BaL 25.06.16 - Victoria: Masses
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View Post- seems that that wasn't a BaL as we know it: more of a chat about recent releases of complete sets. (Can't remember what was happening at the end of Feb 2011 that led me to miss it.)
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]
Three of the versions of the requiem appear at the top of the Presto site with a Featured May 2011 comment.
Not sure what that means, i.e., what BaL they 'featured' in.
I find the Radio 3 site impossible to navigate (and keep telling them when they ask me to take a survey!).
Could some kind host possibly provide a link on our home page to the Building a Library archive?
Thanks in anticipation!
If she recommends a version of all EA's listed masses it might just get expensive for meApart from the requiem I can field only Hill's Vidi speciosam and an ancient New College LP of O quam gloriosum
Hunting the LP shelves it was very nice to drag out the old Argo Tenebrae Responses (George Malcolm). Now that's a disc with atmosphereI keep hitting the Escape key, but I'm still here!
But totally predictably, it's wading in the shallows. It's hopeless - mixed voices, some with accompaniment, some with boys top line, some men top line, some distant, some chamber perfs............I mean, how the heck do you 'compare'?
Cite, yes, list, yes, purr over, yes............ but COMPARE?
An excellent survey of the field by Tess. She managed to play quite a lot, and her words matched the music (apart from cutting short that 'Organ mass' extract from Musica Ficta.) And she ended up leaving us with the choice between the full Catholic monty (Westminster cathedral...and one CD) and the more refined, yet still atmospheric mixed voice version (many Masses and CDs) from Ensemble Plus Ultra.
Interesting that she used the fashionable NON-Italianate Latin pronunciation though the choirs didn't! Not sure about her 'lie-tantur'. Took me back to schooldays and the conflict between choir- and classics masters.Last edited by ardcarp; 25-06-16, 10:59.
Originally posted by ardcarp View PostInteresting that she used the fashionable NON-Italianate Latin pronunciation though the choirs didn't!
And she thought O Quam Gloriosum was for All Souls, rather than All Saints. Shockingly presumptive.
An interesting dash through available versions, and worth knowing there's a set of the lot. And some theorising about instrumental accompaniment.
No sign of ther 6-part Requiem, though.