What about a Bal on Mozart Quintet for piano and winds, K452

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  • salymap
    Late member
    • Nov 2010
    • 5969

    What about a Bal on Mozart Quintet for piano and winds, K452

    This was my big discovery in the Mozart Fest and Ican't get the third movement of it off my mind.

    I think the scoring is for Piano,oboe,clarinet,bassoon and horn.

    First I heard a wonderful broadcast with Murray Perahia and Anthony Halstead, plus other wind

    then a broadcast by young artists which I taped but can't put my hand on at the moment.

    I now also have Colin Horsley and Dennis Brain, plus other wind.

    After we've listened to the Tchaikovsky op 50 today, what do you recommend on the Mozart?
  • Mr Pee
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 3285

    This is a wonderful piece, one of Mozart's true masterpieces, in my opinion. The CD that I've got is on Philips, and has Alfred Brendel on piano, with Heinz Holliger, Herman Baumann, Klaus Thunemann, and Eduard Brunner. It's a lovely performance.

    I'm so glad you've discovered this marvellous piece courtesy of the Mozart fest.
    Last edited by Mr Pee; 15-01-11, 10:12. Reason: typo- brended instead of Brendel!
    Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

    Mark Twain.


    • aeolium
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 3992

      Yes, I'd be in favour of a BaL on this, salymap - a superb work (Mozart thought it the best he had composed up to that point). I also like the Perahia/ECO Wind recording (all those ECO wind players are on top form). Other performances I like are Ashkenazy and London Winds, and the old Melos Ensemble recording with the excellent Lamar Crowson still sounds pretty good.

      A difficult job for the reviewer, I would have thought.


      • rauschwerk
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 1489

        In 2007 Martin Cotton recommended Brendel et al. I doubt if that has since been surpassed. If it's only available in a big boxed set, you could always download it.


        • Pianorak
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 3129

          Now listening to this with Ottetto Italiano and Michel Dalberto on Spotify. (January CD budget already exhausted)
          My life, each morning when I dress, is four and twenty hours less. (J Richardson)


          • antongould
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 8866

            I, on salymap's recommendation, have gone back to this piece after many moons "away" and downloaded a (very) cheapy by the Nash Ensemble which I doubt would not make any BAL past or yet to come. I however love the piece and can well imagine Brendel, my favourite WAM pianist, being quite wonderful - I must hunt it out.


            • Tony Halstead
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 1717

              Do you mean 'I doubt would make any BAL'?


              • salymap
                Late member
                • Nov 2010
                • 5969

                Antongould is in Prague so an answer may not be forthcoming at once. I would like to hear that first performance I mentioned again. I felt it had the edge even over the Brain because of the ensemble work.

                How could I have missed this work for all those years, sad.


                • Tony Halstead
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 1717

                  Re. the Perahia/ ECO players recording ( nearly 20 years old now!) my 'spies' tell me that although it was recorded 'live' at the Snape Maltings, the only part of the concert that is heard on the CD is the 3rd movement. Apparently Mr P was very 'picky' about some of the little blemishes and accidents in the 1st two movements and insisted that the ensemble stay behind after the concert to do a few 're-takes'. In the end, they finished, very tired indeed, at about 2 a.m.!


                  • salymap
                    Late member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 5969

                    Waldhorn. Thank your 'spies' for that interesting information.. Do you know if it is still available?

                    one small bonus with the Dennis Brain performance is 1 min 32 sec of DB playing a bit of the Leopold Mozart Concerto for Hose-pipe and Strings. Blink and you miss it! bws


                    • antongould
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 8866

                      Yes that is what I mean - my apologies!


                      • Nick Armstrong
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 26611

                        Originally posted by waldhorn View Post
                        Re. the Perahia/ ECO players recording ( nearly 20 years old now!) my 'spies' tell me that although it was recorded 'live' at the Snape Maltings, the only part of the concert that is heard on the CD is the 3rd movement. Apparently Mr P was very 'picky' about some of the little blemishes and accidents in the 1st two movements and insisted that the ensemble stay behind after the concert to do a few 're-takes'. In the end, they finished, very tired indeed, at about 2 a.m.!
                        Waldhorn, yes I've heard that story too - from one of the players on the recording.

                        What a sublime piece it is. It's the Perahia version on my shelf too, I'd forgotten that it had been on BAL as recently as 2007. Must give it a listen very soon. Thanks saly.
                        "...the isle is full of noises,
                        Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                        Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                        Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."

