BaL 13.02.16 - The music of Machaut

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  • Eine Alpensinfonie
    • Nov 2010
    • 20586

    BaL 13.02.16 - The music of Machaut

    Simon Heighes recommends recordings which best represent the music of Guillaume de Machaut. Celebrated and internationally renowned in his own time, the fourteenth-century Guillaume de Machaut, composer of secular and sacred music, is one of the great names in Western music.

    A selection of available recordings:

    Messe de Nostre Dame

    Ensemble Organum, Marcel Pérès
    Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Paul Hillier
    Musica Nova, Lucien Kandel
    Diabolus in Musica, Antoine Guerber
    Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge, Mary Berry
    Deller Consort & Collegium Aureum, Alfred Deller (download)
    Hillard Ensemble
    Ensemble Gilles Binchois, Dominique Vellard


    Je ne cesse de prier
    De toutes flours
    Je vivroie liement
    Amours me fait desirer, B19

    Ensemble Alta Musica, Rainer Böhm


    Le lay de la fonteinne 'Je ne cesse de prier', L11
    Un Lay de consolation

    Medieval Ensemble of London, Peter & Timothy Davies (download)


    Fins cuers doulz/Dame, je sui cilz/Fins cuers doulz, M11
    Biaute paree de valour/Trop plus est belle/Je ne sui mie certeins, M20
    Tres bonne et belle
    Se mesdisans
    Dame, je vueil endurer

    Gothic Voices, Christopher Page


    Donnez, signeurs
    Quand je ne voy
    Riches d'amour et mendians d'amie
    Pas de tor en thies pais

    Gothic Voices, Christopher Page



    Musica Nova
    The Hilliard Ensemble


    Le Remède de fortune

    Pierre Hamon, etc. (download)


    21 ballades, rondeaux, virelais, motets & textes dits

    Ensemble Gilles Binchois, Dominique Vellard


    Le Jugement du Roi

    Ensemble Gilles Binchois, Dominique Vellard


    Sacred and Secular music

    Ensemble Gilles Binchois, Dominique Vellard


    Qui es promesses
    Lasse! comment oublieray
    David Hoquetus/double hoquet

    Early Music Consort of London, David Munrow


    Dame, mon cuer emportes, V29
    Se je me pleing, B15
    Dame, ne regardes pas, B9
    De desconfort, B8

    Jill Feldman, Kees Boeke


    Douce dame jolie, V4
    Comment qu'a moy
    Foy porter, V22
    Je sui aussi

    Waverly Consort, Michael Jaffee


    Messe de Nostre Dame
    Ploures, dames, B32
    Nes qu'on porroit, B33
    Sans cuer, dolens, R4
    Le lay de bonne esperance 'Longuement me sui', L13
    Puis qu'en oubli, R18
    Dix et sept, cinc, trese, R17

    Oxford Camerata, Jeremy Summerly


    Quant je sui mis au retour, V13
    Comment qu'a moy
    Puis qu'en oubli, R18
    J'aim mieux languir
    Ploures, dames, B32
    Dou mal qui m'a longuement
    Dix et sept, cinc, trese, R17
    Dame, vostre dous viaire
    Phyton, le mervilleus serpent, B38
    Amours me fait desirer, B19
    Se ma dame m'a guerpi
    Loyauté que point ne delay,Ay mi!
    Liement me deport, V27
    J'aim sans penser laidure

    Pierre Hamon


    Il m'est avis qu'il n'est dons de Nature, B22
    Se vous n'estes pour mon guerredon nee
    Amour et biaute/Quant en moy voint/Amara valde, M1
    S'Amours tous amans joir/S'il estoit nulz qui pleindre/Et gaudebit cor vestrum, M6
    Phyton, le mervilleus serpent, B38
    Ay mi! dame de valour
    Se j'aim mon loyal ami/Lasse! comment oublieray/Pour quoy me bat mes matris?, M16
    Pour ce que tous mes chans fais
    Helas, tant ay doleur et peinne
    Sans cuer, dolens, R4
    Fins cuers doulz/Dame, je sui cilz/Fins cuers doulz, M11
    Rose, liz, printemps

