I thought it was a very good survey and clear explanation of precisely which music was undeniably by Mozart and which was added by other hands. NK did seem to skate fairly swiftly through the three Süssmayr movements so that few of the "imperfections" he referred to in his conclusion were highlighted, but it was good that he gave examples of all the different completions (I thought the Levin one sounded the best of the non-Süssmayrs). I don't think he mentioned, as Hogwood does, that the Mozart fragment of the Amen fugue used by Maunder and Levin but not Süssmayr was an inversion of the Requiem theme and that makes it more likely that it was intended for use at the end of the Lacrimosa.
But it was good to hear a lot of different extracts in different performing styles and to be reminded how wonderful the music that Mozart did leave is.
But it was good to hear a lot of different extracts in different performing styles and to be reminded how wonderful the music that Mozart did leave is.