Originally posted by gurnemanz
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BaL 28.05.22 - Stravinsky: Symphony in three movements
Originally posted by RichardB View PostSo do I. Especially the first movement seems lacking in urgency. On the same disc there's a very bad edit in the first movement of the Symphony of Psalms which would rule it out of consideration for me. (Another can be found in the second movement of Boulez's Cleveland Mahler 4 - did he just not listen to the masters before release???)
Originally posted by Pulcinella View PostNot sure I want to relisten now, as I'll be on edge waiting for it to see if I spot it!The first two notes after the rest are repeated, adding half a beat to the rhythm and making it sound as if the chorus enters late.
Edit: Actually, listening to it, I reckon it could be quite easily corrected, maybe I'll give that a try. (Unfortunately this wouldn't work with the Mahler example because the producer chose a take in which the second clarinet missed an entry altogether!)
Originally posted by RichardB View Post. . . (Unfortunately this wouldn't work with the Mahler example because the producer chose a take in which the second clarinet missed an entry altogether!)
Originally posted by Lordgeous View PostAs a student I got to know the work from the Colin Davis version - plus the other Stravinsky 'goodies' on the LP. I wonder how it stands up to the competition these days. I only have Stravinsky in the boxed CBS collection.
Originally posted by Bryn View PostI recall dismissing it when looking for some interesting 20th Century music to listen to while undergoing Infantry basic training in Exeter, back in the day. Many years later I forced myself to listen to it via a library copy. I could have kicked myself. Both the Symphony in C and that in Tnree Movements are fine performances. I'd go for Salonen in preference.
Originally posted by Pulcinella View PostThread launched with Alpie's permission/encouragement.
Based on Our Summer BaL 67, so a slightly different format to the list compared to the way Alpie usually presents it.
There was a Chicago SO/Boulez version given in that list which I think must have been a mistake.
Also an unknown orchestra/Silvestri version that I can no longer find.
As usual, additions and corrections willingly accepted.
I find that I have 14 of these versions on my shelves, and I also have the BBC MM cover CD version (BBCSSO/Volkov) mentioned in that thread.
It didn't elicit much response: let's hope there's more this time round.
Originally posted by Pulcinella View PostI'd used my original list and not the amended one from that thread: silvestrione had (unsurprisingly!) provided details of the Silvestri recording, which seems to be downloadable as part of an Icon box. Added to the list again now!
Originally posted by Pulcinella View PostBumping the thread in anticipation of tomorrow's programme.
Listening to the Gibson (a previous winner) as I type.
I'd forgotten quite how impressive it is: nice energy and bite in the first movement, at any rate.
A pretty decent BaL, I thought, though I could have done with less of Andrew's scene setting.
Though (personally) disappointed that neither of the MTT versions featured, the extracts (mostly of a good length, which helped) were well chosen and had their reasons well explained (tempo, precision, etc). The Boulez extracts, however, merely served to reinforce the fact that I don't really like his version. And at least the winner (Rattle/CBSO) is still obtainable on CD for those who might want it in that format, albeit through Presto.