worries, suffering and fear are an inevitable part of life for all those baptised in Christ’s name. After all, Jesus paid for eternal life for his followers with his death. So redemption awaits those who are patient.

                    While writing this BWV 12, in the winter of 1713-1714, Bach was comfortably at work in Weimar. He was expecting his fifth child (Carl Philipp Emanuel), his salary had risen steadily since 1708 and so had his reputation. And Duke Wilhelm Ernst of Saxe-Weimar was nowhere near ready to let go of his most talented musician. So when Bach auditioned elsewhere (in Halle), triumphed and even created a cantata there, the Duke acted quickly: more money and promotion to ‘Concert-Meister’, in exchange for a monthly cantata in Weimar. Bach then composed, in quick succession, some of his most popular works today, including Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen.

                    The sinfonia was written in the form of an instrumental lament, in which the oboe laboriously carves out a path between the large complement of strings (listen out for the extra viola). This is precisely the message of the recitative, as ‘only after many trials can we enter God’s kingdom.’ But first we hear the iconic opening section, which Bach arranged 35 years later to become the Crucifixus of his Mass in B minor. A poignant basso ostinato (repetitive bass line) provides a shaky foundation for sighing voices and faltering strings. The middle section makes a musical turnaround to hope, before the return of the sorrowful basso ostinato.

                    The recitative is followed by three arias that each link Jesus’ crucifixion to the lives of the congregation. The alto calls for resignation, as suffering (‘cross’ and ‘struggle’) is simply part of redemption (‘crown’ and ‘prize’). The bass would prefer to make Jesus’ crucifixion sacrifice himself, or at least share in his pain. And the tenor reminds us once again of the goal: eternal life in heavenly bliss. Listen to how the trumpet radiates the redemption chorale ‘Jesu, meine Freude’ above the tortuous melody of the aria – an answer to the searching oboe from the sinfonia. And Bach adds a jubilant upper voice or descant to the chorale Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan.


                    • silvestrione
                      Full Member
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 1750

                      Originally posted by Hitch View Post
                      Bach: Cantata Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen BWV12

                      Netherlands Bach Society
                      René Jacobs, conductor
                      Isabel Schicketanz, soprano
                      Alexander Chance, alto
                      Thomas Hobbs, tenor
                      Edward Grint, bass

                      Recorded for the project All of Bach on November 5th 2023 at Grote Kerk Naarden.

                      From the YouTube description:

                      This cantata – recorded for All of Bach with conductor René Jacobs – is one of the most popular works today by Bach. The cantata was written for the 3rd Sunday after Easter, Sunday Jubilate, and glorifies the pain of earthly life. Tears, worries, suffering and fear are an inevitable part of life for all those baptised in Christ’s name. After all, Jesus paid for eternal life for his followers with his death. So redemption awaits those who are patient.

                      From the All of Bach website:

                      Beacon in the labyrinth

                      A hymn to Jesus’ suffering hovers between fear and hope

                      ‘You feel sorrowful now, but I will see you again’, Jesus comforts his twelve apostles. ‘And your hearts will rejoice.’ The readings for the 3rd Sunday after Easter discuss, and sometimes glorify the pain of earthly life. Tears, worries, suffering and fear are an inevitable part of life for all those baptised in Christ’s name. After all, Jesus paid for eternal life for his followers with his death. So redemption awaits those who are patient.

                      While writing this BWV 12, in the winter of 1713-1714, Bach was comfortably at work in Weimar. He was expecting his fifth child (Carl Philipp Emanuel), his salary had risen steadily since 1708 and so had his reputation. And Duke Wilhelm Ernst of Saxe-Weimar was nowhere near ready to let go of his most talented musician. So when Bach auditioned elsewhere (in Halle), triumphed and even created a cantata there, the Duke acted quickly: more money and promotion to ‘Concert-Meister’, in exchange for a monthly cantata in Weimar. Bach then composed, in quick succession, some of his most popular works today, including Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen.