    The Orlando Consort


    Ploures, dames, B32
    Dame, se vous n'avez aperceü
    Ne que on porroit
    Sans cuer, dolens, R4
    Le lay de bonne esperance 'Longuement me sui', L13
    Dis et sept, cinq
    Puis qu'en oubli, R18
    Quant Theseus / Ne quier veoir, B34
    Se pour ce muir

    The Orlando Consort


    Tant doucement
    Comme puet on
    De Fortune me doy pleindre, B23
    Mors sui, se je ne vous voy
    Se quanque amours, B21
    Je ne cuit pas qu'oncques, B14
    Liement me deport, V27
    Je puis trop bien
    Certes mon oueil
    En amer a douce vie
    He! Dame de valour
    Une vipere
    Ma fin est mon commencement, R14
    De toutes flours

    The Orlando Consort


    De Fortune me doy pleindre, B23
    Dame, se vous m'estes lonteinne, B37
    Esperance qui m'asseüre, B13
    Phyton, le mervilleus serpent, B38
    Se quanque amours, B21
    De triste cuer / Quant vrais amans / Certes, je di, B29
    Il m'est avis qu'il n'est dons de Nature, B22
    Sanz cuer m'en vois/Amis, dolens/Dame, par vous, B17
    David Hoquetus/double hoquet
    Amours me fait desirer, B19
    Quant Theseus / Ne quier veoir, B34
    Je ne cuit pas qu'oncques, B14
    Pour vous revoir - Sois tard tempre

    Ensemble Musica Nova, Lucien Kandel


    Dix et sept, cinc, trese, R17
    Dame, de qui toute ma joie vient, B42 (from Le Remède de Fortune)
    David Hoquetus/double hoquet
    Ha! Fortune/Qui es promesses de Fortune/Et non est qui adjuvet, M8
    De ma dolour/Maugre mon cuer/Quia amore langueo, M14
    Ma fin est mon commencement, R14
    Tres bonne et belle
    En demantant et lamentant, L18
    En amer a douce vie
    Pas de tor en thies pais
    Lasse! je sui en aventure/J'ay tant mon cuer/Ego moriar pro te, M7
    Fins cuers doulz/Dame, je sui cilz/Fins cuers doulz, M11
    De touz les biens
    Se j'aim mon loyal ami/Lasse! comment oublieray/Pour quoy me bat mes matris?, M16
    Biaute qui toutes autres pere
    Ploures, dames, B32
    Dame se vous n 'avez - rondeau

    Trio Subtilior, Flautas De Pico


    Fins cuers doulz/Dame, je sui cilz/Fins cuers doulz, M11
    Biaute paree de valour/Trop plus est belle/Je ne sui mie certeins, M20
    Se j'aim mon loyal ami/Lasse! comment oublieray/Pour quoy me bat mes matris?, M16
    Plange, regni respublica/Tu qui gregem tuum ducis/Apprehende arma et scutum et exurge, M22
    Veni creator spiritus/Christe, quie lux es/Tribulatio proxima est et non est qui adjuvet, M21
    Inviolata genitrix/Felix virgo/Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes, M23
    Ha! Fortune/Qui es promesses de Fortune/Et non est qui adjuvet, M8
    Diligenter inquiramus/Martyrum gemma latria/A Christo honoratus, M19
    Faus Samblant m'a deceu/Amours qui ha le pouoir/Vidi Dominum, M15

    The Clerks' Group, Edward Wickham
  • CallMePaul
    Full Member
    • Jan 2014
    • 816

    This should be very interesting! I have the Pérès recording of the Messe de Nostre Dame and the HIlliard Ensemble's motet collection, plus an LP of Gothic Voices. The Pérès mass recording includes the Propers for the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, so it got an airing last Tuesday. I am in the market for other recordings of Machault's music so will listen to this with great interest.


