Originally posted by Caliban
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BaL 5.10.13 – Verdi’s Un Ballo in Maschera
Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View PostSee my new thread on setting up a specialist classical music station.
"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
Richard Tarleton
Doing my best to ignore the heckling from the cheap seats,, and back on thread, was Roger Parker under orders to keep it short? Just over half an hour for a Verdi opera? While he probably covered much of what we needed to know about the principal roles, this BAL was stripped of all and any discursive stuff about the plot, the background etc. - anyone who did not know the opera already (would they be listening anyway?) would have no idea what it was about, except that it involved a fortune teller. The, er, masked ball is quite important
and has some great music. Apart from a reference to Solti and Verdi, little about the role of the conductors....
I don't suppose this was RP's fault, but do it properly if you're going to do it at all, guys
Originally posted by Richard Tarleton View PostDoing my best to ignore the heckling from the cheap seats,, and back on thread, was Roger Parker under orders to keep it short? Just over half an hour for a Verdi opera? While he probably covered much of what we needed to know about the principal roles, this BAL was stripped of all and any discursive stuff about the plot, the background etc. - anyone who did not know the opera already (would they be listening anyway?) would have no idea what it was about, except that it involved a fortune teller. The, er, masked ball is quite important
and has some great music. Apart from a reference to Solti and Verdi, little about the role of the conductors....
I don't suppose this was RP's fault, but do it properly if you're going to do it at all, guysDon’t cry for me
I go where music was born
J S Bach 1685-1750
Originally posted by Richard Tarleton View PostDoing my best to ignore the heckling from the cheap seats,, and back on thread, was Roger Parker under orders to keep it short? Just over half an hour for a Verdi opera? While he probably covered much of what we needed to know about the principal roles, this BAL was stripped of all and any discursive stuff about the plot, the background etc. - anyone who did not know the opera already (would they be listening anyway?) would have no idea what it was about, except that it involved a fortune teller. The, er, masked ball is quite important
and has some great music. Apart from a reference to Solti and Verdi, little about the role of the conductors....
I don't suppose this was RP's fault, but do it properly if you're going to do it at all, guys
This was a pathetic survey of an opera so often recorded,that such a cursory examination as given today, did not give enough time to even grade the sound quality of all the contenders. Plus, many other "live" performances of Ballo have had official issues of late and none were mentioned.
I doubt even Classic FM would do a survey as badly as this.
I would rather that they did not do it at all instead of offering us this rubbish.
It is depressing to listen to this, what has BBC Radio Three become? - If I write it here, I'll get thrown off the site.
Originally posted by slarty View PostIt is depressing to listen to this, what has BBC Radio Three become? - If I write it here, I'll get thrown off the site.
The glimmer of hope comes from the fact that the original schedule didn't seem to contemplate such short measure - there was no mention of the little clutch of Schubert recordings. Maybe they were added last minute when a lightweight BAL was delivered..."...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
Originally posted by Caliban View PostThe pressure's on Piers Burton-Page to deliver something substantial on the Walton concerto next week... If his survey is a paltry half-hour, one will have to conclude that BAL has fallen victim to Roger Wrong.
I think he's a Wright Twit.[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Richard Tarleton
I really should be very surprised if Roger Parker was responsible for choosing the length of the slot, though he should have declined to do it on that basis for the sake of his reputation. More expert than he on Verdi is hard to get. His first BAL, back in the 1990s (I think he's only done one or two) was a full-length one on La Forza del Destino - Cali and BBM may remember- and very good it was too.
As Cali says, next week will be critical.