                      The sinfonia was written in the form of an instrumental lament, in which the oboe laboriously carves out a path between the large complement of strings (listen out for the extra viola). This is precisely the message of the recitative, as ‘only after many trials can we enter God’s kingdom.’ But first we hear the iconic opening section, which Bach arranged 35 years later to become the Crucifixus of his Mass in B minor. A poignant basso ostinato (repetitive bass line) provides a shaky foundation for sighing voices and faltering strings. The middle section makes a musical turnaround to hope, before the return of the sorrowful basso ostinato.

                      The recitative is followed by three arias that each link Jesus’ crucifixion to the lives of the congregation. The alto calls for resignation, as suffering (‘cross’ and ‘struggle’) is simply part of redemption (‘crown’ and ‘prize’). The bass would prefer to make Jesus’ crucifixion sacrifice himself, or at least share in his pain. And the tenor reminds us once again of the goal: eternal life in heavenly bliss. Listen to how the trumpet radiates the redemption chorale ‘Jesu, meine Freude’ above the tortuous melody of the aria – an answer to the searching oboe from the sinfonia. And Bach adds a jubilant upper voice or descant to the chorale Was Gott tut das ist wohlgetan.
                      What a way to describe one of the most sublime melodies ever composed!

                      (But thanks for posting this)


                      • oddoneout
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2015
                        • 9529

                        Originally posted by silvestrione View Post

                        What a way to describe one of the most sublime melodies ever composed!

                        (But thanks for posting this)
                        Alternative translations are painfully/arduously seeks a path - slightly different way to express a struggle?


                        • silvestrione
                          Full Member
                          • Jan 2011
                          • 1750

                          Originally posted by oddoneout View Post

                          Alternative translations are painfully/arduously seeks a path - slightly different way to express a struggle?
                          Ah yes, much better.


                          • Hitch
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 407

                            Bach: Beglückter Stand getreuer Seelen BWV 442

                            Daniel Johannsen, tenor
                            Leo van Doeselaar, organ
                            Instrument: Henrick Bader, 1639/1643

                            Recorded for the project All of Bach on May 28th 2024 at Walburgiskerk, Zutphen.

                            From the YouTube description:

                            This chorale - recorded here for All of Bach with tenor Daniel Johannsen and organist Leo van Doeslaar - has a a favourite Baroque topic: Christians should refuse an earthen lifestyle. Bach (or the hymnal editor Georg Christian Schemelli) chose the earnest and quite meditative minor melody of another (contemporary) chorale: Entfernet euch, ihr matten Kräfte. The words of this chorale by Gottfried Arnold are dealing with exactly the same issue as in BWV 442: ‘Welt, geh aus, lass Jesum ein’, as we know from the last aria in Bach’s St Matthew Passion.

                            From the All of Bach website:

                            Disciples with discipline

                            A chorale with a favourite Baroque topic: Christians should refuse an earthen lifestyle.

                            Many modern theologists have their sore thoughts about the refusal of an earthen lifestyle, promoted in this chorale Beglückter Stand getreuer Seelen. But this self-denial, which was so common for Bach and his contemporaries, is a very commandment of Christ (cf. Luke 9:23-24). The poet Ulrich Bogislaus von Bonin (1682 – 1752), deriving from a Pomeranian family of militaries but then turning towards faith and church, was truly convinced of this axiom of self-denial when he wrote the eight verses of this song, from which three were chosen for our recording.

                            The world, being in conflict with itself, can surely grant nothing worthwhile; God must be our ‘dwelling place’ (‘Gott muss allein die Wohnung sein’). And when we really aim for that, not even the angels have a superior situation compared to us: they will not have more wealth, honour, joy and satisfaction than ‘the friends of Christ’. This is the promised reward.

                            Bach (or the hymnal editor Georg Christian Schemelli) chose the earnest and quite meditative minor melody of another (contemporary) chorale: Entfernet euch, ihr matten Kräfte. The words of this chorale by Gottfried Arnold are dealing with exactly the same issue as in BWV 442: ‘Welt, geh aus, lass Jesum ein’, as we know from the last aria in Bach’s St Matthew Passion.

