Originally posted by kea
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Our Summer BAL No 56 Beethoven Piano Concerto No4
Last edited by Barbirollians; 17-07-17, 22:08.
Persia/Haitink is a good choice, perhaps my favorite as well. I have lived quite happily with Fleisher/Szell for years. I remember hearing the Rubinstein/Leinsdorf/Boston version being played in a record store (remember those?) and being absoultely transfixed but never acquired a recording of it. Lately I've been listening to Brendel from the big Philips box, which is a huge improvement over the travest of his Vox recording, but not quite of a level with my favorites
I seem to have more than my usual quota of this concerto including some not yet much mentioned: Gulda/VPO/Stein, Kovacevich/ACO, Brendel/LPO/Haitink, Fleisher/Cleveland/Szell, Conrad Hansen/BPO/Furtwangler, R Serkin/Philadelphia/Ormandy and Lewis/BBCSO/Belohlavek (which I've yet to hear). I must like it a lot.
My first was a much-loved Arrau/Concertgebouw/Haitink which I miss greatly having injudiciously parted with it at some point.
As for Katchen: Cyrus Meher-Homji (isn't he the Australian Eloquence guy?) suggests in his notes for the 2004 reissue that Katchen rushes in the some of the passagework, and I think he is right. However, that doesn't really detract from my enjoyment, and the 1963 Decca sound (Walthamstow) is first rate.
As for the opening solo: does one crescendo to the sforzando in the third bar (Beethoven gives no instruction) or not? Katchen does not: Perahia and Fellner do, to different degrees. I find myself wondering how Beethoven might have imagined it. Would he have played it the same way every time? I doubt it.
Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View PostI like Paul Lewis's recent recording, with the much missed Jiri Behlohlavek and BBCSO, Of the older ones is Ashkenay's classic one with Solti and CSO? Off hand can't remember
Somehow missed this thread. I'm with those praising the Perahia/Concertgebouw/Haitink recording. Indeed that whole set has been my preferred one for all of the piano concertos for a very long time now. I can't for the life of me think what BBM can find in the sound to complain of, it's excellent in my view."The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink
Originally posted by Petrushka View PostSomehow missed this thread. I'm with those praising the Perahia/Concertgebouw/Haitink recording. Indeed that whole set has been my preferred one for all of the piano concertos for a very long time now. I can't for the life of me think what BBM can find in the sound to complain of, it's excellent in my view.Last edited by Pulcinella; 22-07-17, 09:27.