BaL 23.11.19 - Haydn: Symphony no. 102

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  • jayne lee wilson
    • Jul 2011
    • 10711

    Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post
    Maybe it’s just me, but everything Harnoncourt touches seems to turn to sludge.
    I'm afraid, how can I break it to you really is just you.......

    So enter thee into religious retreat
    Take only the Harnoncourt Sony, Intégrale
    And Complete

    For forty days and forty nights your soul
    Will be filled
    With instruction

    In Musical and Spiritual Delights
    Last edited by jayne lee wilson; 23-11-19, 16:25.


    • HighlandDougie
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 3153

      Originally posted by Bryn View Post
      The omission of any mention of Fey, though, was something of a surprise.
      I've just retrieved it from the metaphorical back of the cupboard and, in view of SW's comments about the tempo of the minuet and the trio not needing to be wildly different, I guess that Fey's dramatic (and, in my view, mannered) rallentando in moving from minuet to trio may well have scuppered his chances of being included. And, at the risk of being teased again by Bryn for complaining about recording quality, the admittedly clear but dry and boxy recording does the performance few favours (although the spirited final movement almost redeems it). So back in the cupboard it goes.


      • jayne lee wilson
        • Jul 2011
        • 10711

        That does surprise me HD - off the current Qobuz Studio stream, the 16/44.1 Fey 102 sounds warm, immediate but not too close, with a pleasingly natural, not especially curtailed decay.

        I'd love someone to define "mannered" musical reviewing terms.... does it mean much more than "tempo/phrase shifts/changes I dislike"?
        What and where is the touchstone?

        I guess I'm just sad no-one else seems to hear Fey for what it is - to my ears and heartbeat wonderfully inventive and playful! Joy all over!
        Its playing now, sounds as good as ever....alive in every bar...I love those trio ornaments (never heard anyone else attempt this in any other reading this week...yet...but if you let 102/iv run on into the 104 intro - suddenly we have majestic grandeur and power! Some contrast! These guys really know what they're doing...)

        I said elsewhere recently that some recordings offer a pleasurable paradox, in sounding as if they might play it differently the next day...
        That's part of my attraction to Fey and his stunning band - a sense of creativity, fluidity, shape-changing moment-to-moment......the more recordings we have around us to stream or buy, the more this makes perfect sense to my ears.....Fey and his band always seem to make it new...

        Anyway, kick-off approaching.... run the rule over Goodman later....
        Last edited by jayne lee wilson; 23-11-19, 17:21.


        • Pianorak
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 3129

          Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post

          Seems you can also order the CD from here for £6.50 as well...
          Just ordered, £8.25 incl. p&p. Thanks Jayne.
          My life, each morning when I dress, is four and twenty hours less. (J Richardson)


          • teamsaint
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 25302

            I always enjoy listening to Sarah Walker.

            Is the repertoire a speciality for her? I suspect she would be (even) better on , say C20 piano music.
            I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

            I am not a number, I am a free man.


            • edashtav
              Full Member
              • Jul 2012
              • 3680

              Originally posted by Pianorak View Post
              Just ordered, £8.25 incl. p&p. Thanks Jayne.
              Ditto: I hope you're on a good percentage, Jayne.
              My copy has Windsor Castle thrown in : perhaps the Royal Family are having a clear out.


              • Lordgeous
                Full Member
                • Dec 2012
                • 841

                Originally posted by Goon525 View Post
                I wonder if there's any benefit to the listener with these things being broadcast live? The cock-up with the second Goodman extract could easily have been edited out and replaced if this had been recorded.
                I've often wondered if BAL WAS live or recorded. Now we know. On another note(!), does it not seem a trifle strange that AmcG and presenter always seem to agree on everything?!


                • Master Jacques
                  Full Member
                  • Feb 2012
                  • 2136

                  Originally posted by HighlandDougie View Post
                  I've just retrieved it from the metaphorical back of the cupboard and, in view of SW's comments about the tempo of the minuet and the trio not needing to be wildly different, I guess that Fey's dramatic (and, in my view, mannered) rallentando in moving from minuet to trio may well have scuppered his chances of being included. And, at the risk of being teased again by Bryn for complaining about recording quality, the admittedly clear but dry and boxy recording does the performance few favours (although the spirited final movement almost redeems it). So back in the cupboard it goes.
                  Yes... having listened to Fey's 102nd on Prime this afternoon, I'm sorry to say that from about two minutes in, the loudest voice in my head was that well-known critic of Classical Music, Kenneth Williams. And what was he saying? "Stop muckin' about!!"

                  This mannered, fussy and interventionalist reading is certainly very far from my idea of how to play Haydn. I found it both old-fashioned and pedantic. And as for the sugar-box recording and some oddly approximate playing (first flute a particular culprit) ... well, you get the picture. Not for me, I'm afraid.


                  • Master Jacques
                    Full Member
                    • Feb 2012
                    • 2136

                    Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
                    I always enjoy listening to Sarah Walker.

                    Is the repertoire a speciality for her? I suspect she would be (even) better on , say C20 piano music.
                    As she chose a "Joyce Hatto" recording of some solo piano work or other as her BaL choice, just before the storm broke (I can't recall now which piano work) I guess she's been warned off that particular turf!


