Originally posted by Richard Barrett
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Our Summer BAL 45: Bartok Quartets
Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View PostThe Solti quotation is also attributed to Szell, Klemperer, and others.
I think the only conclusion to draw is that it works for the people it works for. What I'm trying to say is that performing from memory doesn't necessarily mean that the performer then knows the music better or more deeply than when they didn't. As you say, people generally know the music they play, and if they feel more secure having the music in front of them there's no particular reason to take it away. Mind you, on a vaguely related note, something I don't like to see is those performances of contemporary music where the performer gradually sidles across a line of half a dozen or more music stands. Not long ago I saw a flute player doing this, and, sitting in a front seat as I was, I didn't catch a single glimpse of the flute while the music was being played. These days of course many players are switching over to using an iPad with page-turning pedals.
Originally posted by Bryn View PostThe lack of a need to avoid the noise of page turning would surely ease matters of microphone placement, don't you think?[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Originally posted by BBMmk2 View PostThanks.
It will be interesting to hear your opinion of the Aracadia’s recording on Chandos.
I located the set on iTunes streaming and I have been listening intensely to 1, 4 & 5 over the last few days and I've been totally won over. It's a keeper - I've now bought the download from Qobuz for a mere £15.98.
I've never come across these string quartets played so beautifully, warm and romantically. I agree with every single word of Richard Bratby's November Gramophone (previously posted by Bryn). I think he has totally captured what these performances are. Ambivalent or not! I'm not!
I would whole-heartedly recommend these recordings to Bartok nuts and casual listeners alike.
I really look forward to listening to this recording often over the coming weeks. What with last year's Heath Quartet performances and now this, we really are spoilt for choice concerning modern recordings.
Quartet Arcadia.Last edited by Beef Oven!; 24-11-18, 23:25.
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View PostI'm sure it's been mentioned before (although I couldn't find it in this Thread after a quick look through) but the magnificent Quatuor Diotima's three-disc recording of the Bartok Quartets is "expected to be released" on the 18th January.
or for €19.99 from amazon.fr.
Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View PostI'm sure it's been mentioned before (although I couldn't find it in this Thread after a quick look through) but the magnificent Quatuor Diotima's three-disc recording of the Bartok Quartets is "expected to be released" on the 18th January.
I'm quite partial to Bartók string quartet cycles, so I'll indulge in this one, too!
Quatuor Diotima are an excellent group and IIRC, you (or was it Bryn?) steered me towards their excellent 2VS set.
I need to try to get this as a download, but I don't see it on Qobuz right now
Originally posted by Bryn View PostI'm waiting for QOBUZ. I hope I am not being too, um, Naïve.
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View PostQuatuor Diotima are an excellent group and IIRC, you (or was it Bryn?) steered me towards their excellent 2VS set.I think that the two of us - as well as ahinton (?and Richard Barrett?) - all waxed lyric suite about that set when it first appeared.
I need to try to get this as a download, but I don't see it on Qobuz right now[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View PostI think that the two of us - as well as ahinton (?and Richard Barrett?) - all waxed lyric suite about that set when it first appeared.
Qobuz usually "do" Naive downloads, don't they? (I'm thinking of all those Vivaldi releases.) Perhaps it'll appear nearer the release date?
Yes, Qobuz 'do' Naïve downloads, so it looks promising.