Saves me a few pennies!
BaL 14.01.17 - Tchaikovsky: Symphony no. 4 in F minor
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostFair comment! Point made.
My favourite Tchaik theme tthough was; 'Once I was a virgin, now I am a whore. Used to do it nightly, now I do it more and more and more and......'
[5th Symphony]Last edited by ardcarp; 14-01-17, 13:33.
Originally posted by Pianoman View PostJust had a quick listen to this on Spotty - what on earth's he doing with the opening horn call's phrasing...? End of the second bar, a quick gap (or stutter...)..sound most odd to me, but as usual excellent playing and recording, certainly better than what I heard of his Pathetique.he is treating bars 3 and 4 each as a self-contained 'cell' that doesn't use the last note of each bar (F) as upbeats that join those bars together over the barlines. This is a way, a somewhat wilful one, of standing 'tradition' on its head by simply playing a very well-known work 'differently'... 'shock/horror'
I've ordered the Mravinsky( WONDERFUL oboe, certainly not 'nervous' as Rob suggested) and the Bernstein/ NYPO.
I'm terribly sorry, especially to pastoralguy - I've deleted instead of replying to his post!
He wrote:
I was surprised that Abbado and Vienna Philharmonic didn't get a mention.
... to which I replied:
Oh yes! I hadn't noticed at the time, but that omission - with Maazel/VPO is surprising from RC.[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View PostAaaarrggggh!!!!!!
I'm terribly sorry, especially to pastoralguy - I've deleted instead of replying to his post!
He wrote:
I was surprised that Abbado and Vienna Philharmonic didn't get a mention.
... to which I replied:
Profuse apologies, pasto!
I seem to remember the Guide to Penguins gave the Abbado a rosette. I'm playing it now and it's pretty good.
Originally posted by Beef Oven! View PostQuite often with BaLs, I’m captured by something other than the winner and will often buy that instead. Of course the whole business is entirely subjective - but quite a lot of fun!
Originally posted by Brassbandmaestro View PostWhat's the Abbado like. I have never thought of him as a Tchaik conductor?