A pretty good effort I thought from JJ overall. Did we get his view on the movement order ?
He didn't impose too much on us. Wouldn't a Seckerson have thrusted his one dimensional view
of Mahler performance on us rather more abrasively? We were allowed to think for ourselves somehow.
Yes, Boulez suddenly fell out of the back of the television just as Haitink/BPO gained ground hand over fist
(is that version even available ??) but it was all part of an engaging survey that gave us all a few new perspectives
and ways of thinking about this colossus of a symphony.
He didn't impose too much on us. Wouldn't a Seckerson have thrusted his one dimensional view
of Mahler performance on us rather more abrasively? We were allowed to think for ourselves somehow.
Yes, Boulez suddenly fell out of the back of the television just as Haitink/BPO gained ground hand over fist
(is that version even available ??) but it was all part of an engaging survey that gave us all a few new perspectives
and ways of thinking about this colossus of a symphony.