BaL 30.03.19 - Shostakovich: Piano Quintet in G minor Op. 57

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  • Eine Alpensinfonie
    • Nov 2010
    • 20590

    BaL 30.03.19 - Shostakovich: Piano Quintet in G minor Op. 57

    Building a Library: Ivan Hewett picks a personal favourite from among the recordings of Dmitri Shostakovich’s Piano Quintet in G minor, Op. 57.
    Shostakovich hoped the clear, tunefully muscular style of his 1940 Piano Quintet would mark another step on the way to rehabilitation with the Soviet authorities. But Shostakovich himself couldn’t have predicted the enormous popular and critical success of the work. The bitterest and sweetest icing on the cake came the following year when the Quintet won the Stalin Prize (Category One).

    Available versions:-

    Victor Aller, Hollywood String Quartet
    Piotr Anderszewski, Belcea Quartet
    Apple Hill Chamber Players
    Martha Argerich, Renaud Capucon, Alissa Margulis & Lyda Chen *
    Martha Argerich, Joshua Bell, Henning Kraggerud, Yuri Bashmet, Mischa Maisky (DVD)
    Vladimir Ashkenazy, Fitzwilliam Quartet
    Edward Auer, Godfried Hoogeveen, Marcus Thompson, Christiaan Bor, Paul Rosenthal *
    Artur Balsam, Budapest String Quartet
    Beaux Arts Trio etc.
    Clifford Benson, Alberni String Quartet
    Ludmila Berlinskaya, New Russian Quartet
    Boris Berman, Vermeer Quartet
    Borodin Trio, Jerry Horner, Mimi Zweig
    Yefim Bronfman, Juilliard String Quartet
    Ian Brown, Schidlof Quartet
    Ian Brown, Marcia Crayford, Elizabeth Layton, Roger Chase, Christopher van Kampen *
    Christian Blackshaw, Brodsky Quartet *
    Yefim Bronfman, Juillard String Quartet *
    Bruno Canino, Amati Quartett
    Martin Cousin, Villiers String Quartet
    DSCH-Shostakovich Ensemble
    Itamar Golan, Mischa Maisky, Yuri Bashmet, Janine Jansen, Julian Rachlin
    Alexey Goribol, Alexey Massarsky, Andrey Dogadin, Lidiya Kovalenko, Ilya Ioff
    Marc-André Hamelin, Takács Quartet
    Martin Helmchen, Pieter Schoeman, Kristine Blaumane, Alexander Zemtsov, Vesselin Gellev
    Yakov Kasman, Talich Quartet
    Matthias Kirschnereit, Szymanowski Quartet
    Ewa Kupiec, Petersen Quartet
    Elisabeth Leonskaja, Artemis Quartet
    Michael Lifits, Szymanowski Quartet *
    Anna Malikova, Belenus Quartet *
    Nash Ensemble *
    Constantine Orbelian, Moscow String Quartet
    Pihtipudas Kvintetti
    Quintetto Chigiano
    Martin Roscoe, Sorrel Quartet *
    St. Petersburg Chamber Soloists
    Schubertiaden Schnackenburg Soloists
    Dmitri Shostakovich, Beethoven Quartet
    Dmitri Shostakovich, Dmiyri Tziganov, Vasily Shirinsky, Vadim Borisovsky, Sergei Shirinsky
    Dmitri Shostakovich, Rostislav Dubinsky, Nina Barshai, Rudolf Barshai, Valentin Berlinsky
    Francisca Skoogh, Z Quartet
    Tchaikovsky Trio, Yoshiko Arai, Vladimir Mendelssohn
    Anatol Ugorski, Delian Quartet
    Igor Uryash, St Petersburg String Quartet
    Alexei Volodin, Borodin Quartet
    Roger Woodward, Alexander String Quartet *

    * = download only
    Last edited by Eine Alpensinfonie; 30-03-19, 11:31.
  • ferneyhoughgeliebte
    Gone fishin'
    • Sep 2011
    • 30163

    - many thanks once again, Alpie.

