BaL 5.01.13 - Sibelius: Symphony no. 2 in D

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  • Alain Maréchal
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 1289

    a comment, and a request:

    I was always impressed by Sargent's Sibelius. I saw him conduct No. 2 twice, and I don't think any conductor I have subsequently heard has achieved quite such an impression of onward movement in the coda; not rushed, just a determined and unstoppable uphill climb to the finishing line.

    I've been alerted to the appearance on CD of the Berglund/Bournemouth set. I seem to have them all on separate LPs, and two copies of the SLS5129 box. I'm entirely satisified with my well looked-after vinyl, but If anybody has listened to it would they really recommend that I buy this CD set? Having just retired space and income are not unlimited.


    • Hornspieler
      Late Member
      • Sep 2012
      • 1847

      Originally posted by Alain Maréchal View Post
      a comment, and a request:

      I was always impressed by Sargent's Sibelius. I saw him conduct No. 2 twice, and I don't think any conductor I have subsequently heard has achieved quite such an impression of onward movement in the coda; not rushed, just a determined and unstoppable uphill climb to the finishing line.

      I've been alerted to the appearance on CD of the Berglund/Bournemouth set. I seem to have them all on separate LPs, and two copies of the SLS5129 box. I'm entirely satisified with my well looked-after vinyl, but If anybody has listened to it would they really recommend that I buy this CD set? Having just retired space and income are not unlimited.
      If you enjoyed them on Vynil, I would say yes. Record turntables do not last for ever. Discs get scratched - however careful you may be.
      (You could, of course, back up those vynils on your computer and then write CD copies)

      Many people regard Berglund's Sibelius as a benchmark for other performances to be set against. Gibson, Sargent, Beecham and Barbirolli may all be considered as worthy rivals among our native British conductors.

      Good morning to you Alain. Long time no see!.


      Last edited by Hornspieler; 13-01-13, 16:52.


      • visualnickmos
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 3619

        Originally posted by Hornspieler View Post
        .....BTW I really don't think that Sibelius was Colin Davis's métier. Berlioz was more in his line.

        Except, surely for his Boston set?


        • salymap
          Late member
          • Nov 2010
          • 5969

          Originally posted by visualnickmos View Post
          Except, surely for his Boston set?
          Yes I have nos 1,2,4 and 5 in CD's Boston set and they are very enjoyable


          • ferneyhoughgeliebte
            Gone fishin'
            • Sep 2011
            • 30163

            There seems to have been a rapid downhill trend on this Thread from "I don't agree with her choice", through "Her choice wasn't the best of Colin Davis' recordings" and "This isn't even a good performance" and reaching rock bottom with "Well, Colin Davis can't conduct Sibelius anyway!" (Yes, and Furtwangler wasn't very good in Beethoven!)

            And we wonder why R3 takes no notice of the Forum!

            Honestly, chaps!
            Last edited by ferneyhoughgeliebte; 10-01-13, 16:39.
            [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


            • salymap
              Late member
              • Nov 2010
              • 5969

              Please sir, we are not all chaps and I onlyhave CD with the Boston Band. I admire him a lot and am sure that his Sibelius with other orchestras is as good.And I also enjoy hearing Sargent, Beecham and others but grew up with the Sargent live performances.

              I didn't hear the review but the poor woman seems to have had a bad time, not justfrom the blokes.


              • amateur51

                Originally posted by Hornspieler View Post

                BTW I really don't think that Sibelius was Colin Davis's métier. Berlioz was more in his line.

                Is that why he recorded Sibelius' symphonies 3 times, Hornspieler? Trying to get them right?


                • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                  Gone fishin'
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 30163

                  Originally posted by salymap View Post
                  Please sir, we are not all chaps and I onlyhave CD with the Boston Band.
                  The suggestion that Sir Col lacked "real metier" came from a chap, and most (quite right, not all) of the more vociferous comments have been Y-chromosome in origin. Freedom of speech is to be celebrated, but suggesting that Davis isn't one of the foremost conductors of the Sibelius Symphonies does nothing (except, perhaps, causing damage) for the reputation of the Forum.
                  [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                  • pastoralguy
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 7916

                    Originally posted by Alain Maréchal View Post
                    a comment, and a request:

                    I was always impressed by Sargent's Sibelius. I saw him conduct No. 2 twice, and I don't think any conductor I have subsequently heard has achieved quite such an impression of onward movement in the coda; not rushed, just a determined and unstoppable uphill climb to the finishing line.