                            Musicalisches Gesang-Buch G.C. Schemelli

                            In the eighteenth century, sacred songbooks for private use were an important aid in simple, domestic devotion. For example, no fewer than 17 editions of Johann Freylinghausen’s Geistreiches Gesangbuch were published between 1704 and 1734. Two years later, pietist Georg Christian Schemmel, alias Schemelli, launched his own songbook, containing no fewer than 954 songs, 69 of which included melody, text incipit and figured bass. In order to outdo the competition, he involved probably the most famous music consultant of all time, who happened to be his son’s music teacher: Bach. Following intensive research, only three of the 21 original melodies in the collection (BWV 439-509) can be attributed with certainty to the cantor at the Thomasschule: BWV 452, 478 and 505. The others are accompaniments, revisions and improvements. Bach’s precise role in Schemelli’s Gesangbuch will probably always remain a mystery.


                            • Hitch
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 407

                              Bach: Prelude in G minor BWV 930

                              Guillermo González García, harpsichord
                              Instrument: Titus Crijnen, 1992 after Johannes Ruckers, 1638

                              Recorded for the project All of Bach on October 16th 2024 at Maltezerhuis, Utrecht.

                              From the YouTube description:

                              Bach is one of the most celebrated composers of all time, but during his lifetime he was also an outstanding teacher. Possibly his best pupils were his wife and children, for whom he wrote a number of Klavierbüchlein, exercise books, containing short pedagogic tips and simple practice pieces. This Prelude in G minor from the Klavierbüchlein für Wilhelm Friedemann was recorded for All of Bach with young keyboard talent Guillermo González García from Spain as part of a talent development project by the Netherlands Bach Society.

                              From the All of Bach website:

                              Teaching material

                              Bach used this simple prelude to train his eldest son in keyboard playing.

                              Bach is one of the most celebrated composers of all time, but during his lifetime he was also an outstanding teacher. Possibly his best pupils were his wife and children, for whom he wrote a number of Klavierbüchlein, exercise books, containing short pedagogic tips and simple practice pieces. By following them, his family learnt not only to play the keyboard, but also the ins and outs of music theory and composition. Bach thus carried on the tradition of his musical family, as he himself had been taught by his elder brother Johann Christoph.

                              In 1720, when Bach’s eldest son Wilhelm Friedemann was ten, his father wrote the first teaching method we know for him. The Klavierbüchlein für Wilhelm Friedemann is still regarded as one of the classics of the pedagogic genre and is popular with piano teachers who want to introduce children to Bach’s work. The book includes over sixty pieces, arranged in order of difficulty, going from the simple Applicatio in C major, BWV 994, to the relatively challenging three-part Sinfonias. Most of them are written by Bach, although some are by other composers and some even by Friedemann himself. It is clear he had already made considerable progress by the time he started on this book.

                              As number nine in the series, this introspective Prelude in G minor, BWV 930, is still fairly easy. The piece was probably composed by Bach, although there are also suggestions it may have been written by Friedemann. The construction is simple: first a musical phrase takes us to a different key, and then another brings us back again. Both phrases are repeated. The music is built up of two parts, which frequently imitate one another. Account has clearly been taken of the beginner, as at some moments only one part is active. The bass part is full of big octave leaps, which is easy for adults but probably still challenging for Friedemann. The harmonies are also relatively simple, although there are occasional glimmers of a richer world. The piece is known to musicologists for its fingerings, which are annotated by father Bach himself. They are very different to the fingerings normally used by musicians today.

                              Young talent

                              Once every two or three years, the Netherlands Bach Society organises a talent development project for gifted young musicians under the age of 18. The projects, which focus on the performance practice of Bach’s music, allows us to bring talented youngsters into contact with historical performance practice and give them deeper insight into Bach’s music. In this project, we worked with keyboardists of the future. Seven very talented international youngsters between twelve and eighteen years old were selected from auditions to take two masterclasses about Bach, the harpsichord and baroque playing techniques and styles, given by Siebe Henstra. Each keyboardist rehearsed movements from the Klavierbüchlein für Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, including the Nine Little Preludes, BWV 924-932, which Bach wrote to use in lessons with his son Wilhelm Friedemann. The rehearsed works were recorded for All of Bach in October 2024, at the Maltezerhuis in Utrecht.

