BaL 13.05.17 - Monteverdi: Orfeo

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  • Eine Alpensinfonie
    • Nov 2010
    • 20585

    BaL 13.05.17 - Monteverdi: Orfeo

    Building a Library: Monteverdi 450
    Renowned conductor Jeremy Summerly joins Andrew for a live traversal of recordings of Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo, the first opera that has both survived the centuries and stayed in the repertoire.

    Available recordings:

    Monica Piccinini, Anna Simboli (soprano), Sara Mingardo (contralto), Furio Zanasi, Luca Dordoli (tenor) & Sergio Foresti, Antonio Abete (bass)
    Concerto Italiano, Rinaldo Alessandrini

    Georg Nigl (Orfeo), Roberta Invernizzi (Euridice), Sara Mingardo (Messaggera), Sara Mingardo (Speranza), Luigi De Donato (Caronte), Raffaella Milanesi (Proserpina), Giovanni Battista Parodi (Plutone), Roberta Invernezzi (Eco), Furio Zanasi (Apollo) & Nicola Strada (Solo Dancer)
    Orchestra of Teatro alla Scala & Concerto Italiano (Basso continuo), Rinaldo Alessandrini (DVD/Blu-ray)

    Enrico de Franceschi, Ginevra Vivante, Vittoria Palombini, Ambino Marone, Elena Nicolai
    Teatro alla Scala, Ferrucio Calusio

    Emanuela Galli (La Musica / Euridice), Mirko Guadagnini (Orfeo), Marina De Liso (Messaggiera), Cristina Calzolari (Proserpina), Matteo Bellotto (Plutone), Josè Maria Lo Monaco (Speranza), Salvo Vitale (Caronte), Vincenzo Di Donato (Apollo), Francesca Cassinari (Ninfa)
    La Venexiana, Claudio Cavina

    Dietrich Henschel (Orfeo), Maria Grazia Schiavo (Euridice), Sonia Prina (Messenger), Luigi De Donato (Caronte), Antonio Abete (Plutone), Hanna Bayodi (Ninfa), Xavier Sabata (Shepherd i), Cyril Auvity (Shepherd II, Spirit I), Juan Sancho (Shepherd III, Spirit II), Jonathan Sells (Shepherd IV, Spirit III), Ludovic Provost (Eco) & Agustín Prunell-Friend (Apollo)
    Les Arts Florissants, William Christie (DVD)

    Anthony Rolfe Johnson (Orfeo), Julianne Baird (Euridice), Anne Sofie von Otter (La Messaggiera), Lynne Dawson (La Musica), Nancy Argenta (Ninfa), Mary Nichols (La Speranza), John Tomlinson (Caronte), Diana Montague (Proserpina), Willard White (Plutone), Nigel Robson (Apollo)
    English Baroque Soloists, Monteverdi Choir, His Majesties Sagbutts and Cornetts, John Eliot Gardiner

    Victor Torres (Orfeo), Adriana Fernández (Euridice), Gloria Banditelli (La Messaggiera), Maria-Cristina Kiehr (La Speranza), Antonio Abete (Caronte), Roberta Invernizzi (Proserpina/Ninfa), Furio Zanasi (Plutone), Maurizio Rossano (Apollo), Ensemble Elyma, Gabriel Garrido

    Ian Bostridge (Orfeo), Natalie Dessay (La Musica), Patrizia Ciofi (Euridice), Véronique Gens (Proserpina), Alice Coote (Messaggiera), Sonia Prina (Speranza), Carolyn Sampson (Ninfa), Paul Agnew (Eco/Pastore), Christopher Maltman (Apollo/Pastore), Lorenzo Regazzo (Plutone), Mario Luperi (Caronte), Pascal Bertin, Richard Burkhard (Pastori)
    Le Concert d’Astrée, European Voices, Emmanuelle Haim

    (ORCH. RESPIGHI) Paolo Coni (Orfeo), Nuccia Focile (Euridice), Enrico Facini (Apollo), James Loomis (Caronte)
    Orchestra da Camera Lucchese, Herbert Handt (download)

