Triadic Memories is jointly dedicated to Aki Takahashi and Roger Woodward. After the first German performance, Morton Feldman laconically described it as the “biggest butterfly in captivity", and it is indeed vast, lasting over an hour and a half.
Available recordings (Presto website)
Pascal Berthelot (CD)
Markus Hinterhäuser (CD)
Sabine Liebner (D)
Marilyn Nonken (D, DVD)
John Snijders (CD, D)
Philip Thomas (CD)
Bryn tells us that the Thomas is one of his two favourite recordings of the work.
I’ll leave it to him to tell us which is his favourite, and perhaps why.
Available recordings (Presto website)
Pascal Berthelot (CD)
Markus Hinterhäuser (CD)
Sabine Liebner (D)
Marilyn Nonken (D, DVD)
John Snijders (CD, D)
Philip Thomas (CD)
Bryn tells us that the Thomas is one of his two favourite recordings of the work.
I’ll leave it to him to tell us which is his favourite, and perhaps why.