    A fovourite piece of Shostakovich for me - but I have only the Richter/Borodin 4tet disc (which should never be allowed out of the catalogue), so I'll be listening with a shopper's ear to this BaL.
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


    • LeMartinPecheur
      Full Member
      • Apr 2007
      • 4717

      Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View Post
      ...I have only the Richter/Borodin 4tet disc (which should never be allowed out of the catalogue)...
      I'm amazed and appalled to see it has been let out of the catalogue!

      I have 3 versions, all nla - Yedlina + Borodins on an old HMV Melodiya LP, fhg's Richter + Borodins, and Stott + London Musici 4tet.
      I keep hitting the Escape key, but I'm still here!


      • richardfinegold
        Full Member
        • Sep 2012
        • 7898

        regarding the blather in the prom blurb that Alpie reproduces:

        I am not in a position to check this at the moment, but I thought Shosty had written the Quintet in the 1930s, that he originally conceived it as a String Quartet but then changed it to a Piano Quintet to add a part for himself when he found out that the performing ensemble (The Beethoven Quartet?) was going to be allowed to travel outside the USSR boundaries to perform the new work, and that he was on tour in Turkey or someplace when the infamous Stalin attack on him and his Opera Lady MacBeth of the Mtinsk District in Pravda, Muddle Instead of Music , was published. I thought that he hurried back to the USR expecting to be sent to the Gulag. If this is true then the blurb about "hoping to rehabilitate himself" with the Quintet would be nonsense. Am I mistaken?


        • ferneyhoughgeliebte
          Gone fishin'
          • Sep 2011
          • 30163

          Originally posted by richardfinegold View Post
          regarding the blather in the prom blurb that Alpie reproduces:

          I am not in a position to check this at the moment, but I thought Shosty had written the Quintet in the 1930s, that he originally conceived it as a String Quartet but then changed it to a Piano Quintet to add a part for himself when he found out that the performing ensemble (The Beethoven Quartet?) was going to be allowed to travel outside the USSR boundaries to perform the new work, and that he was on tour in Turkey or someplace when the infamous Stalin attack on him and his Opera Lady MacBeth of the Mtinsk District in Pravda, Muddle Instead of Music , was published. I thought that he hurried back to the USR expecting to be sent to the Gulag. If this is true then the blurb about "hoping to rehabilitate himself" with the Quintet would be nonsense. Am I mistaken?
          I think you must be, rfg. According to Wiki, the Pno5tet was begun in the Summer of 1940, and completed in September of that year, with a premiere in November. Whilst the USSR wasn't then at War, opportunities to travel in Europe would have been somewhat limited - and USA/USSR cultural exchanges before the War, unless I'm mistaken, just didn't happen? The only chamber works DSCH wrote before the War were the First S4tet (1938); the 'cello Sonata (1934); and the first Piano Trio (1923 - when he was 16).
          [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


          • Padraig
            Full Member
            • Feb 2013
            • 4273

            I understood that The Beethoven Quartet were so impressed by Shostakovich's String Quartet No 1, 1938, that they commissioned a piece. The Quintet was duly completed in September 1940 and was premiered later that year with Shostakovich himself at the piano.

            I have Elisabeth Leonskaja and the Borodin Quartet, 1996, which influenced me to suggest the work for our local Music Society around that time. Though I don't see it listed for consideration it was received with wonderment by our audience. Anya Alexeyev and The Emperor Quartet graced the stage for what was in 1998, a first for Derry, and I'm proud to be responsible.


            • BBMmk2
              Late Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 20908

              One of my favourites. I have Ashkenazy, Firzwilliam and Martha Argerich and friends, and Marc Andre Hamlin and The Takacs.Brilliant work.
              Don’t cry for me
              I go where music was born

              J S Bach 1685-1750


              • Edgy 2
                • Jan 2019
                • 2035

                Contender for the greatest piano Quintet ever written ?

                I have Matthias Kirschnereit Szymanowski Quartet,Richter Borodin Quartet and Melos Ensemble (eloquence) which isn’t listed,maybe nla or banned because of the cover picture
                “Music is the best means we have of digesting time." — Igor Stravinsky


                • Bryn
                  • Mar 2007
                  • 24688

                  Originally posted by Edgy 2 View Post
                  Contender for the greatest piano Quintet ever written ?

