BaL 20.06.15 - Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg
Originally posted by umslopogaas View PostIn addition to versions listed above conducted by Solti, Kempe and Knappertsbusch (on LP), I have an LP set on the HMV Angel label with the Dresden State Orchestra conducted by Karajan. I also have a CD version conducted by Hermann Abendroth, recorded at Bayreuth in 1943. Presumably these are not currently available?
The CD set is on the Preiser label. The Rough Guide to Opera is very keen on it, though it acknowledges that his collaboration with the Nazis sunk Abendroth's career after the war.
Originally posted by umslopogaas View PostIn addition to versions listed above conducted by Solti, Kempe and Knappertsbusch (on LP), I have an LP set on the HMV Angel label with the Dresden State Orchestra conducted by Karajan. I also have a CD version conducted by Hermann Abendroth, recorded at Bayreuth in 1943. Presumably these are not currently available?
The CD set is on the Preiser label. The Rough Guide to Opera is very keen on it, though it acknowledges that his collaboration with the Nazis sunk Abendroth's career after the war.
It is said that Wagner's sketches suggest that when he composed the Mastersingers, Prize Song and Banner themes, he never intended to combine them in counterpoint. I suggest that he was "having us on", for the chance that the first two of these (both rather long) would fit like a glove in simple harmony, is less that one in a million, unless he'd planned it that way. I suspect he destroyed any incriminating sketches, just to fool Beckmesser.
Originally posted by Caliban View PostThis is quite possibly the opera I'd save if all the rest had to be obliterated from history.
I've still to see a live performance anywhere, never mind at Bayreuth. Until that time comes, I'll make do with Karajan's 1970 set, even if the CD transfer is disappointing. The best thing about Solti's 1995 recording is the packaging. I had great expectations for Marek Janowski's recent recording as part of his big-ten Wagner-opera survey for the Centenary year in 2013, but was disappointed.
As it happens, I have Jochum's set which seems to be well-thought of on here. It's the only exposure I have had to this opera, and I've only listened to it in its entirety twice in the last 20 years - but on those two occasions, I thought "wow - this is pure magic"
Due to logistics (namely, 'how much listening time can you realistically cram into an average lifespan?') I almost certainly won't be adding another version!
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostMany were the times that DFD was asked to sing the part of Hans Sachs. The lack of suitable singers for this role was one of the reasons there were no studio stereo recordings of the opera before the Dresden Karajan.
Since posting at the weekend, I have driven to Southampton and back. In view of the imminent BaL, I took the Furtwangler, VPO/Solti and Goodall tecordings with me and have heard all three versions back to back. I've never tried this before with Wagner, but the experience was a positive one, leaving me with even greater appreciation of this work, and the Solti version in particular.
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostSince posting at the weekend, I have driven to Southampton and back. In view of the imminent BaL, I took the Furtwangler, VPO/Solti and Goodall tecordings with me and have heard all three versions back to back. I've never tried this before with Wagner, but the experience was a positive one, leaving me with even greater appreciation of this work, and the Solti version in particular.[FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]