    • ferneyhoughgeliebte
      Gone fishin'
      • Sep 2011
      • 30163

      Originally posted by CallMePaul View Post
      I am in the market for other recordings of Machault's music so will listen to this with great interest.
      [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


      • doversoul1
        Ex Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 7132

        Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View Post
        Very much looking forward to it.


        • Pulcinella
          • Feb 2014
          • 11383

          As well as the Naxos recording (Oxford Camerata, Summerly) I have this version on EMI (Taverner Consort/Choir, Parrott):

          It seems to have been reissued in 2005, but the copyright dates do not tally, which is a bit confusing; the EMI one says P 1984, C 1987, but this listing has C 1997 and also mentions Virgin Classics (perhaps it got reissued there first):

          I love the fact that in track 18 of this Amazon listing he seems to have become Scottish: MacHaut!


          • ardcarp
            Late member
            • Nov 2010
            • 11102

            So much looking forward to this. Sang Machaut's Mass in the early 70s under Nick Sandon's direction. Not sure anyone had recorded it then, but I may be wrong. Appropriately I shall be in France on that weekend, though in Chartres, not N.D.


            • MickyD
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 4940

              Originally posted by Pulcinella View Post
              As well as the Naxos recording (Oxford Camerata, Summerly) I have this version on EMI (Taverner Consort/Choir, Parrott):

              It seems to have been reissued in 2005, but the copyright dates do not tally, which is a bit confusing; the EMI one says P 1984, C 1987, but this listing has C 1997 and also mentions Virgin Classics (perhaps it got reissued there first):

              I love the fact that in track 18 of this Amazon listing he seems to have become Scottish: MacHaut!
              This recording does indeed date from the 1980s...I still have the original, issued on EMI Reflexe.


              • Pulcinella
                • Feb 2014
                • 11383

                Originally posted by MickyD View Post
                This recording does indeed date from the 1980s...I still have the original, issued on EMI Reflexe.
                Yes, mine is the Reflexe issue too: another item for the Things time forgot thread, perhaps?
                I think Virgin may have reissued many of the original Reflexes, though.


                • MickyD
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 4940

                  Indeed they have, thank heavens...usually available in budget price twofers, excellent bargains.


                  • BBMmk2
                    Late Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 20908

                    isn;'t it great that Radio 3 are delving into these areas of music! I really do like this composer and no doubt will have to listen on catch up!
                    Don’t cry for me
                    I go where music was born

                    J S Bach 1685-1750


                    • doversoul1
                      Ex Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 7132

                      9.30 this morning.


                      • Eine Alpensinfonie
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 20586

                        Good news. It isn't a twofer.


                        • doversoul1
                          Ex Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 7132

                          There could have been more examples of performers but as far as I am concerned, it was an informative and most enjoyable BaL.


                          • Black Swan

                            I enjoyed the program very much. I only had the Miss de Notre Dame recording by Andrew Parrot. I have now downloaded the Mirror of Narcissus and am considering the motets.


                            • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                              Gone fishin'
                              • Sep 2011
                              • 30163

                              Originally posted by doversoul View Post
                              There could have been more examples of performers but as far as I am concerned, it was an informative and most enjoyable BaL.
                              Isn't it such marvellous Music (as Rob Cowan will no doubt remind us on Monday) - rich in possibilities, generous-minded, open-hearted, and so life-full!

                              SH's style (clipped, precise, whispered) I found a little distracting - and I think that his choices reflected this (of course): for me the perfectly-paced Gothic Voices CD gives so much "weight" (consideration, thought) that I cannot listen to the whole disc all the way through. The snippets from the Orlando Consort attracted me much more - not that this should dissuade anyone who doesn't own it from buying the Gothic Voices CD - and I've always revelled in the Ensemble Organum's provocative performance.

                              But an essential BaL - great Music with many tantalising samples.
                              [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]

