Originally posted by RichardB
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BaL 22.04.23 - Schubert: Symphony no. 5 in B flat D. 485
Originally posted by smittims View PostYes, I remember a BaL on Brahms' violin concrto where they played the oboe solo from the start of the second movement in several recordings strung togeether. It was fascinating, ad something one wouldn't normally hear.
Originally posted by Barbirollians View PostLargely, JLW and Richard B going into bat for Michi Gaigg and others finding it scratchy and hectoring - or that might just have been me.
Originally posted by cloughie View PostMany good recordings of this sunny work - for me VPO Bohm and RPO Beecham still my favourites! Probably neither will feature in the face of modern over timped, spotlit recordings which seem to be in vogue nowadays!
Originally posted by Mal View PostRPO Beecham is a favourite of mine, so much so that I have neglected exploring other performances. Elegantly detailed, simple and spontaneous; gets across the carefree nature of a youthful composer without trivializing the music. From what third ear says, it might be a good "middle ground" BAL choice. I think I'll try the extremes next - VPO/Bohm for richer romance? Mackerras/OAE for period crispness?
Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View PostTo dismiss the bitrate as irrelevant to the perception of sound characteristics is truly astonishing.... it flies in the face of all we know.
I can hear the differences between youtube playback and CD/Hires very clearly here.
Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View PostAnother world of realism, warmth, presence, spatial depth etc etc....so truer to the fastidious efforts of musicians and producers: the sounds and instrumental timbres they seek to capture. And fairer to use in one's critical assessments.
Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post... of course 320 kbps aac (as in BBC Radio) is the best lossy codec in general use.
What a shame that listeners who have devoted much of their own lives to listening to and loving such music should treat it so casually now, apparently for no better reason than the free or very cheap (often unlicensed) availability.
P.S. This needs a new thread! We should be discussing Schubert 5 here...
As the member suggested, the post would be better on a separate thread. This thread is about today's BaL. For information on moderation, PM the moderator.It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.