    Rotraud Hansmann, Lajos Kozma, Cathy Berberian, Kurt Equiluz & Max van Egmond
    Concentus musicus Wien, Nikolaus Harnoncourt

    Philippe Huttenlocher (Orfeo), Rachel Yakar (Euridice), Dietlinde Turban, Trudeliese Schmidt (La Musica/La Speranza), Francisco Araiza (Pastore/Spirito), Christian Bösch (Pastore)
    Das Monteverdi-Ensemble des Opernhauses Zürich, Nikolaus Harnoncourt (DVD)

    Gino Sinimberghi (Orfeo), Uta Graf (Euridice), Patricia Brinton (La Musica) & Waldemar Kmentt (Apollo)
    Vienna Singakademie & Orchestra of Historical Instruments,, Paul Hindemith

    Laurence Dale (Orfeo), Efrat Ben-Nun (Euridice/La Musica), Jennifer Larmore (Messaggiera), Paul Gérimon (Caronte), Harry Peeters (Plutone), Bernarda Fink (Proserpina), Nicolas Rivenq (Apollo), Andreas Scholl (Speranza), Concerto Vocale, René Jacobs

    Simon Keenlyside (Orfeo), Juanita Lascarro (Euridice, la Musica, Eco), Graciela Oddone (la Messaggiera), Martina Dike (Proserpina), Stephen Wallace (la Speranza, Pastore), Tomas Tòmasson (Plutone), Paul Gérimon, Caronte (Pastore), Mauro Utzeri (Apollo), Anne Cambier (Ninfa), Yann Beuron, John Bowen, René Linnenbank (Pastori, Spiriti)
    Trisha Brown Company Concerto Vocale, Collegium Vocale Gent, René Jacobs (DVD)

    Emilia Petrescu (La Musica), Anna Reynolds (Proserpina), Ian Partridge (Apollo/Pastore 1), James Bowman (La Speranza), Nigel Rogers (Orfeo), John Elwes (Spirito 1/Pastore 3), Stafford Dean (Plutone/Pastore 4), Alexander Malta (Spirito 2)
    Blaserkreis Fur Alte Musik Hamburg, Camerata Accademica Hamburg, Hamburger Bläserkreis für alte Musik, Camerata Accademica Hamburg, Jürgen Jürgens

    Raymond Wolansky, Ingeborg Bremert, Lucretia West, Ernst Wiemann, Otto Arneth
    Südfunkchor Stuttgart, Radiosinfonieorchester Stuttgart, Ferdinand Leitner

    Kobie van Rensburg (Orfeo), Cyrille Gerstenhaber (Euridice), Estelle Kaïque (La Messaggera), Delphine Gillot (Proserpina), Philippe Jaroussky (La Speranza), Bernard Deletré (Caronte/Plutone), Philippe Rabier (Apollo)
    La Grande Ecurie et La Chambre du Roy, Jean-Claude Malgoire (download/DVD)

    Nigel Rogers (Orfeo), Patrizia Kwella (Euridice), Emma Kirkby (La Musica), Jennifer Smith (Proserpina), Helena Afonso (Ninfa), Catherine Denley (Speranza), Guillemette Laurens (Messagiera), Mario Bolognesi (Echo/Apollo), Rogers Covey-Crump (Pastore II), John Potter (Pastore III), Stephen Varcoe (Plutone/Pastore), David Thomas (Caronte), Terry Edwards, Geoffrey Shaw (Spirits)
    London Baroque & London Cornett & Sackbut Ensemble, Charles Medlam (download)

    Charles Daniels (Orfeo), Faye Newton (Euridice), Emily Van Evera (Messaggiera), Clare Wilkinson (Speranza/Proserpina), Curtis Streetman (Caronte), Christopher Purves (Plutone), Anna Dennis (Ninfa), Guy Pelc (Apollo), Rodrigo del Pozo, Simon Wall, Gareth Morrell Robert Macdonald (Pastori), Richard Latham, Gareth Morrell, Curtis Streetman, (Spiriti infernali)
    Taverner Consort & Players, Andrew Parrott

