I thoroughly enjoyed this review and thought EJ did a great job.
I think Erica had read around to find some historical context, i.e trying to track how performance styles have changed. The most fascinating was that brief extract, unbelievably recorded in 1909. I can't remember the performers' names, but the singer was so free with the rhythm, the pianist had to go in fits and starts...not easy with a quaver accompaniment. (If you listen to McCormack recordings, he does the same sort of thing.) So styles have changed a lot, and I guess the reviewer's challenge is to find something which today's listener will be happy with. I'm very happy with her final choice.
I couldn't understand the reviewer quoting those Cardus comments about a Ferrier recital which seemed to be about visual gestures, unless she was trying to highlight overemphasis. I thought the Ferrier extract she played was superb, perfectly phrased and emphasised,