So the recommended version was Alan Marks.
BaL 29.01.11 Liszt: Anneés de Pélerinage Deuxième Anneé: Italie
Richard Tarleton
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostSo the recommended version was Alan Marks.
Er - what happened to Bolet? Is he NLA? I got to know these pieces through Bolet on Decca (tho' I now have Brendel as well), and always find him (I've got quite a bit of his Liszt) richly Romantically rewarding.
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostI hadn't realised the Daniel Grimwood version was played on a Victorian vertical strung piano. It's always interesting o know what composers were up against, and it's good that such instruments can still be heard.
It seems that this recording uses the same instrument so the cover photo might well be the same 1851 Erard that Grimwood played:
(I enjoyed its sound - a refreshing change from the ubiquitous modern Steinway.)
tony yyy
Apart from the single disc, Bolet's Liszt still seems to be available in a highly-recommendable (imo) 9-disc set, albeit at more than twice the price I paid for it a couple of years ago. The notes claim that, amazingly, he learnt the Swiss book specially for the recording.
May I just add what an excellent presenter David Owen Norris is. His performing experience and his profound knowledge of the technical aspects of Liszt's musical language came over loud and clear...but with no pomposity or sense of 'lecturing'. He has what I would describe as a friendly manner, occasionally witty and always to the point. I personally had never heard of Alan Marks, but given DON's recommendation, I'm going to give him a whirl.
Absolutely agree. DON's voice / manner both made for the intimacy of radio, real learning and detail and a refreshing way of combining considerable in-depth knowledge and accessible manner.
I knew nothing about Annees de Pelerinage whatsover, but this was both guided tour and evluation. Rare radio.
Many thanks.