    John Mark Ainsley (Orfeo), Catherine Bott (La Musica/La Messaggiera/La Proserpina), Julia Gooding (Euridice), Michael George (Plutone), Andrew King (Apollo), Simon Grant (Caronte)
    New London Consort, Philip Pickett

    Dominik Köninger (Orpheus), Julia Novikova (Eurydike), Peter Renz (Amor), Theresa Kronthaler (Sylvia / Proserpina), Alexey Antonov (Pluto), Stefan Sevenich (Charon), Frank Soehnle (Figuren Orpheus und Eurydike), Orchestra and Chorus of the Komische Oper Berlin, André de Ridder (DVD/Blu-ray)

    Montserrat Figueras (La Musica), Furio Zanasi (Orfeo), Arianna Savall (Euridice), Sara Mingardo (Messaggiera), Cécile van de Sant (Speranza), Antonio Abete (Caronte), Adriana Fernández (Proserpina), Daniele Carnovich (Plutone), Fulvio Bettini (Apollo), Mercedes Hernández (Ninfa), Marília Vargas (Ninfa), Gerd Türk (Pastore & Eco), Francesc Garrigosa (Pastore & Spirito), Carlos Mena (Pastore) & Iván García (Pastore & Spirito)
    La Capella Reial de Catalunya & Le Concert des Nations, Jordi Savall (CD/DVD)

    Laurie Monahan (La Musica, Messaggera), Frank Kelley (Orfeo), Roberta Anderson (Euridice), Deborah Rentz-Moore (Speranza), Sharon Baker (Proserpina), David Ripley (Caronte), Robert Honeysucker (Plutone), Jeffrey Gall (Shepherd), William Hite (Shepherd), Aaron Sheehan (Shepherd), Michael Collver (counter-tenor)
    Aston Magna, Daniel Stepner

    John Mark Ainsley, Brigitte Balleys, Michael Chance, David Cordier, Mario Luperi, Russell Smythe
    Tragicomedia and Concerto Palatino, Stephen Stubbs (DVD)

    William Matteuzzi (Orfeo), Sylva Pozzer (La Musica/Euridice), Sara Mingardo (La Messaggiera/Proserpina), Angela Bucci (La Speranza), Paolo Dal Dosso (Caronte), Loris Bertolo (Plutone), Gian Paolo Fagotto (Apollo)
    Ensemble Instrumental, Sergio Vartolo

    Alessandro Carmignani (tenor), Rosita Frisani (soprano), Carlo Lepore (bass), Marinella Pennicchi (soprano), Giovanni Pentasuglia (tenor), Gastone Sarti (bass), Patrizia Vaccari (soprano)
    San Petronio Cappella Musicale Orchestra, Sergio Vartolo

    Fritz Wunderlich (tenor), Bernhard Michaelis (tenor), Horst Gunter (baritone), Jeanne Deroubaix (mezzo-soprano), Hildegard Wild (soprano), Margot Guilleaume (soprano), Helmut Krebs (tenor), Peter Roth-Ehrang (bass), Hanni Mack-Cosack (soprano), Peter Offermanns (tenor), Clemens Kaiser-Breme (tenor)
    Hamburg Staatliche Hochschule fur Musik Choir, Orchestra of the Sommerliche Musiktage Hitzacher 1955, August Wenzinger (download)
    Last edited by Eine Alpensinfonie; 13-05-17, 09:41.
  • ferneyhoughgeliebte
    Gone fishin'
    • Sep 2011
    • 30163

    Many thanks, Alpie

    Jeremy Summerly joins Andrew for a live traversal of recordings

    I think that I'll give this a miss - after all, it's less than ten years since Tess Knighton managed quite well on her own, and chose the Venexiana/Cavina recording on GLOSSA.
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


    • Eine Alpensinfonie
      • Nov 2010
      • 20585

      Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View Post

      I think that I'll give this a miss - after all, it's less than ten years since Tess Knighton managed quite well on her own, and chose the Venexiana/Cavina recording on GLOSSA.
      It's all rather depressing - one of the best regular programmes on Radio 3 being mucked about for no good reason. I could understand it if Andrew were just trying to support a nervous and inexperienced broadcaster, but this is rarely the case.