                  I have Matthias Kirschnereit Szymanowski Quartet,Richter Borodin Quartet and Melos Ensemble (eloquence) which isn’t listed,maybe nla or banned because of the cover picture
                  The Melos Ensemble is available from QOBUZ at a fairly sensible price (search there for "Shostakovich Melos" or go to

                  That cover illustration does not look like a "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" to me.


                  • verismissimo
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 2957

                    I've only ever owned another recording (on LP) by the Borodins - this one with Lyubov Yedlina. It was recorded by Melodiya in 1968 and published by EMI in 1975.

                    Haven't listened to it in years, partly doubtless because it's organised to be split over 2 sides, framed by Stravinsky Octet and 3 Pieces for Quartet. Will listen again.


                    • Pulcinella
                      • Feb 2014
                      • 11384

                      Originally posted by Edgy 2 View Post
                      Contender for the greatest piano Quintet ever written ?
                      I know that teamsaint thinks highly of the Schnittke piano quintet, and it's available in a Naxos coupling with the DSCH that gets a very good mention in the Penguin Guide.
                      I have the Schnittke in a different (all-Schnittke) Naxos coupling.

                      In terms of the DSCH, I too have the Richter/Borodin, as well as Ashkenazy/Fitzwilliam, Borodin Trio with Zweig and Horner, and the Nash Ensemble.
                      Should be another good BaL.

                      PS: Looks like the Richter/Borodin is still available as a single Melodiya CD:
                      Last edited by Pulcinella; 22-03-19, 09:34. Reason: PS added


                      • LMcD
                        Full Member
                        • Sep 2017
                        • 8922

                        Originally posted by Edgy 2 View Post
                        Contender for the greatest piano Quintet ever written ?

                        I have Matthias Kirschnereit Szymanowski Quartet,Richter Borodin Quartet and Melos Ensemble (eloquence) which isn’t listed,maybe nla or banned because of the cover picture
                        Certainly a contender, but on Wednesday I attended a lunchtime concert which reminded me once again of all the good things about Schumann's Piano Quintet. Also worthy of mention are K452 and the Elgar, which we saw performed by Ian Brown and the now-disbanded(?) Sorrell Quartet some years ago.


                        • teamsaint
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 25302

                          Originally posted by Pulcinella View Post
                          I know that teamsaint thinks highly of the Schnittke piano quintet, and it's available in a Naxos coupling with the DSCH that gets a very good mention in the Penguin Guide.
                          I have the Schnittke in a different (all-Schnittke) Naxos coupling.

                          In terms of the DSCH, I too have the Richter/Borodin, as well as Ashkenazy/Fitzwilliam, Borodin Trio with Zweig and Horner, and the Nash Ensemble.
                          Should be another good BaL.

                          PS: Looks like the Richter/Borodin is still available as a single Melodiya CD:
                          review of the DSCH/ Schnittke Naxos disc here

                          I could certainly do with another recording of each work, so this looks a good one to pick up as prep for the BaL.......
                          I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                          I am not a number, I am a free man.


                          • CallMePaul
                            Full Member
                            • Jan 2014
                            • 816

                            I have heard this performed live on several occasions, including by David Fanning with both the Lindsays and the Quatuor Danel. However, I do not have a recording of the piece so will listen with interest. For me at least, couplings will matter as I would prefer another Soviet era quintet rather than one Shostakovich quartet (I already have Danels, Shostakovich Quartet and most of the Fitzwilliam cycle). At one time couplings were mentioned when a disc was recommended but this has not been the case for some years.


                            • Barbirollians
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 11988

                              Originally posted by CallMePaul View Post
                              I have heard this performed live on several occasions, including by David Fanning with both the Lindsays and the Quatuor Danel. However, I do not have a recording of the piece so will listen with interest. For me at least, couplings will matter as I would prefer another Soviet era quintet rather than one Shostakovich quartet (I already have Danels, Shostakovich Quartet and most of the Fitzwilliam cycle). At one time couplings were mentioned when a disc was recommended but this has not been the case for some years.
                              Richter/Borodin - deleted ! What an outrage !!!

