Originally posted by Richard Barrett
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Fabulously and spaciously engineered, it set new standards when it appeared; still sonically reference-class today.
Not sure which Vegh was preferred; 1954 for me, but both rank high in my personal Bartokian Universe, along with the amazing Takacs. Anyone wishing to follow up the BaL should seek out Rob Cowan's excellent Gramophone Collection survey of the Bartok Cycle, in 3/2001. Of the stereo Vegh he says "hearing them play is like hearing Bartok play" though he admits they were "a little past their technical prime" by then. So, back to the Takacs; the Kellers were a favourite of his too.
(PS Richard - perhaps give the Emerson "The Haydn Project" a try? It may surprise you. It is really lovely, I've played it almost continuously last night and this afternoon...often made me smile through the clouds and the rain..)