                    I've been alerted to the appearance on CD of the Berglund/Bournemouth set. I seem to have them all on separate LPs, and two copies of the SLS5129 box. I'm entirely satisified with my well looked-after vinyl, but If anybody has listened to it would they really recommend that I buy this CD set? Having just retired space and income are not unlimited.
                    I bought the set from Amazon. £9.00. Bargain. Pity there wasn't space for Ida Haendel's violin concerto though.


                    • Alain Maréchal
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 1289

                      Originally posted by Hornspieler View Post

                      Good morning to you Alain. Long time no see!.


                      and Greetings to you Hornspieler, how thoughtful of you to notice my absence. I have been only an occasional visitor over the last 18 months, which were a busy prelude to my retirement (notionally a sabattical, but one from which I do not intend to return). I now understand that old cliche: I have no idea how I ever found tme to do a job. Theoretically I now have time to listen to my record collection, but Madame keeps finding things for me to do.



                      • amateur51

                        Originally posted by Hornspieler

                        I have the greatest respect for Sir Colin Davis, both as conductor and musician. I first played under his baton in a concert performance of "Cosi Fan Tutti" in 1955 and I would say that his Mozart and Berlioz are special and his competance conducting any work is unquestionable, but where Sibelius is concerned, I think that he somehow misses the composer's intentions. This is a personal opinion and others are welcome to theirs, but I speak as I find.

                        My view has nothing to do with Y-chromosomes and this "chap" would suggest that the last sentence of the above quote is unnecessary, untrue and needlessly insulting.

                        Well the weight of opinion is against you Hornspieler.

                        And the word is competence.


                        • PJPJ
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 1461

                          Originally posted by Hornspieler

                          .....but where Sibelius is concerned, I think that he somehow misses the composer's intentions......
                          Could you elaborate on this? Quote examples? Does he miss the composer's intentions in the 2nd, or in all the symphonies, including Kullervo?


                          • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                            Gone fishin'
                            • Sep 2011
                            • 30163

                            Originally posted by Hornspieler
                            My view has nothing to do with Y-chromosomes and this "chap" would suggest that the last sentence of the above quote is unnecessary, untrue and needlessly insulting.
                            But imagine, if you will, somebody venturing the "personal opinion" that Shakespeare wasn't very good as a dramatist, splendid poet that he was, or that Dennis Brain, although splendid in Strauss, didn't really cut the mustard in Mozart. No doubt, you'd applaud their "speaking as they find". But also imagine you are the Controller of R3; some lackey in the offices? brings to your attention criticisms of your running of the Network.

                            "Where are these criticisms?" you thunder at said Lackey.
                            "On the Radio Three Forum, my liege," stammers Lackey.
                            "I know not of this R3 Forum, show it to me!"

                            So Lackey goes to the R3 Forum page on the computer and shows you the first thing that comes up - the "personal opinion" about Brain and Shakespeare.

                            "These people are fools!" you rage, "Avaunt! I'll have none of their criticism!"

                            And so, genuine concern, valid points and valuable suggestions are lost from the Controller's view for all eternity.

                            Sorry if you find this "unnecessary, untrue and needlessly insulting" [on this of all Threads!] but I speak as I find.
                            [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                            • Alison
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 6509

                              A carton containing the Barbirolli is dropped deliciously through the letterbox 10.20.

                              Had rather forgotten about the good measure of the Fifth symphony thrown in too


                              • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                                Gone fishin'
                                • Sep 2011
                                • 30163

                                Originally posted by Hornspieler
                                BTW I am not aware that Sir Colin has ever performed Kullervo, but I think it is most unlikely.
                                "Unlikely" or not, he's recorded it twice: RCA amd LSOLive.
                                [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]