      • teamsaint
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 25283

        RE Ferney's post, I know ten years is a good while, but I really can't understand why works are repeated when there are so many worthy candidates that haven't been covered.
        I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

        I am not a number, I am a free man.


        • BBMmk2
          Late Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 20908

          Looking forward to this. I know this opera, but not very well.
          Don’t cry for me
          I go where music was born

          J S Bach 1685-1750


          • doversoul1
            Ex Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 7132

            Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
            RE Ferney's post, I know ten years is a good while, but I really can't understand why works are repeated when there are so many worthy candidates that haven't been covered.
            I can’t agree with you more but this is meant to be Monteverdi anniversary BaL. From a quick check on Presto Classical BaL site, there have been Monteverdi BaLs on the three operas and other major works, including madrigal collections in the last ten years, out of which L'Orfeo (2007) seems to be the oldest.

            As I didn’t listen to the previous Bal (or have no recollection of it), I am very much looking forward to this one.


            • ardcarp
              Late member
              • Nov 2010
              • 11102

              Why Jeremy S, a fine musician, scholar and fluent and intelligent communicator, needs to have Andrew's 'guidance' I just cannot understand. To have two people talking inevitably means less examples played.


              • BBMmk2
                Late Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 20908

                Originally posted by ardcarp View Post
                Why Jeremy S, a fine musician, scholar and fluent and intelligent communicator, needs to have Andrew's 'guidance' I just cannot understand. To have two people talking inevitably means less examples played.
                Agreed. On more than one occaision, I find I am not so keen for Andrew's so called guidance in this. much prefer the reviewers on their own.
                Don’t cry for me
                I go where music was born

                J S Bach 1685-1750


                • gurnemanz
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 7468

                  Two versions with Nigel Rogers in the title role (I have the one with Jürgen Jürgens). The 2015 EMS 80th birthday profile of this fine tenor is still available..


                  • verismissimo
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 2957

                    This BAL will be of great interest. I've only ever had Harnoncourt from 1968 (I think).

                    How have performing practices and standards changing in the intervening 50 years. Still sounds marvellous to me!


                    • Beef Oven!
                      • Sep 2013
                      • 18147

                      Not crazy about early baroque Italian opera, but I may tune in.

                      Currently listening to 'The Selve Morale e Spirituale Collection' by The Sixteen Harry Christophers to help get me in the mood (streaming it from AppleMusic).


                      • BBMmk2
                        Late Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 20908

                        Originally posted by Beef Oven! View Post
                        Not crazy about early baroque Italian opera, but I may tune in.

                        Currently listening to 'The Selve Morale e Spirituale Collection' by The Sixteen Harry Christophers to help get me in the mood (streaming it from AppleMusic).
                        That recording is absolutely sublime, Beefy.
                        Don’t cry for me
                        I go where music was born

                        J S Bach 1685-1750


                        • Barbirollians
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 11958

                          The notorious Schubert Mass BAL where Andrew Mc Gregor appeared to overrule Summerly's apparent choice of the earlier Sawallisch Rexcording comes to mind .

                          Monteverdi opera a complete blind spot for me so will give this a miss .


                          • Beef Oven!
                            • Sep 2013
                            • 18147

                            Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View Post
                            That recording is absolutely sublime, Beefy.


                            • Eine Alpensinfonie
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 20585

                              Originally posted by Barbirollians View Post
                              The notorious Schubert Mass BAL where Andrew Mc Gregor appeared to overrule Summerly's apparent choice of the earlier Sawallisch Rexcording comes to mind .

                              Monteverdi opera a complete blind spot for me so will give this a miss .

                              I'd forgotten this was a twofer and was really looking forward to the broadcast.

                              All this time wasted jabbering away. If we must have this kind of BaL, they need to be twice as long to compensate for the excessive padding.

