BaL 26.02.11 Bruckner Symphonies

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  • PaulT
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 92

    Originally posted by Bryn View Post
    Agreed, Alison. For me the highlight was the Blomstedt 5th, but then I saw the price. I'll wait until it drops a bit.
    I'm not sure the price will drop if Amazon's current price for Blomstedt's earlier Bruckner releases is anything to go by?


    • Ein Heldenleben
      Full Member
      • Apr 2014
      • 7278

      BAL : Bruckner Symphonies 1-9 Berliner Philharmoniker

      I can’t find a thread on this in either Bruckner or BAL but finding myself tempted by this I see that it is a mere £110 on Amazon! I know one cannot set a price on art but there is a complete Jochum for just £12...


      • mathias broucek
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 1304

        Way, way cheaper on 7 digital for download. Enjoyable but not fantastic based on what I've heard before. For example, the Haitink 5th is predictably good but not AS good as his BRSO version from around the same time. And something goes badly wrong in the coda of Jansons' otherwise good 6th. Again, his RCO version is superior


        • richardfinegold
          Full Member
          • Sep 2012
          • 7898

          I am wondering if these are new unreleased recordings. The most interesting ones to me are the Blomstedt Third and the Rattle Nine. Ozawa in 1 and Mehta in 8 don’t interest me, and I am trusting MB comments above. Karajan BPO recordings can be had for about one fifth the price of this set. And if it’s the Blu Ray availability that makes this set attractive, there is a Karajan set that adds a Blu Ray of those recordings for about twice the cost of the CDs alone.
          However, the potential market for the set may be uninterested in the actual recordings and more in the book. (?). Or-here the cynic in me strikes- on the Presto site there is a notice that they cannot sell the set in the Far East and they are asking their customers not to order it. Given that the interest in Classical Music and Physical Media is much higher in Japan, China, H.K, Malaysia, Singapore, as is the reverence for the Berliner Philharmoniker, I suspect that that is the ultimate target market. The Furtwangler/BP SACD release, which cost over $200 here, was released first in Japan. By stating that the Far East Listeners are unable to purchase this set, it immediately becomes attractive to collectors from that area, who will either buy it from vendors that will resell it there or purchase it in Europe while on Holiday.


          • mathias broucek
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 1304

            They are new and unreleased live performances. The Rattle 9th (with finale) is NOT the same as the one on EMI. I've not listened to it yet.


            • jayne lee wilson
              • Jul 2011
              • 10711

              These are drawn from the DCH, but of course at higher resolutions than that offers.

              I'm afraid I feel they are of limited interpretive interest, save for the Blomstedt 1873 3rd and perhaps the P-Jarvi 1877 2nd....

              If you adore the Berlin Phil, well OK, but I'd rather hear those two off of the original releases, in Dresden or Frankfurt....


              • vinteuil
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 13203

                Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
                These are drawn from the DCH....
                ... DCH, kesskesay?



                • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                  Gone fishin'
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 30163

                  Digital Concert Hall?
                  [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                  • LHC
                    Full Member
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 1585

                    Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
                    These are drawn from the DCH, but of course at higher resolutions than that offers.

                    I'm afraid I feel they are of limited interpretive interest, save for the Blomstedt 1873 3rd and perhaps the P-Jarvi 1877 2nd....

                    If you adore the Berlin Phil, well OK, but I'd rather hear those two off of the original releases, in Dresden or Frankfurt....
                    The set is available from Presto for £73.50 or 89 euros from the Digital Concert Hall shop, and includes the symphonies on CD, Blu ray audio, and blu ray video, so you get several versions of the same performances for your money.

                    With regard to resolution on the DCH, the more recent performances are available in 4K HDR on the Digital Concert Hall streaming service, which would be considerably higher resolution than the blu ray videos.
                    "I do not approve of anything that tampers with natural ignorance. Ignorance is like a delicate exotic fruit; touch it and the bloom is gone. The whole theory of modern education is radically unsound. Fortunately in England, at any rate, education produces no effect whatsoever. If it did, it would prove a serious danger to the upper classes, and probably lead to acts of violence in Grosvenor Square."
                    Lady Bracknell The importance of Being Earnest


                    • Bryn
                      • Mar 2007
                      • 24688

                      Originally posted by LHC View Post
                      The set is available from Presto for £73.50 or 89 euros from the Digital Concert Hall shop, and includes the symphonies on CD, Blu ray audio, and blu ray video, so you get several versions of the same performances for your money.

                      With regard to resolution on the DCH, the more recent performances are available in 4K HDR on the Digital Concert Hall streaming service, which would be considerably higher resolution than the blu ray videos.
                      What is the audio specification for the 4K HDR DCH stream?


                      • jayne lee wilson
                        • Jul 2011
                        • 10711

                        Originally posted by LHC View Post
                        The set is available from Presto for £73.50 or 89 euros from the Digital Concert Hall shop, and includes the symphonies on CD, Blu ray audio, and blu ray video, so you get several versions of the same performances for your money.

                        With regard to resolution on the DCH, the more recent performances are available in 4K HDR on the Digital Concert Hall streaming service, which would be considerably higher resolution than the blu ray videos.
                        Sadly the audio is still restricted to 320 (archive only)/256 kbps (Live) for concert streams.....


                        • Bryn
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 24688

                          Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
                          Sadly the audio is still restricted to 320 (archive only)/256 kbps (Live) for concert streams.....

                          How ridiculous. All too often the already minor proportion of the data stream devoted to audio is sacrificed to the diminishing returns of the overwhelming proportion devoted to the video image. For this to also be the case with DCH is truly pathetic.


                          • Eine Alpensinfonie
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 20590

                            Well, I've just bought the Decca Eloquence Vienna Philharmonic CD set, with six conductors. For many years, I've been on a quest to collect symphony cycles with this orchestra, but never got around to the Bruckner ones, because I find many of his works to be rather boring. But I finally bit the bullet this month.


                            • Goon525
                              Full Member
                              • Feb 2014
                              • 612

                              Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
                              Sadly the audio is still restricted to 320 (archive only)/256 kbps (Live) for concert streams.....

                              Despite which, they do actually sound surprisingly good. As you know, Jayne, I’m a bit of an audiophile myself, but generally find even this modest bitrate (which I’d normally turn my nose up at) to sound ok, given that one is watching as well as listening. That seems to make me less discriminating!


                              • jayne lee wilson
                                • Jul 2011
                                • 10711

                                Originally posted by Goon525 View Post
                                Despite which, they do actually sound surprisingly good. As you know, Jayne, I’m a bit of an audiophile myself, but generally find even this modest bitrate (which I’d normally turn my nose up at) to sound ok, given that one is watching as well as listening. That seems to make me less discriminating!
                                A long time ago in a galaxy far away, the DCH offered the live concerts in 320 kbps aac (as Radio 3 etc of course still does), and I could scarcely keep away.
                                Was it really as long ago as 2010, that I took almost every concert that autumn? But shortly after that, they reduced it to 256 live (to accommodate an ever-growing worldwide audience without freeze or buffering), a level my ears are never really happy with, especially on classical strings..... I recall asking them if they could at least make the 320 available as a choice, they said they might....but it never happened...

                                They still send me a free 7-day pass each year with the program book, but what with Qobuz-S and other disc-based ways of listening to the higher-res, I never seem to get around to using it for the archive....