                    • doversoul1
                      Ex Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 7132

                      Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
                      I always enjoy listening to Sarah Walker.

                      Is the repertoire a speciality for her? I suspect she would be (even) better on , say C20 piano music.
                      Walker studied music at Royal Holloway, University of London and Reading University, and in 1995 gained a doctorate in English experimental music.


                      • Bryn
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 24688

                        Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
                        I always enjoy listening to Sarah Walker.

                        Is the repertoire a speciality for her? I suspect she would be (even) better on , say C20 piano music.
                        As with many whose prime interest is experimental music, she has a decidedly catholic approach to music. She most likely took to Haydn during a fairly early stage of her music education. To me, with Haydn, it's a case once bitten . . . As you may see from her online profile, she is also a piano teacher and author/composer of a series of introductory music book for children, concentrating on electronic keyboards, rather than mechanical pianos, recognising the great likelihood of access to such instruments. Haydn's keyboard music is bound to feature in her teaching. Would I be right in thinking you have read her Leonaro piece on the Engish Experimental Piano tradition, or her PhD thesis online? Oh, and she also plays keyboard in a local semi-pro jazz band, something which gets reflected in the Sunday Morning programme. It is only fair that I mention that she interviewed me for a Radio experimental online 'postcard' feature back in 2001 (long taken down, thank goodness, though I see that Tony Harris refers to it, with a long-defunct URL, in his Cardew book).


                        • Bryn
                          • Mar 2007
                          • 24688

                          Originally posted by Master Jacques View Post
                          As she chose a "Joyce Hatto" recording of some solo piano work or other as her BaL choice, just before the storm broke (I can't recall now which piano work) I guess she's been warned off that particular turf!
                          I think you will find she has done at least one futher Messiaen BaL since then. Are you not aware that the recording she chose has since been identified as a slightly modified clone of the recording by Paul Kim, whose Messiaen piano survey on the slightly esoteric Centaur label has since been highly acclaimed by many? If one is presented with a CD to review, one is obliged to take its accreditation at face value. Bryce Morrison, in The Gramophone also praised the recording to the skies, similarly accepting the attribution to the, as we now know, dying Hatto. Under its due attribution to Paul Kim, it is one of my favourite recordings of Vingt Regards, though the more opportunities I get to here the work performed, the better. Here's hoping Ian Pace makes a decent pair of fists of it at City University next month.


                          • jayne lee wilson
                            • Jul 2011
                            • 10711

                            Originally posted by Master Jacques View Post
                            Yes... having listened to Fey's 102nd on Prime this afternoon, I'm sorry to say that from about two minutes in, the loudest voice in my head was that well-known critic of Classical Music, Kenneth Williams. And what was he saying? "Stop muckin' about!!"

                            This mannered, fussy and interventionalist reading is certainly very far from my idea of how to play Haydn. I found it both old-fashioned and pedantic. And as for the sugar-box recording and some oddly approximate playing (first flute a particular culprit) ... well, you get the picture. Not for me, I'm afraid.
                            If this is Amazon Prime the lossy bitrate (max 256 kbps, which I can't enjoy at all) won't give an accurate critical picture of the SQ (which is fine here, as I said, and I've heard this recording several times now on the usual rig, in isolation and comparatively with the 8 or 9 others I've concentrated on this week.. ) or even the playing itself .... or are you listening on the lossless "Amazon Music HD" platform?

                            How exactly is it "old-fashioned"? With reference to what definition of "modern"...?
                            Where does the flautist slip up?

                            Still surprised at the criticisms this 102 is getting, though..... more listening opinions (off lossless or CD) very much welcomed...!


                            other views....

                            Gramophone 5/19 (DT).
                            Last edited by jayne lee wilson; 23-11-19, 21:53.


                            • antongould
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 8873

                              Quite enjoyed the BAL ..... liked the Abbado I heard and delighted to find I had it in the Abbado Box Set - as Bobby Ball would say “That will do for me T ......”


                              • Goon525
                                Full Member
                                • Feb 2014
                                • 612

                                Well I’ve just listened to the Fey, somewhat prompted by comments above. (I should say I’d probably only listen to this symphony (great through it is) once or twice a decade - there are, after all, 103 others, not to mention A+B!) But I’m too mean to buy the winner as it’s not available for streaming as it’s on Hyperion. I have at least Tate, Beecham and A Fischer in my collection, but last listened to the Minkowski, which I enjoyed more than JLW did. So to Fey - a delight for those who know the symphony quite well, oozing with life, energy, electricity, all that good stuff. A bit eccentric at times, some of the tempi very quick indeed, some phrasing a little quirky. But - and this important to me - if I hear a middle of the road performance of something I know quite well, my listening can go into a sort of auto-pilot, which I know isn’t healthy. There was never any danger of that here. The sound, incidentally, is somewhat reverberant, a little reminiscent of the Fischer, series, but better than that. A very wide but not terribly deep stereo spread, with full value given to the divided violins. There’s a sense of listening to a very good orchestra, perhaps not in the first class, but with oodles of character. I’m delighted to have heard it, but I can see why it might not be a ‘safe’ library choice.
                                Last edited by Goon525; 23-11-19, 22:32.

