Originally posted by Cockney Sparrow
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I've done several Mahler 8s in London with BBCSC and LPC, collaborating with other non-pro outfits, and I don't actually remember the Singers being involved in any of these - or come to think of it in certain other large choral works in that time such as Verdi Req, War Requiem or Grande Messe des Morts. (Another one has since occurred to me: the Proms premiere of Hymnus Paradisi.)
So "sometimes stiffened by the Singers" (or other pro outfits) would be more accurate than "often", at least for SATB works. BBCSC and Singers combinations in recent years come to mind for TB heavy lifting, such as Oedipus Rex, Gurrelieder and Götterdämmerung, and the latter at RFH later this month will be a collaboration between LPC and London Voices.
The BBC Singers have not been omnipresent for the LNOP but it has in recent years been a bit of a shop window for them.